Chapter 30 - the end.

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It's raining.

I hear it on the roof of the van.

It's... calming...

It's comforting...

It's comforting me about what's going to happen today...

The fight.

The fight between me and the queen...

To end this...

To end the running, to end the fighting.

One last fight to end it all.
I sigh and open my eyes.

It's dark... really dark...

All I feel is jones to my left, leaning in and cuddling me.

It's nice...
I slowly close my eyes again...
Suddenly the room is flooded by light.

"Get up you three!" Meda yells banging on the doors.

I open my eyes and look outside. There Meda is. Standing at the doors of the van.

She is crossing her arms.

"Today is the day you three! Get up! NOW!" Meda yells.

Jones is startled by the sudden light and banging. He quickly uncoils his tenta-paw around my waist and wrist.

I stand up and stretch as me and jones get out of the van. Tenshi is still fast asleep though.

"GET UP NOW! PANTHER!" Meda bangs on the door aggressively.

Tenshi groans. "Jesus... fucking... ughhhhh..." Tenshi gets out of the van stretching and yawning.

Meda closes the doors and turns toward us as the rain sprinkles us.

"You three. I hope you are ready. We ride to new Adoxo in 30 minutes" Meda walks away.

Thirty minutes..? Shit...

I rub my eyes and look up into the almost dark sky.
"Human... are you alright..?" Jones asks touching my shoulder.

"I'm fine... I'm okay, jones..." I reply.
(48 minutes later...)

I'm in the armoured van with Meda. With jones and Tenshi being in the backseat.

(This van has backseats)

Meda drives furiously as we head for bed Adoxo. Cars and trucks following us.

"So..." I speak.

Meda looks at me, wondering what I have to say.

"I've been wondering... how long has the Sidon raiders been around?" I ask looking out the window as the world goes by.

"3 years" Meda replies.
"Where did you guys get all these... vans?" I ask looking at Meda.

"Found 'em at some building with a lot of green paper. We striped the paint and made our own." Meda explains.

"That's cool... how far are we from new Adoxo?" I ask.

"You will see the city from this corner" Meda replies.

I look out the window and-


There new Adoxo is.

A once busy city turned into a hive for some queen.

There is a noticeable building taller than any other one.

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