Chapter 16 where did she go?

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Mariana's POV:
I go upstairs to call Tia but I realize that I left my phone in the kitchen. I walk downstairs when I hear my name being said in the kitchen. I walk in.
"Talk to me about what?" I say suspicious
They all turn around shocked and speechless.
I give them a disappointed look with out saying anything. I start to get really scared and worried.
"Guys... What's wrong??"
"Umm Connor we have to go do our homework..." Jude says turning to Connor.
"Yea lets go." They run up to Jude's room.
"Umm honey sit down please.." Momma says as mom and her take a seat by the kitchen table. I sit across from them.
"Is there something I need to know?"
"Well umm the night you got run over...Jesus went to the mall with some friends.."
"Oh yea speaking of Jesus where is he? He's not in his room. Is he at practice? The mall? Again? Did Brandon take him driving?" I start to ask a lot of questions but momma cuts me off.
"-no honey..actually the night he went to the mall there uhh..there was a shooting.."
I start to become speechless
"And.. Jesus was shot on sight"
I start to burst into tears!
"What! Why!! Is he dead! Why didn't you tell me!"
"No he's not dead but we just thought it was for the best if you didn't know yet.
"You don't know what's best for me!! We're twins. We need to know everything that happens to each other in our lives so don't you dare tell me it's for my own good that I didn't know!! What kind of parents are you!!-"
"WE are the kind of parents that support our kids! Don't you start getting an attitude with us and don't you dare raise your voice at us either!" Mom says screaming at me.
"I don't care!! You wouldn't tell me that my brother got shot! You're the worst!!!" I say running up to my room.
"MARIANA YOU COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" I ignore them and slam my door so loud that everyone in the house hears. What do they know. They aren't my birth parents. I'm going to that hospital and I'm getting my brother back no matter the cost!! I climb out the window and catch the closest bus stop and go to the hospital.
Jude's POV:
I hear a loud slam and me and Connor check to see what it was. I open Mariana's door with it being completely empty. I walk in and notice the window open.
"MARIANA!" I scream crying.
Everyone rushes to where I am.
"Jude honey what's wrong....where Mariana??" Moms say looking concerned at me.
"She..ran away!" I point at the window.
No one says anything they start to get worried and worried.
"Jude it's gonna be okay. We're gonna find her. Don't worry." Everyone says trying to comfort me even Connor. I just got her back I can't lose her again. Did she really run away? Was I dreaming? My life is completely starting to fall apart!

Authors note:
Hey hoped you enjoy!! Sorry for the super short chapter. I have to study for my test tomorrow. I'll write another chapter tonight. But tell me what you thought and give me your theories on what's gonna happen next! Enjoy!!👍🏻👍🏻

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