Chapter 24 - the city.

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In the distance.

After driving for hours and hours there it is.

There is the skyline of the city Russell was talking about.

Las Corg.

A city in the middle of a desert.

"You know, this place used to be a gambling haven. You know, before the infection" Russell explains.

We pull up towards a large casino like building with its lights still... on..? The whole city is out of power but a handful of buildings still have power.

Its pretty neon lights make it look like a person that just vomited up skittles. Jones is memorised though. He's pressing up against the glass intrigued.

There is a man made metal gate covering the place. Protecting it from something...


The two guards above point their guns at the car. "Explain yourselves!" A guard yells.

Russell gets out of the car with her hands up. "Chill, It's just me guys!" Russell yells back.

"Holy shit! I'd never thought you'd be back! So who is in the car with you?" A guard asks. "Ah, nothing serious a dog squid thing and a human!" Russell replies.

"Human? You have a human in there?" One of the guards ask surprised. Russell nods her head.

"Well then! Come on in!" The guard yells.

Suddenly the metal gate slowly opens revealing the casino. Russell hops into the car and drives inside.

We are suddenly stopped by another guard. A completely grey canine... that's not goo! The guard uniform is entirely made from scrap metal from stuff around here coated in an odd clear substance... they have leggings, a helmet and a chest plate along with bracers. They are equiped with a knife also coated in an odd substance along with a pistol.

"Russel, long time no see!" The guard speaks Leaning into the window. "You too, Lucky!" Russell replies. "Chief wants to see you he's in the top floor of the casino" this so called lucky explains pointing to the Casino. "Thanks" Russell replies driving towards the casino.

We stop out front of the casino.

Through the glass walls it is empty. No machines are in sight or anything...

I open the door and stand on the concrete, greeted by the warm desert air. Russell gets out of the car and slowly walks towards the glass.

"Cmon jones" I speak opening the car door wider. Jones gets out of the car and I close the door.

I turn around facing Russell. What is she doing? I approach "what are you doing?" I ask. "Nothing, I could've sworn that they had the gambling machines..." Russell speaks.

I shake my head and open the glass door.

"let's go" I say walking into the casino.

Jones and Russell follow as I try to look for an elevator.

"Wait!" I hear a voice yell.

I turn seeing... lucky? The Caine that stopped us after we crossed the gate. How did he get here so quickly..?

"I'm here to escort you to the chief!" Lucky yells stopping next to me.

Catching his breath lucky springs up "follow me!" Lucky says walking quickly.

We all follow lucky. I can't help but notice the lack of furniture... it almost seems linear... following lucky Eventually he leads us to an elevator.

Lucky calls the elevator.

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