Chapter 27: Kidnapped

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Ahsoka's POV

I was off again on yet another mission. To the planet of Felucia, located in the outer rim. It is the third time I have been to this planet. The first time was for the first battle of Felucia which we unfortunately lost. The second time was when Anakin crashed our ship here. We had found a small village nearby where we had crashed; that had been struggling to protect their crops from pirates. We stayed and helped the bounty hunters they hired to protect their crops from the pirates, and found that it was Hondo. I hated hearing his name. Ever since I had found out that he had taken my mother to the sith and killed my father I haven't been able to hear his name without feeling enraged. He deserved to die, painfully. 'But that isn't the Jedi way.' I thought to myself. Still, that didn't make me want to kill him any less. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as Master Plo Koon started talking. I was kneeling down right next to him, it was night and we were about to mount our offensive against one of the droid outposts here on Felucia.

"Droid reinforcements have just arrived." Master Plo said as he looked through his binoculars. "We shall break into three groups to divide their defenses. I'll take the left flank. Skywalker, attack the front gate, Ahsoka, you scale the back wall, we'll meet in the middle." He said as he pointed at the areas of the outpost that all three of us were so posed to be for the attack. Then I stood up and walked over to my master.

"Okay, scouts, find me a way down there, quiet-like." Anakin said to some tracking clones who were dressed in camouflage armor.

"Going through the front gate won't be easy." I said as I walked over to my Master.

"You have it tougher going over that wall."

"You taught me well. I can handle anything."

"Don't get cocky. I am going to have Captain Rex go with you, just in case."

"Fine by me master, but you know I don't need a babysitter right?"

"Yes I know snips, I just want to make sure you have someone watching your back." My master says to me.

"You know I already have someone doing that." I said back to him

"Who?" He asked.

"Me." I said in a snippy tone of voice.

"Snips-." My master started to say but I immediately cut him off and instead finished his sentence by saying, "I know, master I'll be careful." Which I knew was exactly what he was going to say. Because he has always told me to be careful before every battle or mission that I have ever been on. Then I walked away from my master and grabbed some of the clones from the 104th and Rex. After that we headed off to get into position.

I made my way through the thick forest, quietly. The planet of Felucia had a very hot and humid environment during the day that was much more forgiving at night. The planet also is covered in an array of plants; some were light blues that contrasted with other plants that were more of a golden yellow color. Those ones gave off a bright glow at night. Which made it easier to navigate through the thick forests when it was dark.

I carefully lead the group of clones towards the wall. Scanning every area for anything dangerous. All of a sudden I heard a weird hissing sound come from nearby.

"Hold up, I sense something out there." I say putting uo my hand to signal for the rest of the clone troops to stop.

"A droid?" Comet asked me.

"I don't think so." I said back to him as I scanned my surroundings. "Probably just an animal." I say and continued walking. As soon as we were at the wall I hid behind a nearby tree and the rest of the troops took cover as well. That way we wouldn't be seen by the droids that were guarding the top of the wall. I then turned on my com and whispered, "We're in position." Soon after that I heard the main canons hit the base. I gave a nod to Comet and Sinker which was the signal for them to shoot down the two droids guarding the top of the wall.

"Comet, Sinker, Boost, get up there." I yelled to the clone troopers as I got out my lightsabers. They all got out their grappling hooks and started climbing up the wall.

"We're all clear, Commander, come on up." Comet yelled down to me.

"I'll be right up." I yelled back I still had an uneasy feeling that something was out there watching me.

"Rex, get up there." I said as I realized that Rex still hadn't climbed up the wall.

"Not until you go up there first." Rex said to me.

"Rex just go."

"What are you waiting for?" He said to me as he placed his hands on his two blasters.

"Something out there. I can sense it moving." I whispered to Rex, that's when I saw a golden electric net coming right towards me. I quickly jumped out of the way of the net. At the same time a Trandoshan emerged from the forest. After seeing that the net had failed to hit me, he got out a blaster. And fired it right at me. As soon as the stun hit me my body went numb and I fell to the ground. The last thing I remembered was hearing Rex yell "Ahsoka!" Then I saw the Trandoshan hit Rex in the head with the back of his blaster. Causing Rex to fall down unconscious, right next to me. I tried to stay awake, but my eyes wouldn't stay open. I then felt as my eyelids slowly shut and everything went pitch black.

Anakin's POV

"The outpost is secure." Comet said to me.

"Good job, Corporal. Where's Commander Tano and Captain Rex?" I asked him.

"They were covering our flank when we scaled the wall." Comet said in response.

"Everybody fan out. I want a perimeter sweep now." I say to all of the clone troopers. Then I looked to by right and saw Res walking towards me.

"Rex, where have you been?" I asked as I walked over to him

"General I-" Rex started to say but I quickly cut him off.

"Where is Ahsoka?" I asked him. That's when I noticed what Rex had in his hands. I saw one main lightsaber and a small shoto one as well. Both looked exactly like Ahsoka's lightsabers. "Where is she?" I asked Rex as panic and fear started to fill my head along with thousands of thoughts of where she might be right now and if she was even alive.

"We were about to go up the back wall when this Trandoshan stunned Ahsoka and managed to knock me out as well. When I came to Ahsoka was gone and her lightsabers were laying on the ground." Rex said in an ashamed voice as he showed me Ahsoka's lightsabers.

"What! Where could he have taken her?" I
asked Rex with a worried tone of voice.

"I don't know sir." Rex said to me.

"I need everyone out on a perimeter sweep of this entire area right now. And I need to know of any ships entering and leaving the atmosphere at this moment. Let's go!" I said yelling to all the clone troopers. They quickly dispatched going into the forest or over to the control panels. I then rushed over to Master Plo.

I stared him dead in the eyes and said, "Ahsoka's been kidnapped."

Ahsoka's POV

"Ahsoka, state your location. Ahsoka, come in. Are you there? Can you hear me? Ahsoka, come in. Where could she be?" I slowly opened my eyes as the sound of my master's concerned voice filled my head. I tried to remember what had happened. That's when my vision became clear. I quickly jumped up but in the process hit my montrals on the top of the cage that I was in. I looked up and saw a Trandoshan holding my com link. "Ahsoka, can you hear me? Are you ok? Ahsoka!" I heard Anakin say.

"You won't be needing this." The creature said as he smashed my com link into a thousand pieces. The comforting sound of my master's voice disappeared and only left a cold silence in its place. I watched as the Trandoshan walked away and slammed the door to whatever room I was in shut. I looked around and there were dozens of cages, some with people trapped inside them. Then I saw someone locked inside a small cage right across from me.

"Hey, what is this place? Who are these pirates?" I asked.

"These are Trandoshans, they're gonna release us and hunt us down for sport." He said in a very melancholy voice.

"Hunt us down?" I asked in shock. Out of all the things. Why? What kind of insane person would capture people then let them go only so that you can kill them? This was absolutely insane. Then I remembered what was in my pocket. I knew I couldn't use it now, they would take it away before I ever got the chance to use it. So instead I closed my eyes and rested as I tried to save up as much energy as I could.

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