Chapter 7: The Morning After

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Lux's POV

I stared at Ahsoka's sleeping body. Her head was resting on my shoulder and I could feel her gentle breath touching my skin as she breathed in and out. She looked peaceful, and I didn't have the heart to wake her up. But it was almost midnight, and we had to head back soon before anyone realized that we left.
I carefully picked Ahsoka up into my arms, bridal style. She was a lot lighter than I expected, probably from fighting in the war. She was likely too busy destroying droids and trying not to die to worry about what her next meal would be.

As we reached the stairs that led up to the garden, I set Ahsoka down on the ground so I could put my shoes on, and Ahsoka started to stir from her change of positions. She sighed heavily and shifted, but didn't wake up. I carefully scooped her up again, letting her cheek gently lay against my chest. I grabbed her shoes with my hand and started climbing up the steps.

Soon we were back at the house, and I quietly walked up the last steps up to the bedrooms, afraid of waking anyone up. I slowly opened the door to her room. It looked exactly like all our other guest bedrooms.

The room was painted a navy blue with white trimming, and all the furniture was either white or gray. On the back wall there was a queen sized bed with a white comforter. White and blue pillows piled on top. There were two night stands on each side with white lamps on top. The wall on the left side of the room had two doors, one leading to a closet and the other leading to a decent sized bathroom. The front wall had the door to the room, and an ornate wooden dresser with a full sized mirror next to it. In the right corner there was a comfy chair with a navy blanket on it. Then on the right wall there were two large connecting French doors. They led out to a tiny balcony that overlooked the ocean.

It was one of my favorite rooms in the whole house. When I first met Ahsoka yesterday, I made sure she would get this one. I closed the door behind me as I walked into the room. Ahsoka still rested motionlessly in my arms. I headed over to the bed, carefully placing her down on it and grabbing the navy blanket off the chair. I softly laid it on top of Ahsoka to keep her warm.

I studied her sleeping face, clear of worry and stress, and I couldn't help myself. I bent down and pressed my lips to Ahsoka's cheek, a whisper of a kiss. I knew that this was as far as I would ever get with her. Even if I wanted so much more.

I straightened up, shaking my head. I couldn't stay. I strode over to the door, ready to go to my room, collapse on my bed, and push this all out of my mind.

I was reaching for the handle when Ahsoka cried out. I spun around, but she was still lying peacefully in her bed. She mumbled something incoherent under her breath and I relaxed. Just talking in her sleep. Relax. It's time to go.
My fingers twitched towards the door, but I couldn't make my body move. It wouldn't hurt if I stayed in here for a little bit longer, right? I would just make sure that Ahsoka was okay after the exhausting day we had. This would be completely harmless.


I ran a hand through my hair, knowing this was a bad idea. But I went over to the bed anyway, settling down on the other side of it. The mattress was soft and I sank into it, releasing a heavy breath as my tense muscles started to loosen.

I watched Ahsoka for about an hour before I felt my eyes start to drift shut. I knew I shouldn't have been falling asleep, not here, but for the life of me I couldn't remember why. My lashes fluttered and my eyelids closed. Blankness spread into my mind. Soon I fell into a soothing slumber, lying next to Ahsoka.

Ahsoka's POV

I woke up feeling warm and comfortable. The sound of the ocean was still in the background, but much quieter than it had been. I wasn't on the sand anymore. I wasn't on the beach. I was in a bed, in a bedroom. My brows furrowed in confusion, I felt safe, but I didn't know why.
My eyes felt glued shut, so I reached out through the force and found a signature. I bit my lip in concentration and quickly realized it was Lux's.


I immediately opened my eyes to be greeted by the view out the window. The sun was just starting to rise over the ocean, and I could feel specks of sunlight dancing across my face. It made me feel warm inside. But that wasn't all that was making me feel that warm.

An arm was gently wrapped around my waist, holding me close. It was Lux's. His breath tickled my lekku and his cheek rested against my montrals. We were tangled together. This was a million shades of wrong, but I couldn't help but take a few blissful minutes to enjoy it.
But the sun rose higher, and I knew Lux would wake soon. I rolled out of his arms and faced him.

"Morning Lux," I said casually.

"Morning Ahsoka... AHSOKA?!" he exclaimed, fully awake as he shot up and out of my arms, his eyes wide. "What happened?" He subtly scooted away from me, and it made me feel prickly.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I sat up as well. "I don't know. How about you tell me. Last thing I remember is us laying on the beach." My tone was a bit sassy.

"Oh...yeah. You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you. So I carried you up here."

"And why are you still here?" I raised one of my eye brow markings and he ducked his head in embarrassment.

"I decided to stay with you a while just to make sure you were okay, but I guess I got tired and fell asleep too," he said sheepishly.
I immediately softened.

"You didn't have to do that Lux." I uncrossed my arms and let my hands fall into my lap.

"I wanted to," he murmured, avoiding my eyes.

"Well, I'm glad you did," I say, then winced a bit, embarrassed. There were a few moments of silence between us. I could see Lux was struggling with what to say and I was too. We were both blushing a bit.

And then his face went slack, his lips parting slightly. "Look at the sunrise," he said in wonder. I turned my head to see oranges, pinks, and yellow reflecting off the water and onto the sky, making it look a pale pink with ruffles of white clouds. Lux snagged my hand from where it was resting on the sheets and rushed out onto the balcony.

"Wow!" I said as my eyes widened in amazement.

Lux asked, "Cool isn't it?

"All the colors, and the's beautiful." I say.

Lux clearly didn't think I was paying attention to him, and he whispered under his breath, so softly I almost thought I imagined it, "Not nearly as beautiful as you."

I pretended not to hear, and instead reached for his hand. I could feel my heart beat faster as he gently set his palm in mind.

"I have never seen anything like this before in my life," I said, a hint of sadness creeping into my voice. I didn't take my eyes off of the ocean.

"You mean you have never seen the sunrise?" Lux sounded surprised, and a little concerned.

"No, I have. But they're usually not this pretty. When you're in the middle of a battle, waking up to see the sunrise just means that another day full of terrors has begun." My eyes focused on nothing as memories flashed in my mind.
Lux grabbed my shoulders and faced me towards him, a flash of worry fluttering through his expression before he quickly replaced it with a dazzling smile.

"Well, I promise you nothing bad is going to happen today. In fact, today is going to be one of the best days of your life."

"Really?" I asked doubtfully.

"Really," he responded cheerfully.

"Okay, Lux Bonteri, I challenge you to make this one of the best days of my life," I say, raising a brow.

"Challenge gladly accepted. Meet me downstairs at eight—and don't be late!" He. called, rushing out of the room.

"Okay, see you then, I guess." I closed the door and sat on the bed, just thinking about Lux. I had been having so much fun with him. Even if Lux didn't surprise me with anything special, I still had a feeling this was going to be one of the best days of my life.

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