Episode 18 - latex settlement

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It feels like forever... constantly walking... constantly turning...

Suddenly foxy stops at a ladder. "Up here!" He says as he climbs up it. I just stand and wait as the rest of the gang climbs the ladder, the last being lunar.

I hear... voices..? I don't recognise these voices... oh right! Foxy did mention something about there being more goo creatures...

I stand at the ladder then turn my head towards jones. We both stare into each others eyes. "Be prepared, I don't know what we are getting into" I speak as I turn my attention to the ladder.

I look up seeing the night sky.

I take a deep breath...

Here goes nothing...

I grip the ladder and then exhale softly.

I begin my climb up as the voices get louder and louder. Oh god... why am I nervous? My heart is beating heavily as I near the top...
I peek through seeing... a whole variety of colours... so many goo creatures...

I look at foxy which is standing above me. "This here is the human!" Foxy says pointing at me.

I notice a grey wolf looking at me with curiosity in its eyes. "Oooh..." it says in amazement. "Uh... hi?" I reply getting out of the manhole.

Not long after jones emerges and he too gets out. He stands close to me as he looks around.

The wolf has grey fur with a white underbelly, nothing too special... "hello human!" The wolf greets as she looks at me. "Uh... hi?" I reply stepping back.

I look around seeing I'm gaining the attention of the other goo beings.

"Aww! Look at you! You must be hungry! Why not come to my place?" The wolf offers holding out a paw.

"No thanks..." I decline. "Awww! Why not?" The wolf asks leaning closer. "Uh... I think I'll just go..." I proceed to turn and begin to walk away with jones. "Alright! Enjoy yourself!" The wolf yells.

Me, foxy, the wolf and the others split ways.
I had no idea that this part of the city was so lively! To be honest it's far from the lab which these latex probably escaped from...

I hear latex's talking about what happened a few hours ago. And about me. Word seems to spread quick... I feel a ton of eyes on me... shit...

I continue to walk down the street...

This is getting scary...

I turn into the nearest alley and walk down it.

I don't feel any eyes on me anymore which is good... it's fantastic, actually.

I proceed to look up at the stars.

It's a clear night... the moon is showing...


Ow... my nose...

I look down at the ground seeing... blood... blood. Wait I'm having a nosebleed!

"O-ow..." I hear a voice speak behind me.

I quickly turn seeing... a hyena... but there's something weird about this hyena... it's not made of goo... it has its hair style as 'swept side hair short' the hyenas hair has been dyed a brilliant purple colour. The hyena is wearing a black leather jacket. It also wears denim shorts. Weird...

"Human are you ok?!" Jones yells concerned.

"Human..?" The hyena says turning over. She stares at me with those brown eyes that she has got. "Fuck... out of all the things I could've bumped into, it was a human?" the hyena says putting a paw to its face... it's oddly human paw...

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