Chapter 8: The Market

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3rd Person POV

It was eight o'clock on the dot, Lux was all ready to go and was waiting for Ahsoka to come downstairs. He was so excited for today. He had talked to his mom and she and Senator Amidala were going to Raxulon, the capital of Raxus, for a senate meeting. It isn't too far away but they said they wouldn't be back until dinner, so that gave him and Ahsoka ten hours. Lux quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he saw the young Togruta step down the last of the stairs on the spiral staircase. She was wearing a maroon shirt that went half way down her thighs, with grey leggings and brown boots. She also had little bits of fabric on wrapped around her arms, but she was not wearing any gloves like she had yesterday and she didn't have her belt on that held her lightsabers. Wait, where were her lightsabers? Lux thought.

"Hey Lux."

"Hey Soka."

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep." She says.

"Are you sure you don't want to bring your lightsabers?" Lux asks.

"Oh, ya I didn't want to bring them in case we were going out in public."

"Good idea." He says.

"So where are we going?" Ahsoka asks.

"It's a surprise." He says.

"Lux, you have to at least give me a clue." She says.

"Fine, we are going to a coastal city called Tamwith Bay that is an hour or so away."

"Ok let's get going then." They walked onto the platform outside the house to the ship.

"What about breakfast?" Ahsoka asks.

Lux responded with, "Already on the ship."

"Ok then let's get going" She says with a big smile on her face.

They got on the ship and Lux went into the cockpit to set the coordinates to Tamwith Bay and to also set the ship on autopilot. Then he went to the back of the ship where Ahsoka was. She was sitting at the small two person table that was on the left side of the room. Lux went into the fridge to grab some space waffles and jogan fruits that he had put in there earlier. He handed one of the plates to Ahsoka as he sat down in the chair across from her.

"Thank you." She says.

"You're very welcome." He says. They sat there for a while not saying anything.

"Ahsoka." Lux says.

"Yes Lux?" She asked in a kind voice, he hesitated before he answered her, afraid of what she would think.

"I am so sorry." Lux says.

"About what?" She asks.

"About last night, I know I took it too far with the fancy dinner and the dancing on the beach and... and then the moment where I." Lux couldn't say the last part. He was too embarrassed by what he almost did. He let his eyes wander to the ground, ashamed to look Ahsoka in the eyes. 

"It's ok Lux. It's not your fault, last night was one of the best nights of my life. It felt like I was millions of light years away from the war. Just having fun with a friend." She paused before she said the next part because she didn't want to, "Because that is all that we are, friends." It tore Ahsoka apart to say that right to Lux's face. But she had to. She couldn't let whatever this was go any further.

"I know Soka, I am just glad we can still be friends." He says.

"I am too." She says.

They went on making small conversation until they heard a beeping noise telling them that they had arrived at their destination. Lux went into the cockpit and Ahsoka followed him. This was going to be the hardest part, landing the ship. He had never really done it before. He usually had a pilot but right now they were taking Padmé and his mother to the senate meeting. Just then Ahsoka walked past Lux and sat down in the pilot's seat taking the controls. She had read Lux's thoughts and knew that he didn't know how to land the ship.

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