Chapter 28: A Call For Help

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Ahsoka's POV

I jolted awake from my peaceful sleep as I felt the ship lung out of hyperspace. Which meant we were close to wherever we were headed to. I looked around and it seemed that all the others had fallen asleep in their cages. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. Instead I decided to stare at the metal bars of the cage for a while. Thinking.

"I wonder?" I whispered to myself as I sat up and placed my hands on the top of the cage. Then I pushed forward with all my might. That's when I felt the metal break off and the cage opened up. 'Force, I love having super strength,' I thought to myself as I climbed out of the cage that I had been trapped in.
I tiptoed down the hallway as I made my way to the cockpit. I leaned against the wall by the door so I could hear what they were saying inside.

"We have found new prey for the hunt. The youngling will provide great sport." I heard one of the Trandoshans say.

"Perhaps your first Jedi kill. Are you ready, Young Dar?" Another Trandoshan said, this one had a very deep voice.

"She'll die by my claws." A younger Trandoshan said, with a higher pitched voice.

"Your son will outplay all comers."

"We'll take this new batch to Island Four," The one with the deep voice said.

I had distinguished that there were at least three Trandoshans in there. I knew I couldn't hold my own against all of them so I would have to find a way to sneak in there. But how was the question? I couldn't just walk right in through the door. I would either get knocked out or killed within seconds. I looked up as I thought of a possible solution. That's when the answer came to me. The vents. I carefully lifted the metal cover off the vent that was right above me with the force, then I jumped up into it.

I was surprised by how big the ventilation system was, it left plenty of room for me to crawl through. I would just have to make sure that I didn't make too much noise. I carefully crawled forward, going deeper into the cockpit. I peeked through the closet vent and saw that I was right above the controls. That's when I force pushed the vent cover down, knocking out the Trandoshan in the pilot's seat.

I then jumped into the cockpit. That's when I noticed that the Trandoshans head had flung forward landing on the steering wheel causing the ship to start to tip over on its right side, while we were still in the air. I went sliding over to the right, getting slammed into some sort of control panel. The other two Trandoshans had noticed what had happened and started making their way over towards me. But one of them in the process accidently hit the controls that opened the emergency airlock door. I quickly grabbed onto a loose seat belt to prevent me from flying out the door. I looked over and saw that the other two Trandoshans had also found something to hold on to. I then looked up and saw that the Trandoshan that I had knocked out earlier was starting to wake up. He soon realized what was going on. That's when he jerked the steering wheel left and right, back and forth, up and down. Trying to make me lose my grip, and it was working. I felt my hands slipping as I tried to get a better grip on the slick seatbelt. That's when my hands gave out and the strong wind carried me out the door.

I quickly opened my eyes and saw that the ground was getting much closer. I reached out both my hands and created a force pillow that stopped my fall. As soon as I was safely on the ground I rushed into the woods as I saw one of the Trandoshans start firing at me with the ship's main artillery gun. I didn't even think, I just started running as fast as I could, into the dark jungle.

After a while I decided to stop and catch my breath. I had been running for at least the past thirty minutes and was now deep into the thick jungle. I decided to take a rest as I climbed high up into a nearby tree. I finally sat down and rested my head against the tree trunk. I knew that now was not the time to sleep but my eyes were starting to feel heavy. I closed them for a quick second then opened them again. 'I need something to do.' I thought to myself. That's when I remembered what was still in my pocket. I immediately pulled it out and pressed the on button. But nothing happened.

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