Episode 15 - a favour for jonah

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The early morning. The birds chirp, waking me up. I sit up looking around. Holy shit I feel so refreshed! That's my first sleep in... god knows how long...

Jones notices that I'm awake and sits up too. "Good morning, human" jones greets. I notice Jonah looking out the window, looking pretty sad.

"What's wrong, Jonah?" I ask getting out of bed with jones. "...well... as I was sleeping I turned back into original me... and the people are mad... they also want to escape... they want to be free... go into the ocean and finally be free..." Jonah explains. "I have to ask of you, can you somehow free them?" Jonah requests.

Well this is interesting... "yeah, sure I can probably do that" I accept.

"Really? You will? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Jonah says hugging me.

Thing is... where am I going to get a rocket launcher? Or military hardware?

I exit the rooms and leave the shop. I wonder what happened to the dog, cat and fox... oh well not my problem...

I approach the car. I open the back door of the vehicle and jones and Jonah hop in. I get into the drivers seat and start the car.

I grip the wheel tightly and drive.

Suddenly as if luck strikes me hard I see a military camp. Everybody is gone though... I park next to the camp. I stand up and peek my head into the car. "I'll be back" I say closing the door.

I walk towards the camp on the table I see a big suitcase. I approach and put the suitcase down on the floor which is quite heavy... I undo the buckles and open the case.

Holy motherfucking shit. A mini nuke gun thing! A note is inside. Huh, I grab the note and read.

"Hello. This is the fat man (from fallout) model 33 is a deadly weapon. Please, use this as a last resort"

- Captain. malfred.

Huh... I could... use this... but why the fuck is a rocket launcher all the way in a city... that was highly populated...

Eh, I'll take it.

I close the suitcase and head back to the car. I open the trunk put the suitcase inside...


It won't fit...

I take out the suitcase and close the trunk.


I go to the back door and open it. "Hold please" I request immediately putting it inside. Once they both got it secured I close the door and head to the drivers door.

I get in and once again start the vehicle.

I take a look into the mirror and see that Jones was... crying..? "What's wrong, jones" I ask slightly worried. "N-nothing... I just... Don't want to leave you..." jones replies. He leans back into the chair and closes his eyes.

I start the car and drive.

"So... lemme get this straight... you want me to free your friends, right?" I ask Jonah. "Yes, please that would be great!" Jonah replies. "Got it, well I'm sure that thing in the case will do the trick" I say looking at it in the mirror.

I shake my head.

What the hell happened here? Why was there a random military base in the middle of the road?

Before I know it we have arrived.

On the opposite side of the road. I get out and stand at the railing and stare at the ocean.

Both jones and Jonah get out and both stand behind me.

The cool air flows past us as I stand. The warm sun shines down on me and the calming sound of the waves crashing against the rocks soothes my ears.

Jones rests his head on my shoulder and holds my hand while having a tentapaw coiled around my waist.
"It's time"

I look at Jonah and nod.

He nods back.

I walk with jones being more clingy than before... I grab the suitcase and open the case. There lo and behold. The launcher.

I grab the heavy launcher and grip the trigger. I grab one of the very big rockets and put the rocket inside of the launcher.

I aim up at the glass with the visible water.

I take a deep breath and count up to three...




I pull the trigger.

I hear a whistling noise as the rocket flies through the air.

The glass breaks and water begins flowing out.

Holy shit!

I step back. Sea life upon sea life begins to flow out!

I spectate as they fall onto the ground. Probably ok...

Some fall onto the water and some fall onto the sand.


"Human! Look up!" Jonah yells.

I look up seeing...


Oh no...

A tsunami worth of water! Oh fuck!

I turn away and immediately begin running!

Almost immediately the water hits the floor and flows into the ocean, narrowly missing me! Although I don't know about the car though...

I look up at the hole I put in the wall.

So so many of the sea life fall out.

Suddenly I see a big tenta-paw.

No way... I forgot about that!

Another tenta-paw comes out of the hole.

Then I see a sudden white blur.

Everything feels like it's going in slow motion as I see the big Jonah in all his big glory.

He drops into the water with a very big splash!

I don't pay any attention to any more of the falling individuals. I stare at the place where Jonah fell.

Suddenly he appears again but is on the shore!

Big Jonah waves me over. I hop the railing and run up to big Jonah with small Jonah, Jones being far behind.

Big jonah absorbs small jonah, forming into one. "Hey human! I forgot how small you were compared to me!" Jonah yells greeting me. "And I forgot how big you were!" I yell back looking up at him.

I look back seeing jones starting from the railing. He looks... scared... other of the goo sea life emerge.

Jonah smiles and stands up. "I believe it's time to celebrate!" Jonah yells loudly.

The sea life cheer.

And begin to play...

So... we are having a beach episode?!


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