Chapter 8 This cant be happening!

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Jude's POV:
I couldn't believe what they just told me.
"Umm well Jude there was an accident in the mall..and Jesus was shot on sight.. They're working on him right now but..." She begins to tear up. "For right now it's highly possible for him to wake up"
I was shocked I wanted to cry. All of this happened so quickly. They weren't done yet.
"And umm... Mariana got really really drunk at her party and something happened."
I don't even want to hear what
Momma says about Mariana next. I black out. I couldn't handle any of this. When I wake up I feel a damp towel on my forehead. Connor has his arms wrapped around me with his hand in mine.
"Jude you're awake!" He says leaning in to kiss me.
"What happened?" I was to the point where I didn't get why this had to always happen to me. I hear mom behind me.
"Hey love. How you feeling?" She asks worried.
"I'm fine. What happened?"
She doesn't say anything.
"It's okay. I promise I won't pass out again."
"Okay. Well honey." She kneels down next to me. "The twins were in terrible accidents tonight. There was a shooting in the mall and Jesus was shot on sight. We're not exactly sure where he got hit. But the doctors just don't have hope that he'll wake up. But it's okay because we have a ton of hope okay? And umm... Your sister Mariana.."
It broke my heart to know that Jesus got shot and probably won't make it. Even though we weren't that close he was still my brother. I couldn't imagine him being gone and me being all alone with no one to talk to when I need guy advice. But Mariana..we were the closest and losing her would be like losing a part of myself. I know it wasn't going to be good but I continued to listen.
"She..umm.. She got really drunk at the party she went to and when she told everyone she had to go she called us. We were going to pick her up but.." She started to cry. "She was walking into the street not knowing or looking at her surroundings and was hit really hard by some car that was driving way to fast for her to notice. She fell on her head pretty hard and is still not awake. She lost a lot of blood but the doctors said she might be in a coma for who knows how long. But just know that if she wakes up she might or might not remember you. But don't be scared okay?? She'll remember soon enough." She smiles and goes to the nurses desk with momma following.
"I can't believe it. Connor what is gonna happen. I can't lose them both. I can't lose either of them.." I began to cry hard and Connor comforts me.
"Hey. Hey. Shhhh. It's okay. It's gonna be okay."
"You don't know that. Jesus could've gotten shot here" I point to my chest. "And Mariana probably won't remember me again cause she hit her head hard. This is the worst day of my life... Well except for know make out sessions.." I said as my cheeks turned red.
Connor smiles. "Hey I know what'll get your mind off of things.."
Connor's POV:
Jude mentioned that us Making out made him a little happier so I had an idea. I grabbed Jude's hand and tried my best to walk without his help. I hate these crutches I can't wait until I get them off in 2 days. We get to the nearest room which is a janitors closet. I see that it's unlocked and I push Jude in there without having him say something. Once we're in there I turn on the light and locked the door I look back at Jude with a smile but he gives me a confused look.
"Ummm Connor why are we in the jan-" I cut him off by leaning in and kissing him. I place both of my hands on his cheeks and Jude places his hands on my waist pulling me closer.
"I love you. You know that." I say between kisses.
"And i love you. But more"
"Ha. I don't think that's possible" I say as I pull away.
"More possible than you loving me more!"
"Oh yea?"
"Okay. Jude. Why don't you show me how much you 'love' me?!?" I smirk.
He blushes and smiles. He grabs my waist and pulls me close to him as best as he can and leans in to kiss me. He puts his tongue inside of my mouth and I do the same. He kisses my neck and puts his hand inside of my shirt stroking my back. After about 2 minutes of making out we pull away to breathe.
"Does that answer your question? Lover boy?" He says confidently trying to catch his breathe.
I smile and give him a quick kiss. I pull away and he smiles big.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Yea. Thanks Connor." He smiles and grabs my hand. He laced our fingers together and we leave the room.
Luckily we get back before anyone notices.
"Hey Jude? Connor?" Stef says coming out of Jesus' room. "Do you guys wanna see him?"
Jude's POV:
