Chapter 26: Rescued

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Obi-Wan's POV

"Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan! Stop! We have to go back and get Ahsoka." I hear Anakin yell from behind me. I could hear the agony in his voice as he begged me to have the group turn around and go back for Ahsoka. But I couldn't do that, purpose must come before feelings. So I just kept walking forward.

"I am sorry Anakin, Ahsoka is gone." I said to Anakin who had caught up with me and was now in-sink with my steps.

"No, she isn't." Anakin says to me as we both stop waking and let the rest of the clone troopers go ahead of us.

"Anakin you saw for yourself, no one could survive an explosion like that."

"I won't leave her." Anakin says with determination.

"Anakin I am sorry, I know the two of you were close." I say in a remorseful tone of voice. I knew what it was like to have a Padawan. It is a great responsibility that can not be taken lightly. I also knew the bond that is built between a master and a Padawan. After losing my own master I had let the dark side tempt me. For a short period of time I let my rage and anger for revenge fuel me in my fight to kill Maul. Or I guess it is now only an attempt because unfortunately that sleemo couldn't die and stay dead.

"Close? She was my padawan master. I thought of her as my little sister. It was my responsibility to protect her and I have failed." Anakin says as his eyes fall to the ground. I could tell that Ankin was very disappointed in himself. I imagine that he blames himself for Ahsoka getting killed in that explosion.

"I am sorry Anakin, but we have to keep moving. I need to call Master Plo Koon and see what the plan is to get us off this rock." I say tro Anakin as i grab my holoprojector out of my pocket and turn it on.

"Master Kenobi, what has happened?" Master Plo Koon asks.

"I'm afraid there has been an incident." I say in response.

"What kind of incident?" He asks with concern in his voice.

"There was an explosion that completely destroyed the ship, and Ahsoka..." I started to speak but couldn't finish the sentence. I knew that Plo Koon was very fond of Ahsoka and that hearing that she had died would break his heart.

"What about little soka?" He asks with even more concern and a bit of fear in his voice.
"I regret to inform you that she is... dead." I say to Master Plo.

"What! How?" He asked as he looked as if he was in shock.

"There was a clone trooper inside the ship she tried to save him but in the process got herself killed."

"This is very sad news, how is Anakin doing with all this?" Master Plo Koon asks.

"He is in denial, which is expected." I said in response as I stroked my beard.

"Indeed, I'm sending our cruisers now." Plo Koon says.

"Thank you Master Plo." I say in response.
"Your welcome and Obi-Wan, may the force be with you."

Ahsoka's POV

I looked around, I was alone and surrounded by nothing but the sizzling fire; that sounded similar to a hissing snake. The fierce flames waved up and down against the protective shield that was covering us. I felt the sweat dripping down my back from the immense heat that was surrounding the outside of the shield. Echo was lying on the ground, unconscious. The ear piercing sound that came from the explosion along with the overwhelming warmth of the fire had caused him to pass out.
I waited for the fire to calm down but it only seemed as if it was getting even more considerable in size. I was kneeling on the ground, my hands still up, trying to keep the force field going. But it has gotten much smaller, I knew that I couldn't hold this for much longer. But if I let go the flames would engulf both me and Echo within seconds. I looked outside and watched the sparks coming off the fire as it danced all around. The colors of the flames, rich in its deep red and bright orange colors. The smell of burning steel and fuel stung my throat and nostrils as I tried to breathe.

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