Episode 8 - de woter (part 1)

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"I'm sorry foxy, the human is gone. We cannot give up getting out of here. Let's go"


I desperately struggle again. But I can't move! My arms and legs are bound together. I cannot move anything at all except my head. But wait where the hell am I? Wait... how can I breathe?! I still feel like I'm in the water... I look around noticing that I'm still in the water?! I struggle even more desperate to get above the water.

"I see you are finally awake human"

Huh? Who the hell said that?! I look around trying to see who said that. Behind me I see something large and white. I get turned around to meet face to face. Holy shit. It's big. Like really fucking big. It like a anthro canine or something, it's plain white and has tentacles coming from it, like a squid.

"Gah! Holy shit!" I yell. I was not expecting something to be THAT huge! I look down noticing That one of its tentacles is coiled around me. Wait fuck, that's bad. What is this thing going to do to me?!

"Huh? What human?" The squid canine asks confused. "Wh- where the the fuck am I?!" I yell struggling even more. "Calm down human, jeez you struggle more than my fish..." the squid canine says tightening its grip around me. "My friends! I have to get to them!" I yell struggling. I manage to get my arms above my body. I attempt to climb out. "Woah human stop I don't mean to hurt you!" The squid canine yells. Somehow I manage to get free for its grasp. I float. Not up or down, I just float.

"Human please calm down!" The squid canine requests of me. "Well then who the hell are you! Why am I here! How can I breathe??" I ask staring at the squid canine. "Well first, my name is Jonah the largest squid dog of them all. Second, you are here because I saved you from drowning. Third, you are breathing due to the thing around your neck that I put on you" the squid canine known as Jonah says. I touch my neck noticing metal, not that black collar around my neck.

"Uh where did that collar go?" I ask confused. "What black collar? I didn't see one when I pulled you under..." Jonah replies more confused than I am. Fuck... that damn cat probably bailed around my neck, probably thought I was going to die.

"Have you finally calmed down human? You seemed to calm down" Jonah asks noticing my sudden calmness. "Uh, yeah..." I respond. "Where the hell am I anyways" I suddenly ask. It looks like I'm in a cave of some kind, dimly lit by some crystals. "Oh! Human I'm glad you asked! You are in my cave! This is where I live!" Jonah explains.

"Nice... how long was I out for..?" I ask. "Uh... a long time... I don't keep track of time... while you were out, I told everyone about you human!" Jonah responds happily. Oh fuck... everyone? This Jonah told EVERYONE about me?! "How many people did you tell?" I ask nervously. "Like i said, everyone. You got a lot of people that like you human! we haven't seen your kind in a long time..." Jonah replies. "Uh, really? Look, I know this is random but can I get out of here? My friends are probably waiting for me at the surface!" I yell. "Your friends? I'll take you back to where you were before I pulled you under" Jonah says coiling a tentacle around me.

Jonah swims out of the cave, stinging my eyes as I'm greeted with sudden light. Jonah swims fast to a familiar hole. He lifts me up and sets me down onto the deck. He emerges and spectates me. Wait... something feels off. There is no 'human you are alive!' To greet me. I don't hear any barks or any talking of my friends, My only friends. I look around but see no one. I go up the stairs but still see no one. Did they... abandon me? No... they couldn't... "f-foxy? Lunar? Anyone?" I yell out. No response.

I start to tear up at the fact my only friends are gone, they abandoned me. Left me all alone. My tearing up turns to sobbing. I sit down on the deck and cry. "Human? Are you ok?" Jonah asks. I look at Jonah "no..." I respond going back to crying. My tears fall into water below. "Do you need a hug human?" Jonah asks. I stand up and nod heading towards Jonah. I proceed to hug his neck. I feel a paw behind me pressing my back into Jonah, retuning the hug. "There there human, what's wrong human?" Jonah asks. "My friends... they left me... my o-only friends..." I answer crying even harder. Jonah's goo is so soft... I feel comforted by his squishiness... "I'll be your friend human! And I'll never leave you!" Jonah says hugging me even more. "Really? How?" I ask curious to what he's going to do.

