Episode 12 - escape.

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This is it...

The final floor...

At least I think it is...

I walk down the hall with jones and Jonah by my side. I walk by a tv. Suddenly it turns on to static which takes me by surprise.

I look at the tv which shows a figure. "I see you made it out alive..." the voice speaks relieved. "Uh huh... I see you can't fuck off..." I say agitated and crossing my arms.

Jones touch my arm "hey human... no need to get worked up on a guy on a tv screen! He can't do anything!" Jonah says explaining. "Yeah... you're right!" I say changing my mood. This guy can't stop me! "Let's go!" I say walking past the tv. I don't know why I got so worked up two episodes ago!

I hear a sigh before I hear the static stop.

I'm so excited! I don't even have a clue what the outside looks like!

I explore the facility looking for the exit.

I hear a loud bang in front of me. I stand still and stare blankly in front of me.

A vent opening drops from the roof.

A quite rather large feminine figure drops down. It's wearing a gas mask... wait a minute...

"You know... if you had listened to me to stop I would have given you many things... but no... you had to disobey me... I called in my assistant to take you... to me, See you then" the speaker says before turning off. The fuck was this guy going to give me anyways?

I stare at the feminine figure. And she stares at me. We both stare at each other.

Then she takes a step.

Oh god, it's time to make a reference. "Oh? Your approaching me?" I scoff.

"Hmph. Then so be it." I say clenching my fist.
Suddenly the feminine figure bolts towards me full speed. When close enough I fall onto the ground and stretch out a leg. I trip her making her fall onto the ground.

I immediately get up, hold both jones and Jonah's hands and bolt it. I turn left into another hall. I continue to run, and then turn right.

I see a janitor's closet a perfect place to hide in.

I go into the closet. I see rope? That's perfect for what I'm going to do! I'll tie the woman up and leave her!

I gently push back jones and Jonah to the very back. I shhh them and wait for footsteps. I grab the rope and wrap some of it around my hand while grabbing the other end.
I hear the steps of paws against the waxed floor. When I hear the paws right in front of the door I immediately lash out and lift my arms up.

Once I feel my elbows reach the woman's shoulders I put down my hands, latching onto her neck.

I push her into the closet and release the rope from her neck. "Hold her down!" I yell. Both Jonah and jones coil their tentacles around her arms and legs. I proceed to tie the rope around both her arms and legs.

She resists but I manage to easily tie her up.

Jone and Jonah loosen their grip and stand up.

Whoo. Hoo. I did it! I defeated her! I feel as if it's going to be a breeze from here!

I smile and open the door while exiting out into the hall. "I defeated your girlfriend!" I yell aloud.

I hear a very agitated sigh through the speaker. "Very well... I saw on the cameras... oh dear... I'll meet you at the front..." the guy in the speaker says defeated.

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