Chapter 15: The Senate Meeting

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Ahsoka's POV

As soon as I came to, I was back in Padmé's apartment lying on the floor in her living room. My head was pounding. I probably hit it on something when I passed out. As I stood up I noticed how cold I was, I shivered a bit and rubbed my bare shoulder. I looked outside and the sun was just starting to set. No wonder I was so cold. How long had I been out for? I rubbed the sides of my montrals trying to get rid of the headache I had. What had happened? I wondered. Then it all came back to me, and the only word that came to my mind was Lux. I got up and rushed to the guest bedroom. I searched through my bag until I found the holoprojector that I had made sure to keep hidden. I pressed the button that would call Lux on an incripided line. I listened as it rang one, twice, three, four, five times. Please pick up Lux, please I just need to know if you are ok. Then finally he answered. I could tell he was exhausted. His eyes were red from crying, there were circles under his eyes, and his hair was a mess. Not to mention his shirt was untucked and instead of having his shoulders and head held high he was slouching.

"Sky. It's good to see you." Lux said in an enthusiastic way, it looked as if all the energy and life in him had been sucked out.

"Hey L, are you ok I just got the news of your mothers death." I said trying to sound as caring as possible.

"What? How it only happened a few hours ago." He asked in a shocked tone of voice.

"We have spies everywhere." I said, which was technically true. So was I really lying?

"Really?" Lux asked while giving me a tiny smile which made me smile. At least I could bring him a bit of joy and laughter.

"Really." I say giving him a grin in return. I couldn't tell him that I had seen his mother die through his eyes and felt all his pain, that was just too overwhelming and confusing for Lux right now."Are you ok?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I have no idea, I have lost everyone." He said looking down at the ground as he held back tears.

"Well you haven't lost me and I can assure you that I am not going anywhere anytime soon." I say trying to make him not feel so alone right now.

"That does make me feel a bit better." Lux says, giving me a tiny smile. Kriff even when he was depressed and full of grief and pain Lux still was pretty cute. Ahsoka! Stopping thinking about that. I thought as I scolded myself for letting my mind wander like that. Remember purpose must come before feeling.

"Where are you right now?" I asked.

"I just finished talking to the droid police department about what happened, and am now heading back to the house." He said.

"What did you tell them?" I ask in a curious tone.

"That a burglar broke into the house through the window in my mom's office. She was in there, they shot her and they took some files from my mom's desk, which they probably were after the whole time." He said as if he had rehearsed it multiple times.

"Interesting." I say.

"What?" Lux asks.

"You are just a really good liar, you probably fooled all those droids for sure." I said.

"How did you know I was lying?" He asked not even trying to cover up the fact that I had figured out that he wasn't telling the truth.

"Like I said, we have spies everywhere. That's how I know that your mom was murdered by Ventress and not by some random burglar." I said and soon decided to change the subject seeing that the mention of his moms murdered was bringing Lux immense pain. "What are you going to do when you get home?" I asked.

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