Chapter 14: Mina Bonteri

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Ahsoka's POV

After I was finished with my sandwich I decided to go sit outside in the open area that was right off Padmé's living room. The streets of Coruscant were busy with life as usual. The wind from the cars made me shiver a bit as it hit my bare shoulders. Coruscant didn't have any natural weather so it was mostly sunny and the only real wind came from the hundreds of cars all flying in different directions trying to go to different places. I decided to sit down on the ground with my legs crossed. I closed my eyes allowing the sun to warm and soothe my body as my shoulders relaxed and I started taking deep breaths; in through the nose out through the mouth. I decided to take a second and just enjoy this moment, something I usually didn't do. But ever since I had met Lux I decided I would never take anything for granted. I would enjoy every sunset, sunrise, the rain, the snow, everything that was so simple yet so beautiful. I sat like that for a while until I felt something. I felt a wave of pain and grief come over, it was so overwhelming I almost fell as I was trying to get up. But it wasn't my pain it was someone else's, I searched through the force to find who was feeling this; it had to be someone I was close to. Then I found a force signature, it was Lux. A million questions raced through my head. Was he in danger? What was going on? Where was he? Was he hurt or worse? But I couldn't find an answer to any of my questions because everything went dark as I fell to the ground, hitting my head and passing out.
When I finally came to I was no longer at Padmé apartment, I was now on a spiral staircase. I tried to move my body but I couldn't, I could only see what was going on. Then I realized I wasn't in my body, I was in Lux's. I could see his thoughts and feel his emotions. Then I heard a doorbell ring. I watched as Mina Bonteri walked over and opened the door. I was shocked by who was outside, Ventress. I wanted to run over and attack her but I couldn't, I wanted to scream, get away from her, but I couldn't. All I could do was watch, watch as this evil malevolent monster walked into the Bonteri's house with that sinister grin on her face.

"Hello, Ventress." Mina says. I wondered how she knew who Ventress was?

"You must be Mina Bonteri." Ventures says in a worried way. She was up to something but what?

"I am indeed." Mina says in response.
"It is a pleasure to meet you." Ventress says, which didn't sound like something she would ever say.

"You as well, know what brings you here?" Mina asks.

"Count Dooko has sent me here with some information that he wanted me to deliver to you personally." Ventress says. What? Since when was she Dooku's messenger?

"Then it must be very important, please come in, we can discuss this further in my office." Mina says, as she guides Ventress to her office. As soon as they had closed the door Lux rushed over to see what was going on, peeking through the small crack in the door. I saw Mina and Ventress standing near Mina's office desk. Her office was a decent size, it was probably as big as the bedroom I had stayed in when I was there. Behind her desk was a huge bookcase that went across the whole back wall. Her glass desk which had her computer and paper work on it was a few feet away from the book case. As I looked around I noticed Ventress's hands resting on her lightsaber hilts. Then it hit me, I knew why Ventress was there.

"What did Count Dooku want to tell me?" Mina asked as she turned around to face Ventress. I then watched as Ventress turned on her two red lightsabers and stabbed Mina in the stomach with both of them. She then whispered the next part in Mina's ear.
"He wanted me to tell you that he doesn't like traitors." Ventress says. She then used the force to shatter one of the windows in the office and jumped out of it and ran towards her ship. I heard Lux scream Nooooooooooooooooooo. Tears started running down his face as he ran to his mom. Lux rapped his arms around his mom cradling her in his arms. This was so awful, I could feel Lux's pain. It was overwhelming and I couldn't do anything to comfort him.

"Mom stay with me please, please." Lux pleaded to his mom.

"My beautiful son, I don't have much time, but I want you to know how proud I am of you. Even when I am gone, never stop fighting for what's right. Carry on my legacy, be an even greater senator than I was, end this war and bring peace to this universe. I love you." Mina said.

"I love you too." Lux said his eyes still filled with tears. I watched as Mina's body sank and she closed her eyes. I could feel her life force fade until it was gone. "Mom? Mom? Please open your eyes? Don't leave, I need you. Mom, mom, mom, mom?!?" Lux said as tears ran down his face like a river until he was sobbing as he held his mothers limp body in his hands. I could feel that he was filled with pain, rage, agony, suffering, torment, misery, and grief. I didnt know what to do. I wanted to cry, not for myself but for Lux. He was in so much pain and it hurt me so much that all I could do was watch. Watch as my friend went through immense pain. I tried with everything I had to use the force to reach out to Lux to comfort him. To let him know he wasn't alone. But it didn't work. Then my vision began to blur up. I thought it was just Lux balling his eyes out but it wasn't. Everything kept getting even more clouded until it all went black.

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