Chapter 12: Goodbye's

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Ahsoka's POV

I rushed up to my room soon after Padme had told me that we would be leaving tonight. I was up in my room packing up my stuff in my small bag. I made sure that the holoprojector that Lux had gotten me would be safe in the front pocket of my suitcase. I walked over to the other side of the room and for some reason I  stopped at the mirror. I looked at myself and my eyes soon wandered to the necklace Lux had bought me. He was right, the sapphire did match my eyes perfectly. 'He must have searched forever to find it.' I thought then I wondered 'when did he find it.' It didn't take me long to figure it out. So that's what Lux was really doing, not wandering around the market and thinking about food he was buying me this necklace. I soon continued packing but I stopped as I was about to put the aqua dress into my bag. I couldn't believe it was only last night that Lux and I had that romantic dinner. It felt like it had been so much longer than that. I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door to my room.
"Come in." I say as I shove the dress into the bag along with the other few pairs of clothes that I had brought. I didn't have much but as a Jedi this was all you really needed. As the door opened I was thrilled to see Lux standing there. But his somber and melancholy face brought me down a bit. I hated seeing Lux in pain.

"Was up Lux?" I ask.

"Nothin, just wanted to come see you." He says in a very casual tone of voice.

"Well I am glad you did." I say as I give
him a great full smile. I continued packing up all my stuff, even though there really wasn't much for me to pack up. Then Lux walked over to the French doors that were clear so you could see the ocean outside them.

"Look at the sunset." He says as he stares outside the window I walked over and stood next to him.

"It's beautiful." I say.

"Just like you are."

"Lux." I say.

"What, it's true." He says.

"Smooth Bonteri, but I do believe you said something along those very lines this morning." I say.

"What, no I didn't, I have no recollection of that ever going on." Lux says.

"Sure you don't." I say.

"No I telling the truth." He says.

"Ok Lux Bonteri I will let this slide but just this one time." I say letting a bit of my sassy tone come through in my voice. I then turned my attention back to the setting sun. I usually didn't get to see anything this beautiful so I wanted to make sure that I never forgot what it looked like.

"I actually have something to give you." Lux says. I was definitely surprised, Lux had already given me a necklace, what more could I need or want.

"Lux you already have done so much for me you really don't have to do anything else." I say.

"I know but I think you are really going to like it." He says pulling out two holoprojectors from his pocket.

"Holoprojectors?" I ask.

"Not just any holoprojectors, they are on an increptive line so no one will know that a separatist is contacting a republican; they also have voice altering and appearance altering software just in case we need it. This way we can keep in touch without anyone knowing."

"Lux, this is amazing, thank you so much." I say. I was in utter shock, I had been so worried that I would never be able to see or talk to Lux again. Then I did something Lux didn't see coming. I gave him a hug. At first he was surprised but soon he wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like this for a while. I wanted to make sure I took in every detail about Lux, afraid and scared that I would never see him in person again. "Lux I." I begin saying but I got interrupted by Lux. 

"It's ok Ahoska I know I am going to miss you too, but I have a feeling that this will not be the last time we see each other." Lux says, he kinda sounded like a Jedi when he said that.

"I know, I just have enjoyed coming here so much. It just felt like this war was millions of light years away. I just didn't have to worry or stress about it. But now I have to go back and I am ok with that. I am a Jedi after all, it is my duty to keep the peace but ever since this war started it is just feels like the Jedi are being used to fight this war. I just wish I could stay here forever."

"I get it, life can be very hard. I should know I have lost my little sister and my father. But everything will be ok in the end, trust me." Lux says, we both pulled out of the hug and turned back toward the sun set. Lux then takes my hand. The feeling of his skin touching mine still made my heart beat faster. For this one second I just let myself be in this moment. But unfortunately it couldn't last forever.

"Ahsoka it's time to go." I heard Padme yell from downstairs.

"Ok I will be right down." I say yelling so she would hear me. I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out of my room with Lux right behind me. We got in one of the Bonteri's shuttles that would take us to a transport that would be going to Mandalore; which was a neutral system. There we would get on another transport that would take us back to Coruscant.
We soon landed on the platform with the shuttle we would be taking to Mandalore in sight. It was time for the thing I had been dreading. Goodbyes.

"Well, this is goodbye." Padmé says as she faces Mina. I could definitely tell the two were very good friends and it broke my heart a bit that they had ended up on opposite sides of this war.

"I've been disappointed before and yet I almost feel as if this time the tide has turned in the war. You should hurry." Mina says as she pulls up Padmé's hood. "Goodbye young one." She says turning towards me, in response I simply nod my head.

"You really believe the Republic will vote for peace." Lux asks me. 

"I hope so, I wouldn't want to meet you on the battlefield, for your sake." I say with a bit of sass in my tone of voice. Then I smiled at Lux and he did the same.

"Go you two quickly." Mina says, both me and Padmé turn around and start walking towards the shuttle. As we got onto it I looked back at Lux one more time. We immediately made eye contact and I got lost in his greenish blue eyes once again. In them you could see the large amount of pain and responsibility he had to carry but you could also see hope. Hope that there is a better future ahead of us all. One with no wars and violence but rather one that was peaceful and filled with the light side of the force. It still shocked me that we had met only a few days ago. I had learned so much about this war I was fighting and I knew one thing was for sure, I would never forget Lux Bonteri.

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