Chapter 9: Old Friends

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Hey y'all, so sorry I haven't posted in forever I was sick and got really behind on school work so I haven't been able to get around to writing/editing. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this chapter I think it is pretty funny, feel free to leave comments on anything. I love hearing what you guys have to say and if you all have any ideas or thoughts about anything. And as always may the force be with you.

Ahsoka's POV

The friend Lux calls Owen led us to a nearby cafe. It looked similar to all the houses; white sand stone with orange stone roofs. Except this one had a large outdoor seating area with umbrellas attached to block out the burning sun. Inside was a juice bar and an array of different foods you could order with seating in the forms of tables, benches, chairs, and coaches laid across the large room. It was packed full with people wanting to get some lunch just like us. Ben ordered us some roasted porg and meiloorun fruit and to drink Jawa juice. While Lux, Owen, and I found a place to eat outside. The table we picked was overlooking the vibrant blue ocean that sparkled in the sunlight. We all sat down and started to dig into the food that Ben brought out for us.

"So Ahsoka, how long have you known Lux?" Ben asks, oh great I thought, How am I so post to answer that? I needed to think of something fast or else it would seem suspicious.

"A few years ago we met at a private school in Raxulon. We were in the same history class, and Lux needed help studying for a test on the history of the Republican senate and I didnt want him to fail so I helped him out." I said.
"Interesting." Ben said, looking at me in a weird way. Like he was deciding if what I was saying was true. Then I saw Owen look me down like he was questioning if I was good enough for Lux.

"You're not from here are you Ahsoka? Ben asks in a curious tone of voice.

"What do you mean?" I was confused and concerned that they might have figured out who I really was. But how?

"You don't find many Togrutas on Raxus so you clearly aren't from here, so why don't you tell us the truth." Ben says in a stern and serious tone.

"I was born on my peoples native planet, Shili, and I lived there until I was three. That's when my parents got in a car accident and died."

"I am so sorry Ahsoka, we didn't mean to be rude or disrespectful." Owen said, you could tell that Owen and Ben were ashamed of their actions.

"No, it's totally ok, I get it you guys were just curious." I say.

"So what happened after that?" Ben asks.

"Ben." Lux says while giving Ben a disapproving look.

"It's ok Lux, I don't mind." I say while putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you sure?" He says looking right at me and I can once again see his beautiful eyes.

"I am sure, after that they couldn't find any more of my relatives, so some family friends took me in, who were human and from Raxus. We then moved here when I was five and I have lived here ever since."

"Do you have any other siblings?" Owen asked.

"The family that adopted me had a son, who is a few years older than me." I say.

"What's his name?" Owen asked.

"Anakin." I say, not even needing to think about the question or make up a lie, because Anakin was like a brother to me.

"Do they live here?" Owen asks.

"No they live in a rural area south of Raxulon, they sent me away to Raxulon when I was 13 to go to a private school and I haven't seen them since."

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