"You are gonna have to trust me. I will not turn you into my kind, neither will I betray you. You have to trust me" Jonah says stopping the hug and putting me in front of him. Should I really trust the guy? Hell yeah. He helped me! "Sure Jonah" I answer. He touches me with his paw suddenly I feel spreading around my back. I feel something coil around my waist and neck. I close my eyes tightly. He lied. I'm gonna be one of him. Damn it. I accept my fate and fall to my knees. This is goodbye...
"All done human!" Jonah announces. "Uh. What did you do with me..?" I ask confused. "Well human I made you a little me! And I'm on your back right now!" Jonah explains. I look down noticing a tenta-paw around my waist. I stroke the paw and receive a nuzzle on the back of my head. "Cute... I got to ask... do you know any ways I can reach the lower floors using the water?" I ask. "W-well I-I do know the lowest one. It's far but I'll take you there!" Jonah says flabbagahstued that I called him cute. Suddenly Jonah coils a tentacle around me yet again. He jumps into the water and rapidly begins swimming. "Wait human..." Jonah speaks. "What Jonah?" I respond. "I'm pretty tired... I want to sleep..." Jonah says sleepily. Oh fuck he wants to sleep? Right now? Damn it... "ok..." I respond. "I'm going to my cave... remember little me will be with you!" Jonah says swimming away, leaving me alone.

I feel a soft nuzzle at the back of my neck. Oh right, didn't he say that he had a little him on my back? Also didn't he tell everyone about me? Hold on... was Jonah those eyes I saw in the cave? No... the cave entrances were different! And the eyes were much smaller... "hey human! Let's go!" I hear Jonah say. "Right, sure..." I say. I attempt to kick my legs to move forward, but I barely move. "Oh right... I can't swim..." I say remembering. "Oh, human there is a weird fan thing the old humans used! I think one is by a rock near here!" Jonah says swimming off my back. Oh god, he's the same size as me probably a little bit bigger too!
"Hold my hand human! I'll take you there!" Jonah says holding out a paw. I grab his paw, he starts swimming towards a couple of rocks.

He flips a rock revealing a sea scooter! That will come in extremely handy! Jonah hands me the sea scooter which still somehow works! I press on a trigger and the fan still spins too! How convenient! Too convenient... "now please show me where that place is..." I ask of Jonah. "Oh yes right human follow me!" Jonah says swimming close and slow as the sea scooter.

"So human tell me, why are you all out here anyways and how did you fall into the water?" Jonah asks. I proceed to tell him everything. "Oh really? You were pushed in here by a lion? Well rest assured human there is no lion in the water!" Jonah says coming closer to me.

I hug the wall with Jonah. I see the greenhouse through the windows. It's lovely but the lion is still in there... but one place feels memorable to me... like i was here 5 minutes ago... I notice the cave from before! And the glowing eyes accompanying it. I stop the sea scooter and look at the cave. Considering I don't have anything hunting me down right now. "Huh? Human what's the hold up?" Jonah asks confused. "I remember this place... Who lives in that cave over there?" I ask. "I do not know... I see someone in the cave!" Yells noticing the eyes looking right at us. The eyes stare at us and we stare back at it.

Suddenly it sticks out a paw revealing its white. "Hold on, I recognise that paw... it's another one of my species!" Jonah realises. The thing reveals itself to be another one of his species! The squid canine swims towards me slowly and shyly.

The squid canine stops in font of me. "Hello human..." it says greeting me. "Uh hello!" Jonah replies before me. "Hello... who are you?" The other squid canine asks. "Um. This is human! And I'm Jonah!" Jonah says nervously. "What is your name?" Jonah asks. "Name? I do not have one..." the squid canine says. "Oh um-" Jonah is suddenly cut off. "Where are you guys going?" The squid canine asks. "Oh uh... we are going to the lowest place!" Jonah replies. "...uh..." the squid canine scratches it's head nervously. "can I come?" The squid canine asks. "Sure!" Jonah accepts.

"Right... then let's go?" I say turning on the sea scooter. Me, Jonah and our lovely squid canine friend begin swimming more into the fish area.

"Hey you don't have a name correct?" I ask the squid canine. "Yeah?" The squid canine replies. "I'll name you... jones how about it?" I ask. "Jones? Ok... jones..." the squid canine I named jones replies.

Me, Jonah and jones swim happily deeper into the tank. I swim over the sand hill seeing so much sea life!

End of episode.

Look, listen, I'm going to split this into two parts. Cause this episode is long. See you next week!

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