Chapter 2: The Talk

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Ahsoka's POV

I told Padme that I needed some fresh air after the conversation I was having with Mina got a little out of hand. I walked out into the garden, just wanting some alone time. The day was beautiful, and I breathed in the cool fresh air. I was closing my eyes, relaxing in the breeze, when I sensed another presence nearby. I looked around, and my eyes landed on a dark figure.

Lux. I recognized him immediately.

"Hello," he said, tilting his head as he walked towards me.

"Hi," I replied.

He then proceeded to ask me a pretty stupid question. "You are a Jedi aren't you?"

I frowned. "Yes, why do you ask?"

He fell in step beside me and we started to stroll. "I guess I'm just trying to understand. Before the war, I was always told that the Jedi were peacekeepers meant to protect the galaxy. Now everyone blames them for starting the war."

"What do you think of the Jedi?" I asked.

"I don't know. You're the first one I have ever met," Lux said.

"Well, look at me. I'm not so bad, am I?" I said as I stopped walking, crossing my arms and letting a little of my sass shine through.
Lux looked me down from head to toe, and I immediately wondered what he was thinking.

"No, not so bad at all," he responded, smirking a bit. Probably because he liked what he saw.
I rolled my eyes and said, "Well, it seems all boys are the same, whether they're Republican or Separatists." I started to walk away, smiling to myself.

Then Lux called, "Wait!"

I froze as he continued talking. "I am probably the first separatist you've ever met that isn't a droid and I'm not so bad, am I?"

Lux stood there in the same stance I had, with his arms crossed over his chest. It gave me an even better look at his body.

He was tall, and a little muscular in the arms and abdomen, usual for a human boy of his age. But my gaze kept being drawn to those eyes that made me never want to leave.
He felt my stare and smiled. "So?"

I could feel my lekku darken as I responded with, "No, not bad at all."

After a few awkward moments of silence, Lux finally spoke up. "Well, you probably already know that my name is Lux Bonteri."

I nodded. "Yeah."

"But I don't know yours, and I don't think I should call you 'The Jedi' the entire time you are staying here, so what is your name?"

I smiled a bit and said, "My name is Ahsoka. Ahsoka Tano."

"Ahsoka. Wow, that is a beautiful name that goes with an even more beautiful girl."
My lekku started to darken even more. Was he really flirting with me? Should I flirt back?

No! Ahsoka, you're a Jedi. You are NOT

ALLOWED to form attachments.

But those eyes...

Oh, screw it.

"You're not so bad looking yourself," I murmured.

Lux put his hand out and said, "Come with me. I want to show you something."

I hesitated for a moment, but in the end took his hand. When our fingers touched, I felt something, like a spark that I had never felt with anyone else. It was an exhilarating feeling, and I held on tightly to his hand as he started to run. I smiled as I tried to run at the same pace as him.

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