Episode 23 - almost.

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Suddenly there once more is light.

I don't know how long it has been. I'm so... scared... I'm so hurt...

"Gooooooood morning!" The calico greets once more.

Jones is sprayed with the water gun making him scream once more. "Good morning to you too honey~" the calico greets jones. "Off him" the calico speaks continuing to go down the stairs.

Jones gets off of me as he whimpers. I get up and clench my fist.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?" I ask pissed off. "Hehe~" she replies.

"Better get on that table lovely~" the calico speaks. I notice a table. It has clamps on it...

Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh no. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Fuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

I back away bumping the wall behind me. "Wait what the fuck are you going to do to me?!" I ask horrified. "You will find out soon enough~ now go" the calico points at jones.

"NO YOU CANT NO" I scream. "Hehe~ I know you don't like your friend screaming~ I could tell by your dumb little face~! I'm going to kill your friends then make you apart of the family!" The calico smiles evilly.

"NO! NO! NO! YOU CANT! PLEASE DONT HURT HIM!" I scream. The calico squeezes the trigger and once again lands on jones.

"Huh? What was that?" The calico asks. She then approaches the stairs then suddenly drops the water gun. "Wait how did you-" the calico is cut off.

"SHUT IT YOU MUTT!" Russell screams.

She walks down the stairs with pistol in hand. Russell holds the pistol to the calicos chin. "YOU THINK YOU CAN HURT MY FRIENDS! THE LAST HUMAN?!" Russell screams.

The calico smirks. "Not if I got the water gun!" The calico then grabs the water gun and sprays Russell.
Russell doesn't react. "Wait what?!" The calico steps back. "You think THAT will hurt me? HA!" Russell laughs.

Suddenly Russell shoots the calico in the thigh. "AHHHHH!" The calico screams retreating against the brick wall.

I can hear a hissing sound as the calicos thigh is dissolved. "HOW- AHHHH IT BURNS!" The calico screams falling onto the floor. "I got special little bullets that can kill you!" Russell replies.

Russell stands up and heads over towards me. Then I focus my attention towards jones! hes crying!

I run and hug him. "I'm sorry Jones!" I yell Hugging him tighter. "I-it's fine human..." he replies also hugging me.

I stand and hold my hand out for him to grab. He grabs my hand and I pull him up.

I slowly turn my head towards the calico. Then I smirk.

I make my way towards the calico grabbing the water gun. The smirk turns into a smile. The smile turns into giggling. The giggling turns into laughing. Tears stream down my face as I pump the water gun.

"N-NO PLEASE!" The calico pleads. Without mercy I begin to blast the bitch! "AHHHHHHHH!" She screams as her face melts. Her screams die down until she stops.
I stare at the mess I made.
She's dead.



I step away as she turns into a puddle on the floor. I hold the water gun and head upstairs with jones and Russell.

There the snow leopard is. Cowering in fear.

I approach. "please please no!" He pleads.

I stop and look at the water gun. No. This guy did nothing.

He only pinned me, nothing more.

I drop the water gun. "Tell me, snow leopard. Why did you try kidnap us?" I ask kneeling down. "Please... don't hurt me..." the snow leopard begs.

"I won't, all I want to know is why you kidnapped us" I ask.

"T-the white latex!" The snow leopard replies. "What about them?" I ask. "They want you! You both!" The snow leopard replies. "Huh... so we are wanted?" I ask. "Yes! The queen wants you both!" He replies. "Queen?" I ask.

"Damn!" Russell yells punching the wall. "What?" I ask turning my head. "The white latex have a queen. She probably wasn't happy that I saved you. They stop at nothing to get their target. So we are fucked!" Russell explains Leaning her head against the wall. She looks scared... this has to be serious.

I stand and back away from the snow leopard. "What did you do with my wife?  I heard her screaming" the snow leopard asks calming down.

"I uh... don't know, she's down stairs if you want to look" I reply.

"Before we go we must get supplies before leaving again. Mostly getting clothes for you human" Russell explains. I look back and nod as I walk towards the bedroom that I was kidnapped in.

I open the closet and look inside. Clothes. Lots of clothes. All of them are folded up neatly.

Oh? I grab some track suit pants and a singlet along with an aviator jacket. This will do nicely! I hope...

I put on the clothes which I feel much warmer already! I look fly! I also see... sneakers! Just my luck my feet won't hurt as much!

I grab socks, put them on and then put the sneakers on. My god! They fit so well! Like it was made for me!

I look behind me seeing pictures. Old pictures...

I approach the table which has the pictures sitting on it. I pick one up seeing...

A human.

With more humans... they all look... happy... and there that tower is in the background. The very one I escaped from. It looks... new...

I grab another one. It's just one human this time... he's happy he appears to be at a park.

I put the photo down.

There has to be survivors. I hope...

I hope...

I feel something touch my shoulder. I immediately turn seeing jones. "What are you doing?" Jones asks curiously.

"N-nothing. Let's go..." I reply walking past Jones.

The front door is open.

I walk through it going outside. Cold, soothing air.

It is morning. Clouds cover most of the sky creating little ripples of sunlight in the sky. My hair waves in the wind as I just stare as nothing...
From here, houses as far as the eye can see.

It's time to leave.

I walk down the stairs which Russell notices. "Hey human! You look nice!" She compliments. "Thanks Russell" I reply going into the car.

Jones sits next to me and leans in towards me.

I suddenly hug Jones.

His gooey body oozes onto me as he returns the hug...
The hyena hops into the car and turns on the car.

I look at the hyena as she pulls onto the road and drives.

"Where are we headed now that the white latex are after us?" I ask stopping the hug and holding jones hand.

"I've got friends in las corg, I'm sure they can help us before we have to head out again" Russell explains. "Alright, If you say so" I reply looking out the window.

The world goes by. As the car falls into silence...
Delay. Elay. Lay. Ay. Y.

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