Chapter 16: Cover Up

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Padmé's POV

The next morning...

The senate was called back into session at the earliest time possible to figure out how to proceed after last night's attack. Anakin had been called back to the Jedi temple, probably for another mission, while I was in senate meetings. I still haven't gotten to explain why we went to Raxus. By the way he was talking to Ahsoka last night, he definitely didn't seem to be happy about it and I felt bad for not telling him. But nonetheless those problems would have to wait, right now the fun was starting back up again bright and earlier at 6:00 am in the morning.

"Members of the senate, please, please..." Chancellor Paltanine pleaded trying to calm down the rousing senate.
"How dare they?" Senator Gane asked.

"They attack and now they want peace." Senator Paulness asks.

"Chancellor Palpatine, may I remind the senators that the peace proposal was made prior to their assault" I say.
"That only highlights its insincerity." Senator Gane says.

"Chancellor Palpatine, in the light of this unprovoked attack on Coruscant and the vulnerabilities it raises, I propose the republic purchase an additional five billion clone troopers." Senator Halle Burtoni said.

"The republic is already operating in deep debt. How do you suppose we pay for these additional troops?" Senator Organa asks.

"My people are drafting an emergency appropriations bill that would raise funds." Senator Burtoni said.
"From the Banking Clan?" I ask.

"Yes of course. Do you have an alternate means of paying?" She asked.

"One alternative might be able to stop the war, not escalate it." I said.

"Traitor." I heard senators all throughout the room say. I felt betrayed, all I was trying to do was be a voice of reason, why couldn't they see that?

"Whoever attacked the power grid wants us to continue the fight. It's a calculated attempt to destroy the peace process. Not everyone in the confederacy wants this. I know this for a fact." I say pleading to the sent that the separatist did want peace.

"You have separatist friends, Senator." Senator Deechi asked.

"Whose side are you on?" I heard senators yell at me. I looked down at my hands. I felt like the whole galaxy was against me right now and all I wanted to do was hide. Hide from their faces from their words that could stab you just as sharp as a knife.

"Please, the young senator from Naboo makes a point. There is no need... We have just received a message from our opponent, Count Dooku." Chancellor Palpatine says.

"Your republic forces have carried out a barbaric attack on our people, and of the deaths was the very sponsor of the peace accord, Senator Mina Bonerti." Dooku said as the recorder hologram played.

"What? No." I said as I covered my mouth as I gasped. When? How? Why?

"With her needle's death I must formally withdraw the proposal for peace offered by our senate." Dooku said. My heart sank as I sat down in my chair. I failed. We were so close to achieving peace. Now it seemed like we would never achieve it and this war would go on killing and destroying countless galaxies and people.

"We must not show weakness!" A senator yelled out. Soon the senate was adjourned to allow time to think and process what had just happened and we would vote a few days later on if more troops were needed. It had been a long morning, the senate meeting had gone until almost noon. I was tired but I had to keep pushing forward. I had to keep fighting. I was walking down the hallway with Teckla on my left and Senator Bail Organa just a little bit behind me on my right.

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