Chapter 11 Please!

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Jude's POV:
I don't want to know what happened in the hospital overnight because I'm scared something might've happened to Jesus. I'm not worried about Mariana cause she's doing great. But at the same time I do wanna know because what if Jesus actually woke up or what if Mariana gets to come home early? I take a good look at Callie and Brandon as they continue to cry. I'm completely confused with everything that's happening that I can't even recognize if they are crying cause they're sad or they're happy. Momma begins to cry as mom continues speaking.
"Honey I don't want you to freak out but..Mariana..when she woke up...well she kind of didn't know where she was and she doesn't really remember what happened in the last couple hours."
"So she doesn't remember me visiting her? Well I'm seeing her today anyways right?" I say feeling better but still confused.
"No umm actually honey... She doesn't remember you at all.." Momma says trying not to cry again.
I couldn't handle what she says. I quickly let go of Connor's hand. I start to have a panic attack. My eyes widen up really big and I start to breathe really heavy. I get up from my chair and start to walk backwards hitting the counter.
"No! This isn't happening!! Please tell me that this isn't happening!!!" I say practically screaming as I start to cry.
"I'm sorry honey we didn't want you to freak out but we thought you should've known before going to the-" I cut her off.
"No! I'm not going anywhere. If she doesn't know who I am then what's the point! My god why does this have to happen to me I hate my life so much right now!!!" I run away screaming and crying all the way up to my room. Once I get there I turn around and slam the door.

Connor's POV:
Jude runs upstairs screaming and crying as I just sit their in complete shock.
"We are so sorry you had to see that Connor." Step says.
"It's okay. Do you want me to go check on him?"
"Please." Lena says as she gives Brandon and Callie a 'it's going to be okay' look.
I walk upstairs to Jude's room and open the door. I see Jude on the floor crying. He picks up his head to see me but then puts it back down.
" I'm not really in the mood to talk to anyone right now Connor."
" i know.... But I don't care. I'm not leaving you here to cry all day."
I walk up to him and sit on the floor in front of him. He gets up and looks at me.
"Connor don't you get it. Yes Jesus is my brother and I share a room with him but Mariana's different. I can always tell her everything when something isn't right. What am I gonna do without her?" I give him a comforting hug as he cries in my arms.
"It's gonna be okay Jude. You just need to give it time. She'll Remember you soon." I pick up his chin. "Hey listen to me. If there's one thing I know it's that your family never gives up. They're stronger than ever and they aren't going to give up on her and I'm pretty sure that just because she doesn't remember anything on who she it doesn't mean she's gonna give up either."
He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. He just stares into my eyes.
"I know Connor's just that.." He couldn't find the right words. "I just don't know what I'm gonna do without her. Even if she's still like here. She won't be the same for a while and I can't wait that long."
"It's Gonna be okay. Look when I was downstairs." He looks down. "Hey Jude look at me." He looks back with tears in his eyes. One rolls down his cheek but I wipe it away. " look when I was downstairs your moms said she'd be coming home today when you go to the hospital. You need to make her feel like home. Just don't pressure her into remembering. Just take it easy."
He starts to cry. He looks at my lips and then back at my eyes. He leans in to give me a quick kiss. When he pulls away he takes a deep breathe.
"Ok." Is all he says. He gets up and offers me his hand. He helps me up and I grab my crutches. Thank god I get my cast off tomorrow. And it's even better because summer vacation is only a week away. Anyways Jude grabs my hand and laces mine with his.
"I'm ready." He smiles and we walk down stairs.

Jude's POV: when we get down stairs we see Callie, Brandon, and moms sitting in the living room waiting for me to come down. As soon as we get to the bottom stairs they see us and get up.
"Hey honey are you okay?" Momma asks as she gives me a hug.
"Yea. Much better. Umm I'm ready to go if you guys are."
"Yea sure. Let me just get the keys." Mom says as she walks into the kitchen.
"Now honey Mariana's coming home today okay?"
"Ok. Now she might not remember you or any of us. But we need to try our best to make feel at home. Don't pressure her into remembering you. Oh and uh please don't mention anything about Jesus to her okay?" She gives me a reassuring look.
"Ok ready to go?" Mom says coming back.
"Yes." Practically everyone says in unison except for momma.
"Great then let's go." Momma smiles as we leave.
When we get in the car Connor grabs my hand and whispers "it's gonna be okay!" In my ear. I give him a nervous smile and lay my head on his shoulder. Callie turns around and smiles but doesn't say anything.

