Chapter 6: Dinner & Dancing

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Ahsoka's POV

As I walked away from Lux, I hurried up the steps and down the hall to my bedroom that I was staying in. I thought about what he had called me when he had said goodnight. Soka. Lux had given me a nickname and I liked it a lot, and I liked him a lot. But as a friend, right? Maybe more. No Ahsoka you are a Jedi you can't form attachments and you have already become friends with him you can't let it go any further, for both your sakes. He is a Separatist and you are a Jedi you both were never supposed to meet, let alone fall in love. If that is what is happening. I wished so badly that I could forget about the war and being a Jedi and just stay here with Lux. To see where this would go, to see if what we had was real. But I couldn't do that, what would Anakin, Obi-wan, Rex, or the 501st think? They needed me and I needed them. But that didn't make me stop wanting Lux. As I reached my bedroom I closed the door and shoved all my thoughts to the side. This was just too much for me to think about right now, and as I layed down on the bed I let myself fall into a deep peaceful sleep. As I thought about Lux Bonteri, the boy who had stolen my heart.

A few hours later I heard a knock at the door, I quickly looked at the clock that said it was 9:00pm. Everyone was probably in bed or asleep by now, so who in the galaxy was at my door?

"Ahsoka are you awake?" I immediately realized that it's Lux.

"I am now." I say groaning as I force myself to sit up.

"Oh sorry if I woke you up." I walked over to the door and opened it to find Lux still in his clothes he had been wearing today.

"No problem, I am feeling much better anyway."I say.

"Good, now meet me on the balcony in 10 minutes, and wear something nice."He says as a grin spreads across his face. He was definitely up to something.

"Why?" I ask with concern and curiosity in my voice as he rushes down the hallway.

"It's a surprise." He says with a huge smile on his face and the look of excitement in his eyes.
I rush over to my suitcase and get out the aqua dress and white heels that Padme insisted that she buy for me for this trip. I hurried over to the bathroom and took a wet washcloth and scrubbed down my face, arms, and legs that were pretty dirty from the explosion. I then put on the dress, the heels, some mascara and purple lick stick.

 I then put on the dress, the heels, some mascara and purple lick stick

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