Chapter 17: Secrets

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Padmé's POV

Later that night...

I was monetarily in my crowded small office which my head of security, Ahsoka, and a few security guards were in. The lights were off so everyone could see the holoprojector that was placed in the middle of the room. For all of us to see, right now a map of the streets of Coruscant was up. It featured the more wealthy levels of the plant.

"So tonight you will go back to senator Christo's apartment, just walk into the building, stay in there for a few minutes, act like he wasn't home and leave. We will have a driver take you and will later meet you at this spot." Ahsoka said as she pointed to a dead end street. "As soon as you leave his apartment, start walking down the same way you did when you got attacked." She says pointing at the street I had recently been on. "The bounty hunters should still be in that area cleaning up the mess they made. Once they see you make a run for the speeder that will be waiting for you right around the corner." Ahsoka said, pointing to a corner on the map. "Get on it and start driving down this street, it isn't too populated. More than likely they will follow you, once you have put enough distance between you and them turn down this alleyway that will lead to a dead end. Once you're close enough to the wall, stall the engine. Make sure you are high enough up so that you fall a good 50 feet. Stay on until you're close to the ground, right before the speeder crashes into the ground. I will use the force to get you off and you get on to a transport that will be waiting for you."
"This seems like a pretty crazy plan." I say.
"The more crazy the plan, the better chance of success." Ahoska says in her sassy cool tone. She was definitely a teenager.

"I am not sure that is how it works, if anything you are sounding just like your master." I say, which was very true. Ahsoka was so much like Anakin in so many different ways.

"Well I am his Padawan." She says.

"Why do I need to be chased by bounty hunters?" I asked.

"They need to see the explosion to believe it. Then and only then will they truly believe you are dead." Ahsoka says.

"Makes sense but how will they know there was a body in the wreckage?" I ask.

"We are going to cover the wreckage in oil so it will burn to the ground." She says.

"How will they know it was me?" I ask.

"We will put a fake sentate security badge near the wreckage and the vehicle is registered in your name. We will also leave pieces of DNA, like fingerprints prints, on the speeder that they will be able to identify as yours." She says.

"What about security cameras?" I ask.

"There are none in this area that's why we choose it, it is basically a dark spot, not many of them exist in such a populated place like Coruscant so it was a little hard to find, especially one this close to the senate building." Ahoska says.

"Where will I go after I supposedly die?" I ask.

"After you are in the speeder we are going to take you to a secret apartment room in the lower levels that is used by the Jedi for undercover missions." Ahsoka says.

"You have really planned everything out, ok I think I am ready let's get going." I say.

I was walking down the same street I had been on all of a few hours ago, I looked down the alley way that I had been attacked in. The memory was still fresh in my mind. I had thought that those bounty hunters would never take the risk of trying to kill a galactic senator on Coruscant and besides I could take care of myself. But tonight was different, when one of the bought hunters was holding a knife to my throat I had really thought I was going to die. Right now I couldn't help but think about what would have happened if I had died. What would happen to Anakin, how would my family react? I then realized there was still so much that I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to see the end of this war and I wanted to see a galaxy that was peaceful and not controlled by fear. I wanted to be with Anakin for the rest of my life. Maybe after the war ended he could leave the Jedi council. We could go live at my parents lake house on Naboo, we could even start a family. Maybe. Everything was so complicated right now with this war I barely got to see Anakin and when I did he was always rushing off to somewhere else. It was hard to think about the future right now but it helped to bring me hope. Fantasizing about the future that awaited me and Anakin brought me pure joy and I realized that one day I did want to have kids. But I knew this was not the time for any of that. I would never want to bring a child into this corrupt galaxy filled with nothing but war and violence. I soon reached the corner and found that two people were following close behind me. I heard them pick up the pace as I turned the corner and as I did I looked back and saw it was the same two people who had attacked me earlier. I broke into a sprint rushing to where the speeder was and quickly got on. The bigger one went for his own speeder while the smaller one was able to grab on to the back of my speeder. As I got into one of the lanes he was able to crawl up to where I was. He grabbed onto my hair, yanking it causing me to scream. I took the steering wheel, yanking it left into another lane; this caused him to fall to the back of the speeder but he was still holding on. Kriff. I needed to get him off somehow. Then I saw a hollow screen that was floating in the air. I went towards it and quickly went beneath it knocking the tail of my speeder into it causing the bounty hunter to fall off. I kept going and looked behind me to see that the bigger one had caught him in his own speeder. They were far behind me, so it would take them some time to catch up. This was the perfect time to finish out the plan. I turned down one street that no one was on that led to the dead end where Ahsoka was waiting. I was at least one hundred feet in the air. I was a few feet away from the wall when I caused the engine to stall. That's when the speeder started falling out of the sky. I could feel the wind burn on my cheeks from the coldness and the speed that I was falling out of the air from. I was holding on for dear life to the handles on the speeder. My hands were hurting from how tight I was holding on so that I wouldn't fall off. It felt like I had been falling for forever when I saw the ground get closer, closer, and closer. Ahsoka, where are you? I wondered. I closed my eyes as the ground got closer, I slowly let go of the handles as I felt myself slowly get lifted off the speeder and was pulled over to an alleyway. When I opened my eyes the speeder had exploded below me, the heat from it barely touched me as I floated over to where Ahsoka was.

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