Chapter 28 to me..

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Connors POV;
I look at Jude who still hasn't said a word. He squeezes my hands and notices me crying even more. He brings me in for a big and I don't let go.
Jude's POV:
I felt bad that I was shutting Connor out. I didn't want to but i don't know why I was doing this again. I tried to speak but no words came out. I just stared at Connor as he cried and cried into his hands making sure I wouldn't see. I grabbed his hands into mine and kissed his lips. I smiled but he just looked at me even more upset than before.
"Jude please just talk to me. What's going on? Why are you doing this?" He says quiet enough so I can hear him. I don't say anything I Just look down at my hands and he lets go of them. He gets up and walks out of the room leaving me alone.
Callie's POV:
I go to my room as soon as we get home and Mariana and I finish getting ready for the house party. After we're done we stay in our room reading magazines and talking about Mariana's dance team. Connor walks in with red eyes that look like he's been crying.
"Hey Connor. What's wrong?" Mariana says giving him a hug.
"Are you okay?" I say sitting on Mariana's bed and gesturing Connor to sit with us.
"...n-no.." He says in between sobs.
"Why. What happened?" Mariana does most of the talking I just sit there confused but concerned because I know that this obviously has something to do with Jude.
"I - I think Jude is going silent again!" He says letting everything come out of him. I sit there very worried as tears form in both Mariana and my eyes. As I start to regain notice of the words that Connor just said I got up and stormed into Jude's room.
"Jude?" I asked calmly trying to hold back my tears. He looks up from his tablet and sees Connor, Mariana, and I standing by his door then looks back down to continue his game. I slowly walk to him and kneel down by his bed while Mariana and Connor just stay by the door.
"Jude...are you okay?? What's wrong?" He looks at me with the same face he had on last time he went silent.
" to me.."

Authors note:
Hey! Sorry for the short chapter! Next chapter will be longer. I hope you enjoyed and let me know what you thought. What do you think is gonna happen next? Comment your theories. Find out in the next chapter byee!!👍🏻

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