Episode 4 - the aircon

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I've been looking for stairs for 20 minutes... I'm starting to get hopeless. But I think I should also the things... they have been here longer than me.

I turn around and sigh. "Does anyone know where the hell some damn stairs are?!" I ask.

"Y-yes" Lin responds. "Follow me..." Lin orders going in front of me. I proceed to follow the white tiger.

He leads me to a flight of stairs that I walk by many times. How can I be that stupid? I facepalm myself in stupidity. "Thanks" I say patting lin on the back. I proceed down the stairs. This will be a quick and easy esca- oh god damn it! The staircase is collapsed! Five floors down... I look at the number on the wall '69' it reads. So I'm on that floor... I go to the door and open it. I'm in some sort of ventilation room...

I'm suddenly hit with a cold breeze. Shiver in coldness. "What are you doing?" Foxy asks putting a paw on my shoulder.

"N-nothing" I answer going into the room. As I progress it gets colder and colder... I can see my breath... I can see weird webs... up high and down low. I try not to step in any as not to alert anything of my presence. "Do you guys even feel cold?" I ask. "No" they all answer.

I sigh continuing to walk deeper into the room. They talk to each other, staring at me from behind. But I feel a odd sensation that someone or something is watching me.
"Hehehe..." I hear something giggle...

Suddenly the lights went out. I can't see anything! I trip on a object and fall to the floor. I hear that giggle again.

"Human! are you alright?!" Foxy asks extremely concerned, I feel a few other paws on me, probably the others... probably... I sense we are not alone... something is living in these vents...

I go onto my back and look at the roof. I see pipes among pipes among pipes. And 6 red glowing eyes looking right at me?! That look like a spiders eyes?! "Human! Let me help you up!" Foxy says grabbing my hand. He lifts me up and sets back on my feet. "Thanks..." I say thanking him.

I continue to but slowly walk As not to trip on anything... Ow! I walk into a metal box! That damn hurt! I hear giggling again... now Im starting to get pissed off... suddenly I hear a whoosh and now the box is gone... who or what is doing this? Whatever it is it's clearly a troller...

I continue to walk but slower... suddenly I head a loud metallic bang behind me. "Hey?! Human?! Why is there a wall?!" Foxy yells.

I try to go back but stopped by a metal box again. "Foxy? Can't you just climb over the box?" I ask. "Box? We will try" foxy answers.

While I wait fox foxy to try I still feel that feeling that something is watching... how did that box get behind me? Why was it separating me and the others? At the thought I look up... I see the red eyes from before!

Suddenly before I can react I get grabbed and lifted up into the air. I can feel something squishing my arms, pinning them to their sides. I try to struggle but I can't get free, I can't even move or see what ever is grabbing me. I'm going to turn into one of those things again, aren't I?

I feel myself moving. I hear the soft steps of what ever this thing is. Suddenly I'm put against something. The force around my arms releases. I try to move my arms but stopped by something extremely sticky and strong.

"Human!? Where are you?!" I hear the others yell out. I try to yell out but my mouth gets tied by something. My screams are muffled, I can't yell neither scream. I hear something giggling in font of me. The lights below turn on and illuminate above. I see webs everywhere... I look down seeing I'm high up. I see my friends looking for me in the distance. I see their ears moving down the hall. They can't see me due to how light works.

I try calling out to them once more, no use the thing is still around my mouth. I hear more giggling behind me. I see something dark move next to the edge of the web I'm in. Oh god, a brown spider looking thing is at the edge.

It has red eyes like the ones I saw in the darkness. It has light brown fur and a darker brown for the marks on its body. It has short but large ears like a cat. It has two horns that look like horns... they look soft and flexible... It has a spider abdomen as it's tail. It has 6 arms with white paw pads. It has two legs with the same colour as it's arms.

It grins evilly at me. It nears closer "hehehehe! I caught myself a human!" It says going into the air. It swings in front of me. " I haven't seen one in ages!" The spider says coming closer towards me. "Aw, you must be so scared! Hehehe... you humans are so funny scared!" The spider says laughing quietly.

"HUMAN?!" I hear lunar scream.

The spider looks down and stares at their location. "Awwww, your friends are looking for you! It was so funny seeing their reactions to your disappearance!" The spider giggles softly. I look down and sigh through my nose. I look down at the hallway below...

I have a idea. What if I pretend to pass out in fear? Would he somehow release me? It's worth a shot... "heh... why so blue? I'm only joking!" The spider says coming even closer. My heart beats faster and more stronger as if nervous I can feel it beating. The spider raises an eyebrow and puts its ear against my chest. "Oh my... your heart is beating fast... " the spider says concerned.

Mows my chance. I pretend to pass out by making my body go limp. "Oh my god! The human passed out! Uh... think... oh I know!" The spider grabs me and carry's me. The spider takes off the thing on my face. Suddenly I wake up "I'll show you a joke" I say revealing I wasn't actually passed out. I quickly roll out of the spiders arms and fall into the hall.

In the process I hit a pipe making it go out of shape and bend. I hit the hallway floor and stand up. I look up seeing the spiders startled face. I immediately run away into the hall. Going towards the middle of the place. "GUYS HELP ME!" I scream as I run down the hall.

I hear the spiders footsteps pursuing me from above. I see the middle. The control panel and machine of the air conditioner. I see foxy, lunar and woven standing at the aircon thingy. I leap towards them. I grab woven and hide behind him. "Human? What's wrong?" Foxy asks confused. "Someone's coming for me" I reply.

The spider lowers itself down in front of us. "Uh h-hey!" The spider says nervously. "Who are you spider? Why was the human running away from you?" Foxy says going in front of woven. "Uh... I-I took the human away... I'm sorry I thought it would be funny..." the spider says ashamed of himself. "Mmhm... right. And why would you think it was funny?" Foxy asks. "I don't know!" The spider says coming closer.

Suddenly Stella and Lin run into the room. "L-look I'm sorry! I was just joking around! You can trust me!" The spider says. Foxy turns around and whispers into my ear "should we?" Foxy asks. Should we? I don't even know if he has good or bad intentions! But I'll give him one more chance...

I nod and stop hiding behind woven "ok Spider-Man, I'll give you a chance" I say coming closer to the spider. Suddenly the spider hugs me with all 6 of its arms. "Thank you!" The spider yells in joy. Then the spider stops hugging me. "Where are you guys going anyways?" The spider asks. "Outta this place. The building this lab today" I respond. "Wow! You are going to the outside?" The spider asks. I nod. "Wow! I've always wanted to go to the outside! Can I come?" The spider asks. "Umm sure!" I respond. Suddenly the spider hugs me again "thank you!" The spider says thankful.

"I've gotta ask, where are there stairs?" I ask. "Oh follow me I know some stairs!" The spider says walking into a hall. I follow the spider, the others also following. He leads to stairs that go down even more! "Thanks!" I say patting his head.

I proceed to head down the stairs. Everything starts to get dark as the lights fade and fade from view. The light reflecting off the walls also dies down.

"Hey I never caught your name" I ask.

"Oh. It's Siper" the spider known as 'Siper' says going down the stairs with me.

"Careful that's a massive drop" Siper says holding me back. I can't see anything it's all pitch black. "Let's go through this door" I hear foxy say. I feel a paw grab me and push me through the door which the room is also dark...


Thanks for reading my good friends! If you've made it this far you must be enjoying it! I'll see you guys in episode 5!

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