Chapter 30: This is Goodbye but Not Forever

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Ahsoka's POV

There he was, clear as day in front of me. There was no mistaking it, I wasn't dreaming or hilosantating. He had gotten my distress call and had come to save me.

"Ahsoka are you alright?" Lux asked me. His arms were still tightly gripped around my shoulders, helping to keep me balanced.

"Yes I am fine." I said as my ears stopped ringing and I was fully able to comprehend what was going on. "You came to help me?" I was shocked that he would drop everything to come and save me.

"Of course I did Ahsoka you are my friend, plus this will make a pretty good story to tell someday." He said with a smirk on his face. I let out a small laugh at the last comment he made.

"I bet it will, but can we first get out of this awful planet, then we can start bragging about it to people."

"Fair enough." Lux said. It was then that I actually realized what Lux was holding in his left hand. A blaster. I made a note to myself to ask him later where and how he got one. I quickly turned my head around as I heard a blaster shot go off that Lux had fired. A heart beat later a Trandoshan was lying on the ground only feet away from the two of us. I looked up to see the whole base now lit up with lights and the leader Trandoshan was still watching the battle taking place right below him.

"I have something I have to take care of." I said as I looked Lux in the eyes.

"Go, I will be right here waiting for you." Lux said as he went over to help the Wookiees tie up some of the Trandoshans. I took a few steps back and then I force jumped up to where the leader of the Trandoshans was. I gently landed on the balcony and walked into the main gathering room. It was pitch dark in there but luckily since I was a togruta I had echol location, so I could hear him breathing as I entered the room. I managed to walk about five steps when suddenly the lights turned on. Illuminating the room with a dim yellow light. I looked around the room, and Trandoshan was nowhere to be found. The walls were covered in the heads of all the Padawans and younglings that they had killed. In the back of the room was a wooden throne and there was a long table in the middle. I listened, quietly making my way over to where the throne was. I could hear his breathing getting louder, he was very close. I stopped behind the throne and found that no one was there. I paused listening and watching for any movement nearby. That's when I heard a growl come from behind me. I turned around and moved to the side just in time as the Trandoshan came jumping down from one of the second level balconies that surrounded the room. He quickly got up and tried to punch me in the stomach but I just moved to his left side and punched him in the rib. The leader went falling back onto his throne that was now knocked over. He made a low growling noise that I presumed met that he was pissed off. The Trandoshan then swooped his leg under my feet causing me to fall to the ground. He got up grabbing his blaster. I quickly used the force to move it away. I got up off the ground. Back flipping onto the dining room table behind me, kicking the blaster out of the Trandoshan hand in the process. He jumped up onto the table, getting into a fight stance and putting his fist in the air. He started to try and make blows at my stomach, arms, and head. I blocked every single one of them. I swiftly turned around and kicked him in the back causing him to fall onto the floor in front of the long table.

I walked forward to the front of the table and said. "You're beaten."

"You murdered my son, and you need to pay for what you did."

"Your son died because of your own actions, not mine." I then yelled, "Don't!" As he got up reached for a smaller blaster that was on the ground only a feet away from him. That's when I force pushed him away from it. So harshly that he went flying out the door and falling over the balcony railing. I rushed out to look over the side to see that he had fallen to his death. I jumped over the railing and used the force to softly land on the platform below. I looked at him. At the Trandoshan that I had just killed. I couldn't help but think about the jedi code, we do not kill out of hatred. Yet I had killed multiple Trandoshans in the past few days, some in self defense others just out of anger. That they had killed Kalifa, that they took all these innocent Padawans and Younglings so that they could hunt them down like animals and hang them on a wall as trophies. The thought of it made my blood boil with anger. But anger led to the dark side. Yet I was not a sith and I was able to use that anger to help seek justice for my friend's death. I knew The Daughter's power was inside me but I could also sense a bit of The Son's as well. That is what made me a Grey Jedi. I could walk the thin line between good and evil and use both sides to my advantage without succumbing to the dark side. I realized I had been staring at the dead Trandoshan for quite some time. So long that I didn't notice that Lux, at one point, came and stood next to me.

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