Chapter 26 - the help

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I wrap my bleeding arm up in bandages that immediately turn the fabric red.

The panther help by wrapping the rest around my wound. "I've never asked your name" I speak turning toward the panther.

"My name is Tenshi" the panther known as Tenshi replies crossing his arms.

I nod.

"Thank you for helping me Tenshi. But I have to  leave now" I stand up and stretch. "I understand human.  I will leave you" the panther sits on a random chair, awaiting my departure.

"Thanks... for everything..." I thank once more as I leave the motel...


The human.

The only person I could trust in that god forsaken city. Gone.

And the last human at that.

The guards better find that human... or else...

I sit up on the bed looking at my paws.

So many goo beasts will attack the poor human...

My shoes make a satisfying stone noise as I walk among the cars.

So... tired... so... thirsty...

As if the gods favoured me I notice a small corner shop at the end of the street. "Marks mart..." huh... I look up at the sign.

I enter, surprisingly the door is unlocked.

And what's even more surprising is that there is food here! Wait, ewwww expired...

I've come here for water and it is water I'll get. I'll climb building see where I have to head.

I notice water. I grab it and immediately down it. Ah... water has never tasted so good!

I grab two more bottles and head up to the roof. Oddly I feel as if something is watching me from a dark part of the rooms.

I shrug this off as I open the roof door.

Light shines upon my face as I sit on the ledge of the roof. I put the bottles onto the ledge next to me and look at the skyline...


The building hotel thingy... almost standing out in the skyline...

Hm, sunset in a few hours... I might set out after finishing these bottles...

Yeah... I'll do that...

Taking a sip of water I notice... something in the window of the building in front of me... a figure...

As it presses its head against the wall I notice that it's one of those goo furries...  it's pure white. No eyes only white across its body.

It stares at me. I can feel it. I know it knows that it's hive burnt down due to me.

And it wants me dead.

Suddenly it turns from the window and disappears into the darkness.

Shortly the creature comes out of the building. Slowly stumbling closer toward the door. My heart sinks as more white beasts exit the building.

It soon disappears behind the corner shop door with its friends.

I stand up.


I have to get out of there. NOW!

I desperately try to find a way off this roof. A little bit of looking makes me realise that there is no way off. No ladder, no level rooftops and no porches for me to jump off and slowly go down.

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