Chapter 4: Hostage

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Ahsoka POV

I heard a thud come from behind me as I was about to open the dining room door "Lux?" I asked as I turned around and saw Lux unconscious on the floor. "Lux!" I yelled with panic in my voice as I knelt down next to him to check his pulse. I let out a sigh after I found it. I then sensed another presence in the room but before I had time to turn around and get up from my position on the floor I felt a blaster pressed against the back of my head.

"What do you want?"...... no response. Then I repeated what I said, this time much louder, "What do you want?"

"Give me your lightsabers now, Jedi, or I will kill your friend." By the gentle sound in her voice I could tell that she was a woman. After carefully considering my options I caved in and gave her my lightsabers. I knew she wasn't bluffing cause I could sense the pain and anger coming off her. She would kill Lux in an instant and not even think twice.

"Thank you, now you stay right here and don't move, understand or he dies." My eyes widened as she went over to Lux and dragged him over to the door that led to the dining room. She picked him up by his shirt collar and opened the door to the dining room. Where Mina and Padmé were, their eyes filled with fear as they realized that this woman had a blaster to Lux's head and that he was unconscious.

"Eleanor, what are you doing?" Mrs. Bonteri asks.

"I am taking what I want, for years I have done your bidding working for you only to be paid almost nothing while you and the rest of your family have feasts and parties up here. But I will not take this abuse any longer. You will go and get me all the credits you have in this house, the access codes to your bank accounts, and any leverage you have over the senate. And if you don't do exactly as I say I will kill your son and tell everyone that you are helping a Jedi and a Republican senator."

"Fine, Eleanor I will do as you say please just don't hurt Lux he is the only family that I have left." Mrs. Bonteri said, tears filling in the corner of her eyes.

As Mina walked out into the hallway, where I still was, she whispered to me, "Don't do anything reckless," And in response I nodded my head.

"Hey you, Jedi, get over here," Eleanor said, so I got up and walked into the dinning room where Padmé, Eleanor, and the still unconscious Lux were. She came over to Padmé and me. She then put force damping cuffs on one of my wrists and the other on Padmé's. Now there was no way I could intervene without getting Padmé hurt or even killed. Eleanor had us sit down in two dining room chairs while she still held Lux close to her, who was starting to wake up.
Seconds later Mina walked in with a case full of credits and said "Here, now let my son go."
Lux was now awake and confused at what was going on. He then menovered his way out of Elearnos grasp and was now free.

"What is going on? Mom, why are you giving Eleanor all those credits?" He asks, then a look of realization spreads across his face as he realized that we were all being held hostage, Eleanor then came over to me putting the gun against my Montrals. Lux raised his voice as he said,"No! Do not hurt her, we will give you whatever you want." In his stern senator voice.

"Hand the briefcase to me slowly and don't try to do anything or she will die," Eleanor says. Then Mina hands the brief cask over to Lux who walks over to Eleanor. I give him a look to tell him not to do it but instead all he does is mouth's I'm sorry, and hands the briefcase over to Eleanor who takes the gun off the head. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Know I am going to leave and if you try any funny business I have a bomb in this room that will explode right after I press this button and it will lock the doors as well so you cant esacpe." Eleanor says, this was my chance she was going to kill us all the moment she left this room so I needed to take action now. This was going to hurt a lot though, I took my free hand to my cuffed hand and put a lot of pressure on my thumb till I heard a little snap, which meant I had dislocated it allowing me to easily take the cuff off. I quickly snapped my thumb back into place and charged forward to stop Eleanor before she left.

She didn't see me coming so I quickly kicked the brief case out of her hands, but she moved the arm that had the control for the bomb so I couldn't turn it off. She swiftly took out her gun and started shooting at me so by using the force I threw a chair at her knocking her to the ground. When I got there I found that she was knocked out cold, but the control for the bomb malfunctioned and the timer for the bomb already started. I tried to see if I could stop it but the minute timer had already started so I rushed to see if I could get the door open but it wouldn't budge. Next I reached out to the force to see if I could find the bomb.

"Ahsoka what's going on?" Padmé asked, worried. I used the force to flip the table over where I found the bomb, that only had 30 seconds left on it.

"Is that the bomb?" Lux asks as his eyes widen with fear as the timer ticks down, I fiddle around with the wires trying to find the one I was looking for but I couldn't find it and I was running out of time. So I did something crazy. I knew the bomb was large enough to destroy this whole house and everyone in it so I needed to get it away from here. I grabbed the bomb, it was around the size of my hand and wasn't too heaving.

"Ahsoka, what are you doing?" Padmé asks I couldn't look her in the eyes, I then turned to start running but Lux grabbed my arm and said in a whisper, "Ahsoka, please dont I can't lose anyone else."

"I am sorry I have to do this, I won't let you or anyone else die." I immediately turned and started running as fast as possible, using the force to smash the glass on the window. I jumped out and used the force to land gently on the ground, luckily the Bonteri estate is surrounded by a forest of trees. So as soon as I was on the ground I broke into a sprint, trying to get as far away as possible as the seconds count down. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five. I droped the bomb and started running the other way, three, two, one. I heard the ear shattering blast as the bomb went off and I could feel as the heat and fire from the bomb get closer and closer to me, then everything went black.

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