Once we get there moms go to the desk as we all sit and wait in the waiting room. I start to get even more nervous by the minute.
"Hey it's gonna be okay. Okay buddy?" Callie says.
"I know I just really want her to remember me as soon as possible."
"Don't worry she will. Like everyone said. You just need to give it time. Don't pressure her just be patient. The memory will come back to her slowly."
"Ok..thanks Callie."
She smiles and gives me a hug.
"Of course." She says as she lets go.
Moms walk back and signal us to follow them to Mariana's room. I start to feel my hands getting all sweaty. I walk into her room and I see her reading a magazine.
"Hi Mariana." The whole family says except for me.
"Umm hi...whoever you are." She says in a sassy way. She goes back to reading her magazine. I walk up to her.
"Hi Mariana. You may not remember me or know who I am.. But my name's Jude and you always would call me Judicorn." I start to cry. She gives me a worried look. "Anyways..umm I'm your brother-" she cuts me off.
"Wait. You're my brother? But you don't look anything like me."
"Well no but you're my-I'm your adoptive brother. You're adopted too. By Lena and stef and Callie is too."
"Is that my brother too?" She asked pointing at Connor. Me and Connor both look at each other in shock.
"NO!" I say immediately. Connor laughs.
"Then...why is he here??"
"Well he' boyfriend.." I say looking down embarrassed.
"Aww that's so cute. My judicorns got himself a dude!" I look up totally confused.
"Wait you remember me?"
"No but you said I called you Judicorn so why not?" We all laugh. But I laugh nervously.
"Ready to go home Mariana?" Callie says
"Callie." I say.
"Callie! And you are.." Mariana says.
"Your adoptive sister.." Callie finishes her sentence.
"Is this my boyfriend?" She says limiting at Brandon.
"NO!!" Everyone says laughing.
"No uhh Mariana this is your brother." Momma says.
"Wow I have a lot of siblings. What next a twin?" She says joking.
No one says any thing. They just look at each other.
"Ok well..lets go.." Mom says leaving the room.

Once we're home Callie, Connor and I lead Mariana to her room. Mariana stops when she sees my room. She walks in but I stop her.
"Mariana you can't go in there."
"Why not?"
"Cause...that's not your room."
"I wanna see every room."
She walks in and sees two beds.
"Okay who's room is this?"
"It's my room." I say hesitating
"If it's your room Jude then why are there two beds?"
I don't say anything I stay there completely lost for words.
"Cause every time I stay over he has an extra bed for me." Connor says helping me. He looks over at me and smiles. I can't help but smile back.

-skip to a few hours.

After Mariana gets settled back in moms call us down for Dinner. As we're walking I trip over Jesus' skateboard causing me to trip Connor as well. I fall on top of him and we get lost in each other's eyes.
"I don't think I've ever mentioned how beautiful your eyes look up close." Connor says putting a hand on my cheek.
"Your eyes are more gorgeous than mine will ever be." I lean in and kiss him. Mariana walks by and sees us.
"Aww you guys are so cute. I wish I had a boyfriend."
We start to laugh.
"What's so funny?" She says getting annoyed.
"You do have a boyfriend." I say getting up.
"Really who!"
"Who's mat?"
"You'll see him soon enough. He's coming to visit tonight." I say helping Connor up.
"Come on I'm starving." Connor says putting an arm over my shoulder.
Once we get downstairs we see everyone has already started eating without us.
"Wow thanks for waiting guys." I say sarcastically as I sit down.

Connor's POV:
After dinner me and Jude decide to take a walk outside.
I get a text message from an unknown number.
"Guess who?"
"Who is this?"
"The bitch you blocked!"
C- Daria leave me alone!"
D- I told you that you wouldn't get rid of me that easily.
I bump Jude's arm and show him the texts
D- turn around dumb asses.
Jude turns around and I do the same. We freeze in shock!

Author's note:
Hey!! What'd yall think of today's chapter. What do you think Jude and Connor saw when they turned around? If you think it was Daria then what do you think will happen? Let me know your theories in the comments below. If you have any questions don't be shy to as. I'm happy to answer then for you! See you in the next chapter bye! Enjoy!

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