Episode 14 - the dog, the cat, the fox.

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I suddenly slam my brakes coming to a very quick stop. It appears to be a humanoid orangish yellow dog with a pure white underbelly it is like all the other furries I met, they are made of goo.

I didn't know that there were goo furries here too. I though that was only in the lab...

The dog looks startled. He shakes in fear and hugs himself while staring at my car.

I'd best get out my car to see if they are ok...

I open my door and partially get out, standing on one leg. "Hey, you alright?" I yell asking for the dogs status.

The dog seeing me, flattens it's ears and runs away into a old shop.

Should I follow..? It doesn't seem like a good idea... eh, fuck it.

I turn off the car and open the rear door on Jones side. "Come, we're following the dog" I speak looking at the shop.

Jones hugs my arm as Jonah gets out. When Jonah gets out I close the door. As I begin walking jones stops hugging me and latches onto my arm like we are off to see the wizard of oz or something.

I walk with the both of them into the shop. I hear a little bell on top of the door As I open the door and walk through.

An antique shop...

I see crowns, jewellery and other old stuff... it doesn't concern me right now. Both jones and Jonah are amazed by all these items. Jones let's go of my arm and inspects a shiny red gem invader in glass.

I continue to walk towards the door right in front of me. It says no entry but I'm going to enter anyways.

I push open the door. Stairs... stairs and boxes. I walk into the room. But I feel that something is not right.

Suddenly my body dashes left!

A figure falls to the floor with a very loud thud. A few boxes topple over the figure, spilling their contents.

"Wait no I'm sorry!"  I hear a female voice yell for mercy. As the figure pushes the debris off itself I notice that the figure is a cat. A black cat with yellow eyes. Which reminds me of one of my old friends... lunar...

I back away "what the hell! Why did you attack me?" I yell.

Both jones and Jonah burst into the room. "What's going on human!" Jones yells.

The I hear something coming down the stairs. "Is everything alright kurai?!" Two goo animals emerge from the darkness. One the dog we saw before and the other a two tailed fox. It's fur colour is a nice purple with black paws going up to its elbows and knees. It has bells around its ear and one big bell on both of its tails. It's underbelly is white along with the inside of its ears. It has fluffy collar fur and purple eyes.

Everybody stares at each other awkwardly.

Everything goes silent.
"Who tried to hurt human!" Jones yells angrily.

I slowly inch my way towards the both of them.

"Well YOU hurt Kurai!" The fox says pointing at me. "Well I was attacked by that cat over there!" I yell back. "I'm sorry I thought you were one of those pure white latex!" The black cat known as Kurai yells back. "Alright, alright, I believe we had a misunderstanding, I won't attack anybody" I explain.

"Alright..." Kurai says standing up. "Let's shake on it" Kurai says putting out her paw.

I approach and immediately shake her paw. "Alright... why did you come here anyways" Kurai asks. "I nearly ran over your friend... I came to apologise... and to think about it, me and my friends need a place to sleep" I explain.

"Oh... well you can sleep here! We are heading out tommorow anyways!" Kurai says. "Thank you" I thank Kurai.

I proceed to head up the stairs, going past the fox and the dog. Jones and Jonah follow me up the stairs. I enter the first room I see.

The place looks like somebody lived here. There's a tv, couch and two other rooms. I enter a room, a bedroom. I'll sleep here tonight.

I begin to get tired.

I rub my tired eyes and lie down on the cold bed. Jonah also lays down but on the floor. Jones stands at the side of the bed as I get adjusted.

"What?" I ask noticing jones staring at me. "Can I... sleep with you?" Jones asks. "Alright, fine" I say lifting up the blanket. Jones happily hops in and hugs me.

I set the blanket down on top of us. This is... surprisingly comfortable... I hug Jones back and close my heavy eyes...

ok so uh, this is even shorter than the last one... yeah, sorry Im busy and stuff.

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