Chapter 23: The Mission

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Ahsoka's POV

I walked down the very same hallways I had been for the past twelve years. The same off white curved pillars holding up the pyramid-like roof of the temple. The same red carpeting lining the hallways, along with little gold features on the walls and the rim's of the carpet. Which gave the temple a royal and majestic look.

Jedi masters, Knights, Padawans, and younglings were spread across the vast hallway. Some were in a rush, because they were late to a strategy meeting or missing their lesson with their master. While others were just enjoying the beauty of the temple. Which mostly consisted of Jedi masters; who had their hands behind their back and their heads held high as they looked out towards the garden. Or they were admiring the beauty of the complex temple that we were fortunate enough to call home.

The temple had a very royal and luxurious look to it. With its large pillars and hallways that looked like they went on forever. As well as the grand staircases and the elaborate gardens outside. With statues, fountains, and an array of different plants that made it a perfect place to meditate.

I couldn't help but think how wonderful life could be. I mean look at this place. But at the same time my mind was on the war; that seemed to consume my life. If I wasn't training, I was on the battlefield, and if I wasn't on the battlefield, I was heading off on a mission with my master. Speaking of missions, I had been thinking a lot about my most recent one. I had found out that both my parents were dead, that I had some special destiny that awaited me, and somehow had attained unimaginable powers that I had no idea how to use. The Daughter was so possessed to guide me but so far I haven't gotten a single sign or message or voice in my head since that mission. Which Anakin decided to name it mission Mortis. He chose Mortis because it means death. Which I thought was ironic since we somehow killed The Daughter, The Father, and The Son and destroyed the mystical place they lived in. I couldn't help but wonder if I did something wrong, if I was responsible for the pain that was brought to them? And if somehow in the process I did something to disbalance the universe? Which would be pretty bad.
I was quickly pulled from my thoughts as I almost ran into a Jedi knight who was rushing off somewhere. I myself was on my way to a strategy meeting with my master about a rescue mission and for once, I might actually be early. Beep. Beep. Beep. I spoke too soon. I rushed over into the younglings training room. Which was empty because they were all outside in the garden meditating with master Yoda. I grabbed the holoprojector out of a pocket on my belt; which was where it usually stayed. I just wanted to have it on me in case there was an emergency or if he just wanted to talk. Like right now. I pressed the answer button and the dark room was illuminated by the blue light. I watched as a familiar face started to form, and I couldn't help but smile as I saw Lux appear. It had been a few weeks since his mothers death and you could tell it still really depressed him. But today something was different. Today he was smiling. He looked happy, truly happy. And I couldn't help but smile at his sweet innocent face.

"Hey L." I say in a hushed voice that way no one would hear me. It seemed a bit unnecessary because of the multitude of people talking out in the hallway. But I wanted to be careful, just in case.

"Hey sky I hope this isn't a bad time i just wanted someone to talk to." He said in almost a whisper, which made me wonder where he was.

"Nope I have nothing going on." I say, trying my best to sound sincere. When really this wasn't the best time to talk. I quickly looked at the clock which was just above me. Kriff. I am officially late to the meeting. Well I will just have to make something up to tell my master.

"Kriff this isn't a good time is it?" Lux asked in an annoyed tone of voice, even though he knew what the answer was going to be before he even asked.

"Not really." I responded with, while giving him a warm smile to try and make him feel better.

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