Chapter 18: The Safe House

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Padmé's POV

I was standing in a living room/dining room area in the secret apartment of the safe house. The walls were an off white color, though they were probably a normal white at one point. When you entered through the wooden door—which squealed loudly as you opened it—you saw a little living room area. There was a worn out yellow couch, as well as a recliner chair that was a dark green. In the middle of the living room was a dark wooden coffee table that had a holoprojector and some other tech stuff on top.
On the right side of the apartment was a run-down kitchen. Some of the cabinets were falling off their hinges or just wouldn't open in general. The plumbing, lighting, and heating luckily still worked. The fridge was empty but there was some sort of food in the freezer, and the pantry was stacked with endless amounts of canned goods. There was also a small bedroom that had a twin bed with only a thin sheet on it. There was a desk with an old computer, and a few cots that were stacked against one of the walls. There was one bathroom that was the same size as the twin bed, so not a lot of room.

I was kind of hungry, so I decided to raid the pantry. Ahsoka and the rest of my security team were off making sure everyone believed that I had died. They left my head of security here just in case something might happen. He was momentarily sitting on the couch doing something on his holoprojector. As I looked through all the canned goods.

There were green beans, lots of tomato soup, mushrooms, and noodles. Pretty much everything you could think of and more. I decided on a can of tomato soup. I found a small pot that I put the contents of the can in. I put the pot on a simmer and left to go change. I put on my tan pants that had a blaster holder for my gun and my tan sweater with my red vest. Then I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair back in a ponytail. I didn't get to wear a simple comfy outfit like this very often, so it was nice to escape from the fancy dresses, heavy wigs, and makeup. It was nice to just be myself.

I headed back into the kitchen, and was able to find some frozen basil leaves, red pepper, and onions. I put on a pot of boiling water and threw them all in there to defrost. When they were done, I cut them all up into small pieces, and put them into a suet pan and I let them cook down until they were golden brown then I put them in the soul. I found a small hand blender and used it to purée the soup until it was the consistency I was looking for. To finish I sprinkled a touch of salt and pepper in the soup. Then I heard the door squeak, and I turned behind me to see Teckla walk in through the door. Carrying a duffle bag.

"Hello, my lady," she greeted.

I smiled, "Good to see you, Teckla. Would you like to join me?"

"I would love to, my lady. I brought you some more clothes if you need them, and your small office holoprojector and your computer."

"Thank you, Teckla," I said gratefully as I placed the soup on the small plastic table that sat two. I grabbed my bag and headed to the bedroom. When I got there I heard someone yelling.

I rushed over to the small window to see a young woman many feet below me get robbed and beaten up. The thief ran away leaving the helpless women lying on the side of the road. I was shocked, and horrified, pressing my hand to the glass as I tried to process  what I had just witnessed. This was not the way people should be treated. This was not a democracy. I walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the table, thinking about what had just happened.

"Teckla, what has happened to democracy? And why doesn't anyone seem to care?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"You care. Forgive me, my lady, but you're not like most politicians," Teckla said as she quietly ate her bowl of soup.

"If only that were enough, Teckla." I said sadly.

She leaned forwards. "My lady, you actually talk to the people, people like me."

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