Chapter 14 No connor!

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Connor's POV:
We go math class and we sit in our seats. I keep staring at Jude getting lost in his eyes. He looks over at me and smiles.
"What?" He whispers.
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you staring at me?" He chuckles softly.
"Do I need a reason to stare at my beautiful boyfriend?"
He blushed and gave me a sneaky kiss on the cheek.
He took out his phone.
J- so you wanna hang out after school?
C- yea. We can do our hw.
J- my place?
C- sounds good. I can tutor you in math.
J- last time you "tutored" me we ended up doing no work. We just made out :/
He started to blush and I smiled at the text.
C- great tutoring session. Same time next week?
He giggled.
J- moron. You're lucky you're cute. <3
I smiled and we put our phones away as the bell rang.
"So how about that tutoring session?" I say breaking the silence.
Jude laughs and playfully pushes me.
"Again moron"
"What am I not a good kisser?"
He blushed.

Jude's POV:
"I don't know. It's been a while since I kissed you Stevens." I say grabbing my books.
He smiled and grabbed my hand leading me to the bathroom.
"Give me your books." He said reaching out his hand.
"Why?" I asked in sarcastic confusion.
He didn't say anything. He Just grabbed the books from my hands and put them on the counter where the sink was.
He turned to face me and pushed me into a bathroom stall.
"Connor!" I say surprised.
"Don't talk." He says walking into the stall. He locks the door and turns back to me. He smiles and tickles me.
I try my best no to laugh but he tickles me too much. He pushes me against the stall door and places his hands on my waist. I wrap my hands around his neck and he pulls me closer to him. He crashes his lips into mine and I smile against them. He licks my bottom lip as I open my mouth. He put his tongue in my mouth and I do the same. We move around together for about 2 minutes before we pull away to breathe.
"Now am I a good kisser?"
I laugh.
"Shut up and kiss me dork." I say bringing him closer.
He takes his hand and puts it under my shirt and starts stroking my back. I put my hand under his shirt as well and I start to feel his abs. Touching his chest and abs makes me feel all good inside. I start ruffling his hair as he grabs one of my legs and picks it up and wraps it around his waist. We pull away.
"Wow" is all I can say. "You know what I think I could use a tutor today."
He laughs.
"Well then you've come to the right place". He kisses me again and opens the stall door.

Daria's POV:
It's finally lunch. Thank god. I grab my lunch and head outside. I see Taylor sitting with Jude and Connor. Taylor's eating and studying while Jude and Connor are laughing and playing with their food. Jude sees me and signals me to go sit with them.
"Hey guys. Aww you two are adorbs."
Jude laughs.
"Adorbs? Really?"
"What its still a word." I look over at Connor and give him one of those 'you're lucky' smiles.
"So there's a new action movie coming out this Friday con? Wanna go see it?" Jude says as he grabs Connor's hand and starts stroking Connor's hand with his thumb.
"It's a date!" Connor says as he gives Jude a peck.
Was I wrong about these two? I totally was. They couldn't be any cuter. I shouldn't have gotten in their way. They are really lucky to have each other.
"Guys you wanna come with us?" Connor and Jude ask me and Taylor.
"I would but since Friday's the last day before summer I gotta pack for vacation. Sorry guys. Maybe next time."
"Yea and its my dads birthday on Friday and we have this whole party all ready planned for him and I have to go. Sorry. But you guys have fun!"
"Oh we will!" Jude says giving Connor a look.
"Hey! No sex you hear me kids!" I say teasing. We all laugh.
"I doubt that'll happen but with Jude who knows." Connor says giving Jude a lovestruck stare.
"Yea we won't be doing that con. Sorry" he says as they both start to laugh.
Jude's POV:
As we continue eating I see Mariana walking towards my table.
"Hey Jude!"
"Mariana? I thought you weren't coming to school today."
"No I'm here with Lena. She says to hang out with you here if that's okay."
"Sure. Umm Taylor Daria this is my sister Mariana"
"Hey" Taylor and Daria say in unison.
"So Mariana how have you been" Connor asks
"Better but I still can't really remember anything. But what about you guys?"
"What about us" I say confused.
"Do you and Connor have anything planned for a date?"
"Wait. She knows about you two dating?" Daria says looking confused.
"Well yea. I tell her everything. But it's been kind of hard ever since she got in an accident. I'd rather not talk about it." I say looking down.
Mariana puts her hands on my shoulder.
"I'll see you at home then. I'm gonna go see if lena's done with her meeting." I wave bye as she walks away.
"Wow. It does feel weird hearing her say that." Connor says
"I know. It gets more annoying by the minute. I just wish she'd remember already." I say getting up. "I gotta use the bathroom before class see you guys in science. Bye" I say getting up.
"Bye" Connor says giving me a quick peck on the lips before I leave.

