Chapter 3: The Moment

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Lux's POV

Ahsoka and I sat on the swings for what felt like only a few minutes turned into a few hours. We talked about a range of things: war, life, the Jedi, our childhoods, and even our favorite activities. I was becoming more amazed by her every second. She was only fifteen, yet she'd already been through so much, like me. And there was something about her that made me feel like I could share all my deepest darkest secrets, and she would never tell a single soul any of them. I felt safe with her, like we had known each other for an eternity, even though we only met this morning. Which was an odd sensation I had never really experienced with anyone but her.

I looked to the sky and saw as the sun was starting to set. The blazing ball of fire slowly fell below the horizon. I stood, quickly grabbing Ahsoka's hand, and started running.
"Lux, where are you taking me? And why are you in such a hurry?" she panted, as I urged her to go faster.

"I am taking you somewhere special. It's a surprise, so cover your eyes."

"What?" She shouted, alarmed. "I am not going to cover my eyes! If I do that I'll fall face first onto the floor!"

"No worries," I said, grabbing both of her hands. "I got you, I promise I won't let you fall."

Ahsoka slowly shut her eyes, and held on tightly to my hands as she let me guide her through the house. She was fully trusting me in a way only friends would, and it meant a lot to me.

As we reached the door, I led Ahsoka carefully out onto the top of the roof and whispered, "You can open your eyes now."

Ahsoka's face lit up and her jaw dropped open when she saw the magnificent sunset. We were on the roof, and you could see everything perfectly above the trees. The sunset filled the sky with pink and oranges that looked like paint strokes across a canvas, and there was a little touch of blue that reminded me of Ashoka eyes. It was peaceful and calm, and for a moment it felt like we weren't Seperatist and Jedi. It felt like we were just two friends enjoying each other's company.

We sat down on the roof together, and she laid her head on my shoulder. We stayed like that for a while, silent, watching as the sun set. Unfortunately it started to get dark, so I forced myself to get up, "Ahsoka, we should probably go inside. Dinner will be ready soon."
Just then I could feel the tile beneath me on the roof come loose. Before I knew it I was falling down the roof. No, now I had fallen off the roof and was plummeting to my impending death. I thought to myself as I saw the ground get closer: Is this really how you are going to go out? Falling off a roof? And you didn't even get the chance to kiss Ahsoka. What a loser.
Just milliseconds away from hitting the solid concrete my body seized up. Gravity seemed to reverse, and instead I started to float up. As I reached the roof I saw Ahsoka using the force to hold me up, and I stared at her, wide-eyed with awe. She set me down gently on to the roof, and quickly rushed over to where I was now laying.

"Never do that again," she ordered, "because if you die on my watch your mom is going to be so pissed at me." Ahsoka gave me a grin and helped me to my feet as she lightly punched me in the arm.

We both stopped talking, our smiles melted away, and an awkward silence filled the evening air. She looked into my eyes and I stared back into her's. The space between our faces started getting smaller, and our lips were merry inches apart. I saw Ahsoka flutter her eyes closed and she leaned forward a bit. I did the same, and I could feel her gentle, steady breath on my lips. We were in dangerously close proximity. Right when I thought it would happen, but when we were just about to kiss, we heard a ring, we quickly separated, and both of us took a huge step back. Kriff. Screw that stupid dinner bell, I thought angrily.

"That's the dinner bell...We should probably head in," Ahsoka said hesitantly, stepping forward. I nodded and followed behind her as we headed back into the house. We didn't exchange any words, just letting the silence grow awkwardly between us. When we finally got to the dining room I started to say something, but nothing came out, the world disappeared, and everything went pitch black.

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