Epsiode 11 - underground.

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"The human is alive!"
Huh? What's going on? Why does everything feels so warm..?
"Quick he's injured! get him to a safe place!"

The leopard..? Jonah..? Jones..?
"Help our friend is injured!"
Injured? Who's injured? Me?
"Your friend is in good hands"
Who said that? It feels like I'm being watched by many people...
I feel the darkness of my unconscious spread all around me, consuming what awareness of what I have left.

Huh? Where am I? It appears to be a medical bay... I'm laying on a medical bed with all that fancy stuff next to me. But I'm not connected. I'm still shirtless with black shorts... god I'm skinny as hell... I really should eat something soon... My stomach hurts... Im drool thinking of food... I haven't eaten in so long...

Wait, where's jones? Jonah? Or the leopard? How did I even get here? Was I knocked out? The fall... did the fall knock me out?

I slide out of bed and approach the curtains, I grab and push the curtains open. But I see no one. Oh no... did they leave me like my old friends? No... Jonah and jones made a promise! They broke the promise!

I begin to tear up. Yet Again, my only friends abandon me... i grab the blanket from the bed and silently cry into it.

I hear someone snoring? It's very faint but it sounds near. Really near. I stop crying and look up at the curtains and listen.

It sounds really near.

I stand up and slightly crouch down in order to remain silent. I slowly and stealthily take a large big step to the other side of the bed.

I see a plain white body laying on the floor. Wait. Revealing more I realise it has tentapaws. It's a Squid canine! Jonah? Jones? They are laying on the floor! Something must be wrong!

I immediately dash towards the squid canine. "Hello! Jones? Jonah?!" I yell shaking the squid canines body.

The squid canine immediately wakes up "human? Human! You're alive! You were asleep for so long!" The squid canine says revealing its Jones! Jones excitedly pounces on top of me and hugs me tightly. I also return the hug happily almost crying tears of joy. "I thought you left me!" I say burrowing my head into jones chest. "But did the others leave me?" I ask looking at jones.

"No human! They were hungry so they got some food!" Jones answers. Food... now that jones says about food... my stomach begs for food the only way it knows how. It rumbles violently.

"I'm actually pretty hungry myself..." I say getting up from jones hug. He stands up with me. Hold on, Nows my chance to ask how I got here... "jones, how did I get here?" I ask looking around. "Oh yeah! That fall we took! I saved you from the fall! But you were knocked out and injured! Turns out I didn't cover your hips... the stone walls scraped your hip and created a rather large gash... we asked for help and encountered some small people who nursed you back to health!" Jones explains.

"I see your friend is finally awake!" I hear a male voice behind me say. I look behind me. I see a 3 foot tall thingy. It's black and it has feathers. It has a white underbelly. Uh, You know what... it's a Avali... I can't explain what a Avali looks like...

"Yes! Thank you so much!" Jones says running over to the avali. Jones hugs the Avali with his tail wagging happily in the air. "Yes, yes, Thank you too" the Avali says pushing jones away.

The avali approaches me and jumps up onto the bed. It smiles and waves at me "hey, hi hello human! How are you feeling?" The avali asks putting its arms behind its back and leaning forward towards me. Why is this thing asking me random questions? "Uh... good?" I respond confused. "That's good to hear! I am jen if you don't know, I am a avali" the avali known as jen says happily. Wait, I just noticed... this avali isn't made out of goo... why is that?

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