Chapter 22: The Son

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Ahsoka's POV

I was floating around in darkness; there was nothing and no one. All I felt was alone and cold. Was this what it felt like to die? I thought it would feel different. I thought I would feel more connected to the force. That I would be able to feel and see all the jedi who came before. But right now all I felt was alone, nothing else. Then a comforting presence entered the vast void of nothingness. I looked behind me to find a bright light, and inside that light was The Daughter.

"What happened, am I dead?" I asked The Daughter, squinting my eyes as the bright light started to get closer.

"You were but I assure you that you are very much alive right now." The Daughter says. The bright light had faded and I could now see The Daughter. She had a bright glowing aura surrounding her as she floated gently in the air.
"How?" I asked.

"I sacrificed myself to save you, now the two of us are connected." The Daughter says.

"You did not have to do that." I say, shocked that a stranger who I had only met a few days ago would do that for me.

"It was prophesied that the first would sacrifice themself for the good of the universe. It was my destiny to save you."

"Thank you." I say to The Daughter.

"You're welcome, now where to start." The Daughter says.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused about what The Daughter was saying.

"Well you now have my powers." She says casually.

"What! How?" I ask.

"When I sacrificed myself to save you I gave you all my powers of the light side. They will help amplify your powers to use the force and will strengthen every cell in your body. It will take some time for you to learn how to use your new powers but with my guidance and training you will become the greatest Grey Jedi to ever live."

"What does it mean to be a Grey Jedi?" I ask.

"There is no light without the dark
Through passion you gain focus
Through knowledge you gain power
Through serenity you gain strength
Through victory you gain harmony
There is only the force
You will do what you must to keep the balance
The balance is what keeps you together
Flowing through all is balance
There is no peace without a passion to
There is no passion without peace to
Knowledge fades without the strength to
Power blinds without the serenity to see
There is no good without evil but evil 
must not be allowed to flourish
There is freedom in life
There is purpose in death
The force is all things and you are the force
You are the wielder of the flame, the
protector of balance
You are the holder of the torch, lighting the way
You are the keeper of the flame, soldier of
You are the guardian of balance
That is what it means to be a Grey Jedi. That is your code."

"Wow, that was a very long code. Do I have to memorize that whole thing?" I ask The Daughter, trying to be a little cocky. This all was a little overwhelming.

"No but you do need to understand what it means to be a Grey Jedi. And know you do. You are the guardian of balance and a warrior of peace."

"What am I supposed to do now?" I ask The Daughter.

"You will awake and go on fighting in this war, I will be there to guide you in your times of need and I will train you to use your new abilities and powers. For now you must return to the real world. Your master will need you soon. My brother knows that you are still alive and that I sacrificed myself to save you. Now he will try to use your master to escape this place. You must not let him if he does the whole galaxy is doomed. " The Daughter says and I watched as she disappeared.

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