Episode 19 - kidnapped

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Where am I?

My head is a wreck. My neck feels funny and my face feels funny...

I look around. I appear to be in a store room of sorts... boxes are everywhere and there's a single light lighting up the area. Shit... that cat... on a barrel there is a radio playing some... classical music? Shit... I attempt to stand up by I'm stopped by rope on a chair.

Oh shit... I'm bound to this chair and I can't get out...

I look down at my body seeing... blood... fuck... must be from my nose... suddenly the door in front rattles a bit before it opens, revealing it. The big cat from before. "Heh... look who's finally awake!" The cat speaks kneeling down to my level.

I struggle against the rope making various noises indicating that I'm terrified.

The cat slaps me. "Heh. Grow the fuck up" the cat says standing up and proceeding to close the door.

Jones runs through the city trying to find anyone that can help. Help the human. The hyena! The hyena can maybe help! Jones hopes.

He heads up the stairs and gives the door a shy knock.

The door opens revealing the hyena looking confused. Seeing that there's no human by jones side. "Where's your friend?" The hyena asks opening the door wider.

"The human! The human! The human!" Jones yells panicked and on the brink of bursting into tears. "Woah Woah Woah what's wrong?" The hyena asks.

"The human was kidnapped!" Jones yells panicked. "What?! He was? Quick come inside!" the hyena beckons. Jones heads inside and then he loses it.

Jones falls onto the floor in a ball and starts to cry. The hyena locks the door and sits down next to jones in an attempt to comfort him. "Shhh... it's ok... just tell me what happened..." the hyena softly speaks as she puts her paw on Jones. "W-white goo people h-hurt h-human!" Jones explains sobbing harder.

Oh no. The hyenas ears flatten. She's has some bad history with this certain group... they are a bunch of assholes that see no limit to their assholeness. God damn it... "explain who hurt the human to me.. please?" The hyena asks. "B-big cat..." jones replies still continuing to cry.

The hyenas heart drops as she hears this.

One of the big boys of this group. Who knows if the human is still alive! This shock turns to anger. Every passing second. The hyena stands up and looks down at jones "go run yourself a nice bath or anything to help you calm down, im going somewhere" the hyena explains as she heads for the pantry.

The hyena opens the doors revealing it. Her pistol. A beretta. "So they want to mess around ey?" The hyena loads the gun and conceals it within her jacket. She takes off her jacket and puts it on the table next to her. She puts on a vest with ammo covering the whole chest. She puts it on and puts her jacket back on.

"These dicks want to mess with one of the last humans? Oh hell no! Fuck that, I ain't going to let them!" The hyena says to herself. She has had enough of these latex gangs haunting her, telling her what to do what to stay away from it's time, it's time she get her revenge.

And revenge is a dish best served painful.

Thoughts run through the hyenas head, none of them are second thoughts. All of them are violent. All of them are telling her to kill.

The hyena hears jones sobbing which fills up her rage more and more. "I'll get your human back, I promise" she whispers as she heads for the door.


Lightning... it's going to be stormy tonight...

The hyena covers her head with her hood and walks through the streets of Ventura city. She is ready. She will kill.

It starts to softly rain before there's another flash. CRASH! It thunders.

The hyena walks angrily with her hands in her pockets. "I'll teach them..." she angrily mumbles to herself.
After 1 hour of walking she finally reaches the destination.

It's time. It's time to get rambling. The hyena pulls out the gun and heads into the alley.

She knows she will have to flee the city. She knows she will be hunted over the country after this. But she can't let the human die.

They hyena cocks the gun and holds it by her hip.

She approaches the warehouse where the white latex usually hang out.

She charges toward the front and kicks the door open which alerts everyone inside. Immediately she shoots and successfully kills a few white latex's.

These aren't any ordinary bullets. They have a corrosive substance used to kill these latex.

The hyena shoots at the white latex that charge at her. She hits one in the head and finishes it off. The hyena vaults over the conveyor and reloads the gun discarding the mag.

She begins to run and leaps into the break room as she too blasts the latex inside.

"FERRAH!" The hyena hears. "YOU ARE KILLING MY MEN!" She hears again as she backs into a hall.

She lifts her gun up and shoots the latex in the hall- one grabs her wrist. She punches it and kills it. Anger continues to fill her.



What the hell..? What's going on? I hear... gunshots... it's a possible saviour! I have to let them know I'm here!

Immediately I begin making loud noises.

Hoping that whatever has come to save me will-


She hears it.

The human. She immediately disregards everything and runs for the noises.

Doing so she reloads and heads into a hall. She hears him. It's him most definitely him. She runs for the door but realises it's locked. She shoots the door knob and opens the door quickly.

There he is, dried blood on him. The human looks bad.


It's her. The hyena. I was expecting foxy or someone else but the hyena?

Ohhh damn! She rips the tape off my mouth. "Shit! Thank fuck!" I yell.

The hyena goes behind me and cuts the rope loose using her claws.

I set myself free and stand up. "We need to get out of here NOW" the hyena yells going out into the hall.

She look the over direction but is immediately tackled by that big cat! Knocking the gun onto the floor. I quickly grab it and shoot the white latex which dies. The hyena immediately gets up and runs toward me, collecting the gun.

The hyena runs and exits the building with me following. The hyena runs out onto the street and runs down it.

"We need to get to your friend!" The hyena yells as she runs.

I wonder what could possibly happen! Oh well!

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