Chapter 21: The Father

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Ahsoka's POV

Obi-Wan had made the discussion that he would be flying the ship back and that Anakin and I were going to rest. Right now I was in the back part of the ship, laying on the bunk bed on the right side of the room. While Anakin was laying on the one on the other side of the room. I looked at him; he was peacefully asleep. I knew he had seen something that had shaken him up but him being the great Anakin Skywalker I knew he wasn't going to tell me about it any time soon.

I on the other hand could not seem to fall asleep, my head was going a thousand miles per hour. I had so many questions that I wanted answers to. But anytime I tried today to get answers from The Father all he said was that my questions would be answered one day and that I should trust in the force and let it guide me. Whatever that was supposed to mean.

Now we were headed back to the jedi cruiser, and were probably going to get assigned on our next mission. But I didn't want to go back, I felt like I hadn't completed my mission here. Like there was still something else I had to do and what about the prophecy The Father had told me? I had learned more about my future and what my destiny was. But what about the part where the first will sacrifice themself, the second will suffer a fate much worse than death, and the third will be consumed by darkness? Did that apply to Anakin, Obi-Wan, and me or did it apply to The Daughter, The Father, and The Son?

I tossed and turned trying to fall asleep but I just couldn't. My left shoulder started to hurt a lot. I must have hit it when I fell out the window. I could have dislocated it but I had just started to notice the pain right now, which was odd. Then it started to burn like my shoulder was on fire. I tried to touch it but as soon as I did I flinched, causing my whole body to jerk in pain. It hurt as much as a blaster shot. I got up and quietly walked over to the bathroom, so as not to wake up Anakin. I looked in the mirror and almost gasped as I saw what was now on my left shoulder.
There was an engraving that looked like a birthmark but it hadn't been there before. It was as big as the circular bottom hilt of my lightsaber. There were two wing-like symbols that came up the sides and in the middle was what looked like a lightsaber with a star at the bottom that was connected to the lightsaber sword thing. The whole thing was surrounded by a thin circular outline. 'What the kriff?' I whispered out loud. I tried to touch it but my shoulder still burned and felt like it was on fire. I moved closer to the mirror to try and get a closer look at it. It kinda looked like the Jedi knight symbol that was on Anakin's and Obi-Wan's armor that was found on their shoulders. Luckily my outfit mostly covered the mark up.

I quickly pulled myself out of my thoughts as I heard a groan come from the other room. Anakin must be waking up. I rushed out of the bathroom and went over to sit on my bed.

"Were you having a nightmare?" I asked.

"Something like that." Anakin said, rubbing his eyes as he tried to wake up and adjust to the light.

"If you're done napping, I could use a little help here." Obi-Wan says sarcastically, sometimes I thought he could be more sassy than a teenager. 

"I'm coming." Anakin says as he starts walking towards the cockpit. I started to follow him when something grabbed me. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I looked up and found The Son holding on to me, covering my mouth with his hand so I couldn't scream.

"Leaving so soon?" The Son says in a sinister voice. "Not without this, you won't." He says as he gives a small cackle. Then the platform below opens and I fall through with the Son still holding on to me.

"Ahsoka!" Anakin yelled as he reached out to try and grab me but couldn't. 'Great here we go again' I thought.

"Master!" I yell back. The Son soon transformed into his bat form and started flying off. I tried to stay conscious but everything soon went pitch black.  

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