The smile I had on my face from having the best make out session with the one I truly love slowly disappeared. I nod and grab Connor's hand. We walk together to Jesus' room. He's not awake but he's on life support. Who knows if he'll live.. I walk up to him trying my best not to cry. I see a blood stain coming from his stomach. I knew it! He's definitely not going to make it. A tear comes rolling down my cheek.
"Hey umm can I have a minute alone with Jesus?"
"Yea sure" mom says leaving with Connor.
I take a deep breathe.
"So... Hey buddy.. I know you probably can't hear me but I just want you to know that I love you and I really want you to live. It's all up to you whether you want to wake up or not but trust me if you do I'll never bother you again. But if you don't I will totally understand. Sure everyone will be heart broken but they'll understand that it was your choice. Umm... I just wanted you to know that you have been the best family that I could possibly ever ask for." I start to cry even more. "Jesus I know you don't really care but I want you to know that it won't be the same without you. I would lose my brother, roommate, advice talker, and mostly my best friend. I know I'll still have Brandon but it won't be the same. I wouldn't be able to walk into our room anymore without bursting into tears every time. What am I gonna do without you?!!?" I burst into tears and Connor walks in. He gives me the biggest hug and I do the same. " I love you Jesus. Don't you forget that" I say as I give him a give on the forehead. I really will understand if he chooses not to wake up but I'll be so alone without him. As I leave Callie and Brandon run up to me giving me a big hug.
"Oh my god. Are you okay Jude. I know how hard this must be for you." She started to cry. She wasn't as close to Jesus but she was really close to Mariana.. Only problem was she didn't know about Mariana. Only Jesus.
"How rude. That Mariana doesn't bother to be here to support her brother. No. she has better things to do at her stupid party." Callie says very annoyed.
"Umm Callie. You don't understand."
"What don't I understand Jude?" She looked confused. I didn't say anything.
"Jude.. What's wrong?"
"She's not at the party."
"Jude..what are you saying?" She says in the same tone from when we first talked on the phone since she got out of Juvie.
"Mariana was hit by a car after her party. She was really drunk she didn't look where she was going... She hit her head really hard. She's in a coma and if she ends up waking up she won't remember anything for either a while...or forever."
Callie's POV:
As soon as Jude tells me what happens to Mariana I couldn't breathe. I start to cry and cry. This is exactly what I felt like when I heard that Jude snuck out and was involved in a shooting. I thought he was going to die. But Mariana...she's the best sister I ever had.. The only sister I ever had. I still don't want anything to do with Sophia. I was only staying at her house cause I felt bad. This can't be happening!
"Do you wanna go see Jesus before you see Mariana" Jude asks trying to comfort me. I walk into Jesus' room alone and sit down and talk to him.
Jude's POV:
While Callie goes see Jesus I go see Mariana. I start to cry as soon as I see her.
"Mariana. Why did you do this! I had so many things I wanted to tell you. And so many things I wanted to ask. Who will I have now to ask all these questions about who I like and who I date? Callie won't help and neither will Brandon. Moms won't understand. You're the only one. I know what your asking.. What about Jesus... He got shot. He's not awake but he's not dead either. He's on life support. 2 of my favorite siblings got hurt. This is the worst night of my life except..... I wanted you to be the first to know. But moms already know. You're the first sibling that knows this but... Connor and I are dating...and this has been the worst day of my life but he cheered my up by..." My cheeks turned as red as a tomato! " we made out at least 3 times today. When moms told me no one would be home. When something happened at the hospital but I didn't know what... And after I found out what had happened. I know what your thinking.. Eww gross Jude. But you'd probably be laughing. I'm really gonna miss you. Please Mariana wake up. For me... Please remember me. Just in case you don't. My name is Jude and you call me JUDICORN. I love you Mariana. I really need you to wake up." I grab her hand and start to cry. I kneel down and bury my head on the hospital bed. I feel something touch my shoulder.
"Jude? Are you okay?"
I look up and I can't believe what I'm seeing!!

Author's note:
Hey! Hope you enjoyed. What do you think will happen next? Let me know your theories in the comments below or on Instagram. I have to do my homework so I'll write more tomorrow! Bye☺️☺️

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