Chapter 1: Locking Eyes

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Ahsoka's POV

I stared out the window and watched as the sepratist homeworld, Raxus, came into view. The beautiful planet was known for its vast oceans, large landmass, and opulent cities. Especially the capital, Raxulon. The temperate climate made it comfortable despite the harsh ecosystem and predators. It was the exact opposite of Coruscant. In fact the republic and the separatists were extremely different in many ways. That's why I found it so hard to believe that Padmé had friends here.
The republic breeds clones to fight in the war but we all live on a planet that is one big city and is controlled by technology. The separatists build droids to fight in the war but all of them live on a luxurious and peaceful planet; surrounded by nature. The only thing I ever got to see was skyscrapers and speeders, when I was back at the Jedi temple. Or space, when we were traveling from planet to planet. The only time I really got to be a part of nature and see what the galaxy truly has to offer was on missions. Even then I was usually too concerned with the task at hand. But maybe now, just this once, I could actually enjoy myself. The thought of a vacation just sounded like a fantasy to me, a dream that I knew deep down would never come true. At least as long as I was a Jedi and there was a war going on.
I was pulled out of my thoughts as I felt the weight shift on the vessel. We had just landed. I was officially on the homeworld of my enemy.
I glanced over at Padmé, who was sitting next to me, she lifted her head and gave me a warm smile. I returned to the gesture, except mine was a little less warm and reassuring. As excited as I was to be visiting a sepratist planet in disguise, I knew that taking Padmé here would be extremely perilous. For me it was different, I was only a Jedi, as long as I kept my lightsabers hidden and my head down I would be fine. Padmé on the other hand was a senator and at one point in time she was the Queen of Naboo. Everyone in the whole galaxy should know exactly who she is. Whether she be on rebuild or sepratist territory. That's why I knew keeping Padmé safe was of my utmost priority.
I waited as the ramp was extended out and the dark transport ship was filled with light. All of us scurried off the ship in an non-orderly fashion. The first thing I saw as I walked down the ramp was ten Sepies. I had to constantly remind myself that they weren't going to hurt me or Padmé. I was so used to destroying those clankers day in and day out. I forced myself to act casual and kept my head low as we walked away from the vessel. Two people walked over, telling us to follow them. We obeyed, and were led to Padmé's friend, Mina Bontier. After a brief introduction and a long hug shared by Mina and Padmé, we were taken to another transport. It didn't take long after that before we arrived at what appeared to be her personal residence. It was not too far away from the city but it seemed very secluded, surrounded by towering oak trees in each direction. The air was crisp, fresh, and warm and it faintly smelled like salt. I made the assumption that there was some kind of salt water river near by.
I walked behind Padmé as she and Mina exited the ship. My bag was in my left hand as my right hand swayed back and forth as I walked. I carfully scanned my surroundings. The house was illuminated with a few lights shining through the glass windows. There were no guards anywhere, only a few servants here and there but even then the large estate seemed vacant.

My eyes caught on a boy, sitting at the top of the concrete steps, eyeing me and Padmé. Like he was deciding if we deserved his attention. I felt like a bug being watched under a magnifying glass. Any move or facial change was seen and noted. I wonder what he was thinking. I don't know why, he was a sepratist. My enemy. He was against everything I was taught to believe in and uphold. So why in the galaxy would I care about what this random boy thought about me.

Mina stopped and reached her hand out towards the steps, "Lux, come down and help our guests with their luggage." She called out, and I assumed that this was her son. Lux, the name Mina called this mysterious boy, did as he was told and stood up. That was when I got a good look at him. He was around my age, and was a few inches taller than me. He had brown hair, and blue-grey eyes that were unusual. His skin was a warm white color that was natural for humans. As he walked closer, one thought came to my mind: He definitely wasn't boring to look at.

He carried himself in a proud, strict, arrogant, senator way. Yet his smile was warm and kind. And then there were his eyes. Once I saw them, I couldn't look away. I was surprised that they were filled with so much good and light—something I never thought I would say about a separatist.

He grabbed Padmé's bags, and was reaching for mine but I just said, "I can handle it."
He stepped back, showing that what I said had thrown him off. He slowly raised his head and his eyes met mine. For a quick second, I saw that they were filled with curiosity and a bit of confusion.

Realizing that I may have been a little bit harsh, I gave him a slight smile as I walked away, and in response he did the same. As I locked eyes with him once again, I saw something else in there. I saw a fire, that I felt like I had seen somewhere else. It took me a long time to realize that raging flame I saw in him, was the exact same as mine.

Lux's POV

I watched as the ship carrying my mother, her senator friend, and the Jedi, landed in front of our house. I was waiting at the top of the steps, nervous, pacing back and forth. Due to the fact that my mother was bringing home a Jedi. I'd never met one before, but I'd heard rumors that a Jedi was so in touch with the force that they could kill someone without even blinking.
There had been some pretty insane stories about their kind. Some were reasonable, like that they were responsible for starting the war. Others were absolutely absurd, like how one Jedi could destroy a hundred droids with their bare hands, without breaking a sweat. I didn't know what to believe or what to think, but when I saw the young Togruta walking behind Senator Amidala, I thought that there was no way that was a Jedi. I expected someone much taller and for them to look much more scary.
Unfortunately, because she was wearing a cloak, I couldn't see if she had any lightsabers on her belt. What I could see was her face, and after my mom called me down to help with the luggage, I was able to get an even better look.

The Jedi was around my age, and was a few inches shorter than me. She had orange skin and montrals—both which were common for Togruta's to have, or so I read somewhere. Her eyes were a shiny crystal blue that I couldn't help but get caught in. They were as blue as a sapphire, and as clear as the ocean. They contrasted beautifully with her organ skin.
She walked in a relaxed way, but at the same time she showed so much confidence, holding her head up high, proudly.  After I grabbed the bags of Senator Amidala—who I wasn't really paying attention to—I walked over to the girl to get her luggage, but was quickly rejected.

She merely said, "I can handle it." That was all. She continued walking as if I was just an obstacle in her path that she had run over.
But for one quick second, I locked eyes with her and she gave me a stern look. But as she walked away she looked at me again, and instead gave me a soft smile. In that brief second I saw something in her eyes. I saw a fire burning inside her that only made her more intriguing.

One thing was for sure: I needed to find out who this girl was.

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