Chapter 29: The Chase

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Ahsoka's POV

I ran. Ran like there was no tomorrow, like my life depended on it. Because right now, at this moment, it did. I could feel the moss beneath my feet and the rough bark on the trees as I jumped from each one. I didn't dare look back, didn't dare look behind me. Not at the creatures that were hot on my tail and blood thirsty with revenge.

I had killed his son. I didn't mean to and now I was paying the price and the price might be my own life. I kept running and running. Until my feet were sore. Until my breath was heavy and uneven. Until I felt as if I might pass out any moment. But I couldn't stop. Couldn't rest. I had to keep moving, keep trying to get away from the Trandoshan; that I could sense was very, very, close by.

I would have to come up with a plan. A way to get away from them, but not by running. I would have to hide. It was my only hope of somehow surviving these next few minutes. So I stopped, and made my way down from the tree I was in and climbed onto the backside of a large branch. I waited. Waited until the Trandoshan that was hunting me stopped right on the branch I was hiding beneath. I held my breath. Begging to the force that he would not hear or smell me. That he would keep going after believing that he had lost my scent.
I watched as the other Trandoshan flew over on a hovercraft stopping a little bit above from where I was hiding. Panic filled my body. But I told myself to stay calm, to steady my breath. I listened as the two made small conversation about how I was faster than most Padawans, that he had lost my scent. I waited. Waited as fear crept down my back. Fear that they would figure out I was hiding right here and that they would kill me as soon as they saw me. The Trandoshan on the branch jumped into the hovercraft and I did not wait a second longer as I slowly crawled over to the left side of the branch. A few minutes later they were gone. I let out a sigh of relief as I jumped from my hiding spot and headed back for the little camp site to regroup.

I walked slowly up the branch, hanging my head low, as I contemplated how to tell Jinx and O-Mer what had happened. That it was my fault that Kalifa was dead, that it was my fault their friend was longer with us. I stepped into the large opening in the tree and saw the two of them huddled around the fire. Both of them didn't seem hurt or phased in anyway. Which was good because I knew the news I was about to tell them was going to hurt them in more ways than one.

O-Mer saw me walk in first and immediately jumped up from where he was sitting and said," You made it! We feared the worst."

"Where's Kalifa?" Jinx asked as he realized no one else was behind me.

I looked at the ground, too afraid to look them in the eyes as I said, "She didn't make it."

"She's dead?" Jinx asked with shock on his face.

"I can't believe it. She had been here longer than any of us, and now..." O-Mer said as he looked at the ground.

"We're all going to die here, it's only a matter of time." Jinx said.

My eyes jolted up from the ground at Jinx's comment and I said passionately, "If it's only a matter of time till we die, I say we go down with a fight."

"That is suicide." Jinx said.

"You've said that every few days they release new prisoners on the beach. I say we attack that dropship head on. They'll never expect it." I knew this was probably the worst plan I had ever come up with but it was still a plan.

"Is it worth a shot?" Jinx asked.

"Maybe it is," O-Mer said.

"Get ready, we'll have to be swift." I said to both of them as we gathered up any belongings we might have which to no surprise, none of us had anything of value to take with us.

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