Connor's POV:
Now that Jude left its my chance to talk to Daria.
"So Daria. Jude told me you apologized"
"Why should we even believe you?"
"Look Connor-"
"Save it! You've put Jude through enough hell. Why put him through more?!?"
"No Connor! I'm not trying to put Jude through more hell!"
I stop talking looking confused. "He told me what happened. With your dad. You. And him in the hospital. He told me when he visited you that he wasn't going to leave until he got to see you. That was so brave of him. Do you have any idea how bad I feel for him. I honestly do wish I can take back all the nasty and hurtful things I've said to both of you but I can't. And you need to accept that and move on."
I didn't say anything I just sat there looking dumbfounded.
"Ok...well I'm sorry.." I say finally speaking up.
"I'm sorry too. I just hope we can at least be friends again." She gives me a half smile and I nod giving her a nervous smile.
"Well now that this awkwardness is over we have to go to class guys. Let's go!" Taylor says as she gets up. I get up and follow Daria and Taylor to our next class.
I guess I wrong about Daria. She really changed. I Just hope she doesn't try anything with me or Jude.
Jude's POV:
I walk into science class and the first person I see is Connor and momma.
"What's going on?" I say walking in.
"I'm getting my cast off today. Wanna come?" He asked with a smile. I can't help my excitement.
"What! Yes!!!" I scream and smile and give him the biggest hug.
"Okay careful you two!" Momma says teasing. "Jude if you're going to go with Connor then go get your stuff. You won't be back until after school is over."
"Okay. Be right back." I say giving Connor a kiss on the cheek.

Once we're in the car with Adam, Connor takes my hand in his and smiles up at me.
"Nervous?" I say
" a little but more excited to finally take this annoying thing off. And more that now I won't have to use the crutches anymore. Now I'll be the same height as you again. Or taller." He says as we laugh.
"Hey I had a growth spurt I'm pretty sure I'm just as tall as you now." I say playfully hitting him.
"I don't know about that. We'll see.." He says as I laugh.
"Hey at least we get to miss that assembly today."
"Oh yea. Thank god. What do you think your mom was gonna talk about.
" Probably something boring like a fundraiser or something. Who knows"

-skip to after the doctor.

Connor's POV:
We finally get to Jude's house after the doctor. I'm so happy to finally have gotten that off my leg.
"Thanks for the ride mr. Stevens." Jude says getting out of the car.
"Anytime. And it's Adam to you." He says smiling at Jude.
We laugh.
"Thanks bye dad. I'll text you for when to pick me up."
"Ok bye" he says driving away.
"Yes I'm free" I say running around walking up to Jude.
"Ha sucks for you I'm still taller." I say grabbing Jude's hands.
"Bla-blah!" He says laughing as I lean in.
As we're about to kiss Mariana opens the door and we break apart.
"Hey guys. Connor I see you got your cast off. Nice. Come in" she says signaling us in.
She walks outside the get the mail and we are still standing by the door. The wind was blowing hard and the porch light was swinging really hard. As Mariana got the mail she dropped her magazine onto the floor.
"Oops" she says crouching down to pick it up. When she kneels down the wind blows even stronger causing the porch light to break of the wall and fall on Mariana's head.
"AHH" she says as the glass breaks on her head hard. She falls to the floor blacking out.
"MOMS!!" Jude screams going inside to the kitchen where his moms were.

Authors note:
Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter was short. Idk but I thought it was okay. Let me know what you think is going to happen in the next chapter. Enjoy!!

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