Chapter 29 Silent

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Connors POV:
It's been 2 days since Jude has gone silent and I've been by his side the whole time. I went to get him a drink from the kitchen and when I got back I saw him looking down at his phone. He looked up when he saw me and I could see tears roll down his face. I ran to him bringing him into my arms.
"Jude! Jude what's wrong?!? Jude!"
He looks at me and just keeps on crying before showing me his phone. His notes app was open and he typed something to show me.
It reads: I'm so sorry Connor. I don't want to shut you out. I'm really sorry. I don't know why I'm doing this. But I don't think this is selective mutism. But I think my voice was taken away somehow and won't come back. I try to talk everyday. Even when I'm alone but no words come out. I'm scared what if I can never talk again. I don't want that to happen. I need help Connor! Please!
I look up at him with tears in both of our eyes.
"Don't worry okay? We'll get through this Just like we do everything else...together."
He smiles and nods. I slowly lean in as he looks at my lips. I stop right before touching his lips and he closes the gap between us. He places his hands on my shoulders as I place one hand on his waist and the other on his cheek. He moves one of his hands to my hair and starts playing with it. We pull apart and take a moment to stare and get lost in each other's eyes.
"I love you. This isn't your fault Jude..don't worry." He nods and we just stay silent.

Mariana's POV:
I walk into judes room to find them both silent with Jude's head on Connors shoulder.
"Hey Jude. How you holding up?"
He nods reassuring that everything is okay but I could tell something was bothering him. I know it's only been two days but it feels longer than that. I slowly walk up to him kneeling down by him.
"Look. I know it's only been 2 days but I really miss you. I'm not pushing you in anyway. We just don't like seeing you like this Jude. Whenever you're ready to talk to us we'll be right here. By your side." I look at Connor and smile. "Just like Connor." He smiles back as I get up and walk to the door.
"Oh and by the way moms say that lunch will be ready in 15 minutes." I say as I leave Jude's room to go to mine.
"Hey. So I know I've asked you already but did you like the party?" Callie asks as I walk into the room.
"The house party? Yes it was amazing but it wasn't the same without Jude's voice and Jesus there. I mean he was there but he was on bed rest so..I don't know it just didn't feel right to have fun without them both physically and verbally there."
"Wow. Mariana's using some big words!" She says teasing as we laugh
"Oh shut up!" I say laughing back.
"So is everything okay with Jude?" Callie says.
"Yea. I mean he's still not talking and he's not depressed and Jesus is still in the living room but Connors been staying the night so I think he's okay."
"Well I'm gonna go help moms with lunch." Callie says as she leaves the room.

Jude's POV:
Connor and I sit there on my bed playing video games on my tablet. He looks at me and breaks the silent.
"So. Next week I was thinking if you wanted to go on a date..." He says hesitatingly. I look away for a second to think. I look back and smile as I nod. He smiles back and leans in to kiss me. We put our hands on each other's waist and before we can deepen the kiss I hear someone clear their throat by the door. We quickly pull apart and see Mariana and Callie standing by the door. Mariana is smiling while Callie is just looking straight at us.
"Aww too cute!" Mariana squeals.
"Umm... Lunch is ready...unless you guys are gonna skip cause it looks like you already had desert.." She jokes.
We all laugh but I laugh silently and throw a pillow at her.
"Hey!" She says smiling.
"Alright we're coming." Connor says getting up and reaching for my hand. We head downstairs hand in hand and get our plates.
"Hey boys. It's a beautiful day outside I was thinking we could eat in the backyard?" Momma says looking at everyone to agree. But sadly everyone wanted to watch a movie.
"No I wanna watch a movie." Jesus says.
"Yea. Plus we are in the sun too much at school anyways momma." Mariana groans.
"Alright fine. Movie it is." Momma says grabbing her plate and heading to the living room with everyone else following except for Connor and I.
"Hey we didn't finish know upstairs." He smirks and I smirk back. We lean in to kiss but are shortly cut off by Jesus coming in to get a drink with the annoying wheel chair that keeps making noise.
"Don't worry I'm not gonna say anything. Carry on Jude. Get some Connor!" He says teasing. I playfully push him and he laughs going back to the living room.
" I think we should probably go eat." Connor says as I nod.

Connors POV:
After we eat Jude and I head upstairs. I'm still really worried about him.
"Look I know you told me..well showed me that this isn't your choice this time. But Jude it is. No one can take your voice away. I know you're scared but we need to tell your moms"
He looks down upset but looks back up at me. I hear something silent coming from the room and can't believe what I hear....

Authors note:
Hey babes! What'd you think? Let me know in the comments! What do you think will happen to Connor and Jude? Let me know in the comments and find out in the next chapter! I hoped you enjoyed bye!!👍🏻👍🏻💕💕

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