Chapter 29 - the raiders.

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Huh..? Afternoon?..?

I must've dozed off...

In the distance is a fairly large town. Is this... new Adoxo..?

"Sleep well?" Tenshi asks.

I nod.

"Great! Seems like your friend has been sleeping for awhile too... we are almost at new Adoxo... this is the last town. Only if- wait what?" Tenshi notices the pileup of cars and hits the brakes.

"This wasn't here before... seems like we will have to take a detour..." Tenshi turns off the highway into the town.

Oddly there are no pileups of cars here... it's oddly...

I notice something to my left.

Is that a...


Oh... my... head...

I lay on the floor. Everything hurts...


I look up noticing the car engulfed in flames.

Tenshi is next to me. He leans against the wall of a shop.

Tenshi notices me moving and grabs my hand and drags me closer toward him.

It hurts. Everything hurts.

"H-hurt..." I speak barely able to get air out of my lungs.

I should be dead after that.

"Cmon boys we caught one of em travellers!" I hear a voice yell in glee.

I can barely move.

I notice jones in the corner of my eye. He runs up to me and lays with me. Tears are in his eyes. "Are you okay..?!" Jones yells beginning to cry.

I can't reply. I can barely breathe in and out...

I weakly move my arm and touch his cheek.

"D-don't leave me... p-please!" Jones yells crying even harder. He buries his head into my chest.

"Oh Ho! Look is what we got here! A latex, a panther and..."
"A freakin' human!?" The voice yells in surprise.
"Holy shit! It's a human!" Another voice yells.
"Oh no you don't!" I hear a male voice yell.

I hear gunshots and conflict...

Aside from all of that...

I... I'm feeling sleepy...










Why is everything... so warm? So soft?





I wake up in a cold sweat. I'm panting as my eyes dart around the room.

Suddenly a big white blob pounces onto me.

"Human! You're alive!" Jones yells in glee.

I'm immediately calmed by his soothing voice. I look down seeing jones hugging my torso and nuzzling his head into my chest.

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