Chapter 25: Counterattack

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Ahsoka's POV

I expected to feel my body get insinstered as soon as I hit the lava. I could feel the heat from the molten liquid getting closer and closer and closer. I closed my eyes. I waited to feel the lava first touch my back and then in gulf the rest of my body. But that never happened, I never felt the lava hit my body. Instead I felt my back hit something hard, something solid. I turned over my head and saw that by some miracle I had landed on a hard rock platform that was completely surrounded by lava; and even worse I could feel it slowly moving down the river of magma. I quickly stood up and inspected my surroundings. I was on a small moving platform that was a little bigger than the length of my body. There was nothing for me to grab onto and there was no way to stop. Although I wasn't going that fast I knew I was definitely moving. I couldn't jump off the rock onto the path, because it was too far away and this platform was too unstable to force jump from.

Then I heard a voice whisper, "Patience." I quickly realized that it was The Daughter's voice.

"What do you mean patience? I don't have time, I have to get off this rock as fast as possible." I said allowed even though there was no one in front of me to talk to, which probably looked really weird if someone was watching me do this.

"Patience." The Daughter said once again. I let out a sigh, well I didn't really have any other choice. So I sat down on the small floating platform, which was surprisingly cold. I crossed my legs and closed my eyes. I waited for what seemed like forever, when it probably was only a few minutes. Then I felt the force urge me to open my eyes and when I did I saw a small platform right by the side of the cliff. Which was exactly what I needed. I quickly stood up and used the force to stop the floating platform from moving, then I force pushed myself up off the rock and landed perfectly on the platform. I then force jumped up the side of the cliff back onto the pathway. I immediately got up and started running down the path back towards my master.

"Snips, what took you so long?" Anakin asked me as I finally made it back to where my master and the clones were.

"I just ran into a little bit of trouble."

"How much trouble?" He asked with concern and curiosity in his voice.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." I said back to him.

"Artoo, are you and your battle droids ready to go?" My master asked Artoo through his com link. In response I heard an array of different beeping noises that basically meant Artoo was all ready to go. "All right, get the ship fired up, we'll meet you at the pipeline exit after you've picked up Obi-Wan, assuming he's still on schedule." My master said in response. Then he turned off his com and we started heading down the pathway.

A bit later

I carefully walked down the thin pathway. To my right were the rocky walls and to my left was the cliff that led straight down to the molten hot lava. I turned around the next corner, the clone troopers right behind me. I quickly scanned my surroundings and found that it was clear. I slightly moved my hand, signaling that the cost was all clear and that we could continue walking.

In a place like The Citadel I learned that you can never let you guard down. You had no idea what might await you around every corner, so you had to make sure you were prepared for anything and everything. As I led the troops forward, I could hear a faint beeping noise coming from behind us. I quickly put my hand up and the troops stopped. I got on my com link and called my master.

Then I whispered,"Master, we have an incoming spy droid."

"I see it." My master says in response. He was currently in the back of the group so he could get to it easier. I soon heard a lightsaber being ignited then the sound of metal hitting the ground. I guess we won't have to worry about that spy droid. I walked forward kneeling down to see if there were any incoming clankers, but I found nothing. As soon as I got up, Captain Tarkin was standing right next to me. 'Oh great, what does this guy want?" I thought in my head.
"I am beginning to admire the design of this fortress. It's rather formidable to evade." Captain Tarkin.

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