Chapter 20: The Daughter

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Ahsoka's POV

Anakin, Obi-wan, and I had been sent deep into the Crelythiumn system by the Jedi Council. We had received a distress call with a code encrypted in it that had not been used in over 2,000 years. We were to investigate and find whoever or whatever had sent it. Right now we were supposed to be meeting with a heavily armed Jedi Cruiser. I watched as Obi-wan and my master talked with Captain Rex over a hologram. We were supposed to be at the same rendezvous points, but the 501st was nowhere to be found.

I was staring off into space, not really paying attention to their conversation, when I started to feel uneasy, as if something was coming. I tensed, concerned with what I was sensing. Something very strong and powerful was out there, even though as far as I could see there was nothing but endless space.

I tried to relax, but the feeling wasn't going away. In fact, it was getting stronger. Whatever this thing was, it was definitely getting closer. My head started pounding. It was as if something was calling out to me, wanting me to follow it. It felt like the force. The pounding in my head started to get more intense, and I thought I might pass out.

I was momentarily distracted when the hologram of Rex started to glitch in and out. I looked down at my scanners then I said, "Something is blocking the signal."

Suddenly everything stopped. The pounding disappeared, and at the exact same time the ship lost power. We were drifting away in space. What in the galaxy was going on?
"Not good." My master said, frowning. I checked my computers to find something even more strange.

"Everything's dead, even the life support," I say.

"This is really strange," Anakin muttered, fidgeting with some controls. A moment later the ship comes back on line.

"There. Nothing to be concerned about after all," Obi-Wan said calmly.

I jolted as the feeling I had before came back. This time it was much stronger, like it was screaming at me. I looked up, and my eyes widened as fear filled me.

"Nothing, huh? Then what's that?" A diamond-shaped contraption came into view, and as we started getting closer to it, I noticed it kind of looked like a Sith holocron. "It's pulling us towards it," I said, just as a blinding light caused me to lose my vision.

"Everyone strap yourselves in!" Obi-Wan ordered. "Looks like we're going for a ride."
The noise in my head got even louder, and I fell into my chair, the pain becoming too much for me to handle. That's when everything went black.

When I woke up, I felt rays of sunlight dancing across my face. I opened my eyes, looking around the ship. I stumbled towards the window, and looked outside, gasping a bit.
We had landed on a cliff the size of a meadow, with luscious green grass covering the ground, and many mysterious looking plants. In front of the ship was a large wall of rock, with indents making it look like it was a mountain of some kind. In the distance I could see more mountains, ledges, cliffs, canyons, and floating rocks. They were all covered in natural greenery.

My head wasn't pounding anymore, but I could sense a strong presence outside the ship, calling for me to come to it. I ignored it, deciding first I had to figure out where in the galaxy we were. I turned around and heard my master groan as he started to wake up.
"I must have blacked out," Anakin said, rubbing his eyes.

"Then who landed the shuttle?" Obi-wan asked, sitting up and stroking his beard.

"Not me," I replied, confused.

"Where are we?" Anakin asked, pushing himself up to stand.

"Some kind of organic mass. All of our reading indicates that it's bigger than an asteroid. But at least the atmosphere is breathable," I added.

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