Chapter 27 '..Dead..'

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Connors POV:
Stef and Lena looked at me more worried than confused.
"Connor..what are you talking about?" Lena said calmly.
"I checked his pulse. Nothing. He fell down the stairs really hard. Harder than Mariana hitting her head."
"EVERYONE IN THE CAR NOW!" Stef said running to get Jesus.
"Callie. Mariana we'll be right back." Lena said grabbing Jude and I before running out the door.

Jude's POV:
I just finished talking on the phone with the hospital and they told us to come right away. I was about to tell moms when I hear mom scream for us to get in the car. She ran right passed me and picked up Jesus and took him to the car. Lena ran over to me and grabbed me by the arm and did the same to Connor. I had no idea what was going on but I could tell it wasn't any good.
"Moms what's going on" I asked panicking
They don't say anything
"Something's wrong with Jesus. Connor went to go feel his pulse and nothing was there. Momma went to check it as well and still nothing." Mom said crying. She was driving really fast which scared me even more. I started to silently cry.
Connor looked over at me and brought me into his arms.
"Hey. It's okay I got you. Shh"
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

Once we were at the hospital the nurses rushed to us and took Jesus away into a room. Connor and I sat in the waiting room while moms went to go fill out some paper work.
"This is all my fault. This is all my fault." I kept saying to myself.
"What?" I said looking over at a crying Connor.
"Please stop doing this to yourself. It's not you and I don't like it. You're scaring me. Please." He starts to cry even more. I don't say anything. I just sit there watching Connor hide his head in his hands. He moves closer to me and I lay my head on his shoulder. I stopped saying what I was saying before and just stayed silent while we waited for moms to come back.

Callie's POV:
I was drying my hair until Mariana came into the bathroom trying to find her mascara.
"Hey have you seen my mascara? It's not in my room."
"Uh. Sorry no. Maybe you left...Mariana.." I said laughing and pointing to the bottle of mascara on the floor.
"Oh thanks. Hey have you seen moms, Jude, Jesus and Connor? Or Brandon. None of them are here."
I didn't say anything for a few seconds then turned off my hair dryer.
"Umm well I think Brandon's with his band or with Lou but moms just said they'd be right back. And I don't know where the boys went so.."
"Callie..?? Do you know something I don't?"
I looked at her and dragged her to our room.
"Come here. Sit." I say gesturing for her to sit on the bed next to me.
"Look umm Jesus fell down the stairs and they took him to the hospital.."
She looked at me hurt but I can't tell she was being brave.
"Oh. But he's gonna be okay though right?"
"Well...I Mean I don't think he could've hurt himself but yea of course. And I bet he'll even be home for the party" I tell her smiling. I honestly wasn't sure if Jesus was okay or not but I didn't want to disappoint her. She smiled and got up.
"Alright your turn!"
"My turn for what?" I say confused.
"I'm doing your makeup and hair. I'm even picking out your clothes."
"Mariana that's sweet but I think I'll stick with my own-" she cuts me off.
"Hey. It's my welcome home party. And let me at least help myself to helping you and making you look gorgeous for tonight....cause I may or may not have invited Wyatt." I look at her and playfully hit her.
"Mariana!" I scream laughing.
"Fine but I better not look like a slut. I would like to keep my pride and dignity at least please."
She laughs and playfully rolls her eyes. She grabs my hand and leads me towards the closest to pick out an outfit.

Jude's POV:
It's been almost an hour and the nurse still hasn't come back yet.
"Honey are you hungry? Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Momma asks resting her hand on my thigh.
I just nod and place my head back on Connor's shoulder. I wasn't saying anything that would freak Connor out. The nurse finally came out. She walked towards us and we all sat up.
"He's fine." She says. We all sigh in relief while I silently tear up tears of joy. "His pulse was shortening and we just had to make some tests on him. He should get home and get some rest. He shouldn't be on his feet or using the wheel chair. He needs to stay on bed rest for about 2 days tops. Or until he's fully healed." The nurse says as Connor and I sit down smiling. She walks away and we all go visit Jesus.
"Hey Jesus!" I say walking into the room. "you had me worried...I thought you were actually.." I didn't even want to say the word. "....'Dead..'"
"Nope. But I'm sorry that I scared you."
"Okay let's go get everything right with the nurses and we'll get you home." Mom says leaving the room with all of us following.

Connors POV:
Its been an hour since we were home and Jude hasn't said a word. I thought I would go upstairs and check on him.
"Hey Jude are you okay? You haven't said a word since we got home."
He looked up to see me and looked back down completely ignoring my question. I was starting to get worried. I didn't want him to go silent again.
"Jude no. Don't do this. Don't shut me out again. Don't go silent on me again. You know I can't take it when you do this. Please. Just please talk to me Jude!" I said while starting to cry.
He didn't say anything. I started to cry even more as he started to tear up. He looked at me and wiped the tears from my eyes. He leaned in to kiss me and grabbed my hands.
I couldn't smile. I wasn't happy. He was shutting me out again. I can't have him go silent on everyone again. Not this time.

Authors note:
Hey guys! What'd you think! Jesus is fine! What's gonna happen with Jude? Will he go silent again? Fine out in the next chapter and leave your theories down below! Bye!

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