Chapter 12 Youre not gonna lose me!

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Connor's POV:
We turned around and were in complete shock. We saw Daria giving us a mischievous smirk.
"Hello boys.." She says as she fiddles her hand at us waving.
We don't say anything.
"I told you this wasn't the last of me. I'm not going anywhere until you break up with this..little kid."
"I'm not a little kid!"
"Shut up!" Daria practically screamed at Jude.
"Just stop Daria. What makes you think I'm gonna break up with him."
"Cause you don't want to see him get hurt." She says as she starts walking towards us slowly.
"What the hell could that possibly mean. You're gonna pay people to hurt him. Taylor already punched you in the face do you need me to do it a second time?"
She gets even madder than she was before and practically starts coming after Jude. She walks quickly up to him and punches him hard in the face and kicks him with her heel in the stomach.
"Daria stop!"
She doesn't listen. She just keeps beating Jude up. I try my best to get her off but the crutches kept getting in the way. I threw the crutches on the floor and pushed Daria to the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with you! You need to go to rehab! You can't just threaten people like that. Crazy bitch!" i grabbed my phone and called the cops. Daria tries to escape but I tackle her.
911-Hello 911 what's your emergency?
Connor- yea hi umm my ex girlfriend threatened me and my..friend and she beat him up. Please come as quick as possible.
911- we'll be right over with medical help.
Connor- thank you.
I punched Daria in the face causing her to black out.
I got up crying my eyes out when I turned around and saw Jude unconscious on the floor bleeding.
"Jude no!" I run up to him and fall to the ground next to him.
"Jude please wake up. Please Jude!" He doesn't wake up and before I know it the ambulance is here. The cops take Daria sending her to the police station to call her parents. They take Jude and I call Lena while getting in the truck with Jude. I end up screaming in the truck until I hear loud sound that I have no idea where it's coming from. I finally wake up looking at my phone and realize it was just my alarm. I hit snooze and lay back down. Sighing in relief that it was just a dream. I get up and get dressed. I honesty don't even want to go to school today.

Jude's POV:
I get dressed and head down to eat breakfast.
"Hey..Jude right?" Mariana says following me down the stairs.
"Yea. Are you ready to go to school today."
"Oh I'm not going. Stef and Lena say I should stay here." I stop at the stairs and look at her.
"You know you can call them moms right."
She sighs. "Look. Okay I might be your sister and you all might be my family but it doesn't feel right yet. Not right now at least. If I ever remember who I am of course I will call them that but not now. I'm sorry." She heads to the kitchen while I just stand there. As I head to the kitchen i see pancakes.. My favorite. I sit down and eat them as slow as possible. I get a text from Connor and I answer immediately.
C- hey want to walk to school together 2day?
J-sure. I'm still eating breakfast tho. I'll be done soon.
C- no problem. How's Mariana doing?
J- better but I had a talk with her this morning.
C- about?
J- well she called my moms by their names and I asked why she doesn't just call them moms and she said it doesn't feel right.
C- don't worry she'll come around.
J- I hope so..:(
C-...I miss you<3
I smile at the text.
J- I miss you too<3
J-I'm done you can come now.
C- ok see u in a bit. Bye :)
I put my plate in the sink and head to the living room to get my backpack.
"Hey moms. Connor and I are gonna walk to school today." I say practically screaming from the living room.
"Okay be careful see you later." Momma says.
After a few minutes Connor rings the doorbell. I open it and light up as soon as I see his face.
"Hey!" I say walking outside.
"Bye moms" I close the door.
"Hey ready to go?"
"Yea." I say smiling.
We start walking in silence until Connor breaks the silence.
"So how are you feeling about today?"
"...honestly I'm really nervous."
"Well we have an assembly in the gym today so hopefully that'll buy us some time."
"Hopefully. It's just that Daria is gonna try her best and I don't want to lose you Connor-"
"Hey. You're not gonna lose me! Nothing she does or say will ever make me break up with you. You mean too much to me to let you go."
I get lost in his eyes.
"Thanks. Let's do this." I can't help but smile. He smiles back and gives me a reassuring look before walking into school.
Since mostly everyone knows we're dating they don't care and Daria can't do much to scare us.
We walk into school hand in hand as we see Taylor walking up to us.
"Hey love birds" she says with Daria in back of her. No surprise.
"Hey." Connor and I say laughing in unison.
"Jude...can I uh talk to you...privately?" She doesn't smile or anything but she looks upset. Not the kind of upset where she wants to hurt someone. The kind where she wants to crawl up in a ball and cry.
I look at Connor and he gives me a look saying that it's okay and to talk to her. I smile and him and he smiles back. I nod at Daria and give her a nervous smile.
"Ok. I'll see you after class then." I give him a super quick peck on the lips before turning around and following Daria.
We go outside to talk.
"Look Daria I know that you want me to breakup with Connor and back off but I'm not Jude gonna-" she cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.
"Look- just stop and listen to me..."

Author's note:
Hey guys!! What did y'all think of today's chapter. Sorry if it's short. I have the state exam tomorrow and I gotta study. But not to worry cause either chapter 13 or 14 will be super long so stay tuned! And ways what do you think Daria wants to talk to Jude about? Let me know in the comments below and Yea enjoy!👍🏻

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