Episode 5 - a new party member!

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It's dark...

Extremely dark. I can't see anything. There is no lights, no noise, only silence but the sound of goo dripping of my only friends
breaks the silence. I walk slowly through the dark room "why do you walk so slowwwww" Siper asks annoyed. I slowly turn behind me "cause I can't see shit" I reply. "Wait you can't see?!" "Are you blind?!" Woven and lunar ask. "Uh, no? It's dark!" I reply.

I continue to walk and touch a wall. I move my hands around till I feel a button. I press it and feel the door. I go through the door, hearing the others footsteps behind. The floor becomes somewhat squishy it's quite soft too. "Human!" I hear foxy whisper. "What?" I whisper back. "Get back here!" Foxy whispers. "Why?" I whisper. "This Is a nest get backkkkk!" Foxy whispers desperately. "Nest?" I whisper.

"Huh..? who is here?" I hear a female voice ask. "Oh a human I see. And a few unexpected visitors. You might wonder where I am. Although You cannot see me. I can see you" the voice speaks again. I go and turn around and begin walking back to the door.

"Don't go, please" the female voice begs. "Oh, and why shouldn't we go!" Woven yells. "Because you have nowhere else to go. There is only two flights stairs you go through. One of them is blocked, the other one you came from. Don't worry, I don't bite. You are in my border. I cannot go to you" the voice continues. "Uh... okay, fine I'll come to you but where?" I ask. "In the next room, I'll try to illuminate the entrance to the door. I know you humans cannot see in the dark" the voice answers. I look behind me seeing a faint green glow.

I sigh "come on guys, let's go" I say going towards the glow. I hear the faint footsteps of my friends following behind. Should I be doing this? I mean I'm acting like a horror movie white guy for crying out loud! I reluctantly open the door and enter the room.

I see a green neon glow everywhere. There is green neon markings everywhere in weird shapes almost like some ancient language or something. My friends follow behind, then the door closes behind us with the addition of goo covering the door. "Thank you for coming in, I promise I will not hurt you in anyway" the voice speaks again.

"Reveal yourself, whoever you are!" Woven yells. Everything goes silent. "Fine... if you insist..." the voice says.

Suddenly the lights go out. I hear the sounds of something emerging in front of me. Then the lights go on again. There, sitting down in front of us is a MASSIVE black cat... it has female characteristics, along with fluffy collar fur. It has its hair to the side like that one bitch from who framed Rodger rabbit. Except one side is missing. It has green glowing line like it's wearing a collar on its wrists, ankles, neck and continuous down the tail. It has green glowing eyes and inside the ears too. At her thighs she has a weird mark going down and stopping at her under knees. She also has green glowing eyes.

"There, happy now?" She says. "W-wait! You're an alpha?!" Foxy yells. "Yes? I thought you knew that?" She says confused. "W-where's your pack?!" Foxy asks scared. "Oh? You mean those mindless douches? Yeah... no I don't like them, I'm alone" she explains. "Wait isn't this your nest?!" Lunar asks. "Heh... believe it or not this is the whole thing! I didn't want to Over exaggerate and make the WHOLE building my place! Otherwise that would be hogging!" She says. "Right... can we go now? I want to get out of this place!" I impatiently interrupt. "Oh... I thought you would want to stay here for awhile..." she says looking down at the ground.

"Can... I come..?" The cat asks. "What, am I taking home the whole fucking lab?" I ask impatiently. "Wait does the mean I can?!" The cat asks. "Yeah, yeah sure why the fuck not! Hop aboard the get the fuck out of here train! Toot toot!" I say. I don't care what the fuck even happens. I need to get the fuck out of here!

"Yay! Lemme do one thing!" She says. Suddenly the lights go out again. I feel something wrap around my neck gently. The lights turn on again. The cat lady is gone. "Human you have a collar around your neck!" Foxy points out. I touch my neck and indeed something is around it. I try to pull the collar off "ow human no! I'm around your neck!!!" The cat lady yells well, she's a collar now... "uh, the neck really necessary?" I ask. "Yeah! So I can help you when necessary!" She says happily. "Help me with what?" I ask. "To guide you around the facility! It's going to get pretty dark in some bits" she explains. "Ohhhh you're a flashlight?" I ask. "Sure... think of me like that!" She says.

"I opened up a door in front of us, this floor contains no dangers to us. I'll guide you to the stars to the downstairs floor" she says. Suddenly a door opens in front of us. I see the hallway lit up. I yet again sigh and walk through the door. "Right... so weird collar cat woman..." I ask. "Hm, what's up?" She responds. "What's your name... I can't call you collar cat woman for the rest of our time together..." I ask. "Oh, you can call me 'Nekole'" the cat known as Nekole answers.

"Right... Nekole... got it" I say responding to that name. "Go left" nekole requests. I go left in response.
To be continued some time next week!

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