Chapter 11: The Necklace

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Lux's POV

I watched as Ahsoka rushed over to where the vines were to climb down to the water.
"Ahsoka stop, the boat is too far away to swim to it." I say in a stern voice.

"Well how else are we going to get to the boat?" Ahsoka asks.

"If you take a closer look you can see that the boat is heading in our direction. Once it gets close enough we can swim out to it." I say trying to be a voice of reason.

"Fine." She says

"So calm down." I say grabbing onto Ahsoka's shoulder trying to help her calm her down.

"Ok." She says I could then feel her relax her shoulders.

"Come here, let's sit down." I took Ashoka over to a rock and we both sat down, it was burning hot right now and we both were probably a little dehydrated. So I could tell why Ahsoka might be on edge right now. We sat there staring at the water watching as the boat started to get closer but it felt like it was taking forever. I then remembered what I had put in my pocket, I quickly reached into my pants and was relieved when I felt the metal chain touch my fingers. Few, it was still there.

"Soka." I say.

"Yes Lux?" She asks.

"I... I have something I want to give to you." I say, stuttering a bit. I was pretty nervous that she wouldn't like it.

"Oh Lux you didn't have to get me anything." Ahsoka says, turning to face me.

"I wanted to." I say carefully pulling out the golden chained necklace with the diamond shaped sapphire from my pocket. "Here." I say gently placing it in her hands.

"Lux, it's... beautiful, you really didn't have to do this."

"Well I wanted you to have something so you remembered me." I say.

"Lux, there is no way in the universe that I am going to forget about you." Ahsoka says as she stares at the necklace for a while admiring the shimmering sapphire.

"It reminded me of your eyes." I say and I watched as Ahsoka's lekku darkened which I had figured out ment she was blushing, this made me blush a touch too. Then she carefully went under her back lekku and connected the golden chain.

"Thank you so much Lux." Ahsoka says.
"You're very welcome, Soka." I then ask "So what are we so post to do now?"

"I don't know." She says it took a few minutes but Ahsoka soon figured out a question to ask. "What's your favorite color?" She asks.
"Orange, but not like a regular organ like a light orange you see when the sun sets or rises. It's kinda like a mix of pink, blue, orange, and yellow." I say then I ask, "What's yours?"

"Um, white." She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because it is pure and good." She says.

"Just like you." I say I could see Ahsoka start to plush again. We sat there for a bit until I thought of something else to ask, "When's your birthday."

"My what?"

"Your birthday, you know when you were born." I say as I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Oh, sorry we don't really celebrate birthdays at the temple." Ahsoka says with a bit of sadness and remorse in her voice.

"Why?" I ask, completely shocked by what Ahsoka had just told me.

"They find it pointless and a waste of time."

"That's awful." I say.

"Ya it is." Ahsoka says, looking down at the ground.

"So you have never celebrated your birthday ever?"

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