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el sat down at her seat at the dining table for dinner, noticing how only she had a bowl of salad.

"take some of my mash potatoes and steak," emerson said next to her as terry snapped her head up, "leave her be."

emerson ignored her and gave some of his food to el.

"emerson." martin warned but he continued to ignore.

el noticed their scowl and gave emerson a look, "it's okay, i'm not that hungry anyways,"

"no." he sternly replied but she gave him a glare, "emerson."

"leave. her. be." terry scolded them and el moved away from emerson and closer to emilio.

"you know she is on a diet. you know that, emerson." she continued and el set a palm on her forehead.

she exhaled and closed her eyes before standing up. "i'm full," she took a bite of the salad whilst stood up before walking away with a polite nod at her parents.

"emerson," emilio mumbled.

"what!?" emerson snapped, "she needs to eat. a salad a day with nothing in it won't do shit." he stood up, "for gods sake."

"emerson, come back here," martin said gently, a completely different tone to the one used to speak to el.

el headed straight to her room, not noticing her older brother following behind.

"el," he called out to her but she ignored and shut the door behind her.

there was a party tonight and she decided not to go before but now, now her mind changed.

she was going to go. she needed some alcohol to remove this aching feeling within her. she needed to find a way to suppress it, to stop herself.

she changed into a long sleeved black dress. it covered her thighs just enough but she could feel it rubbing on her cuts.

but whatever, no one was going to notice and that was what mattered.

her room sat on the second floor, perfect for her to climb out of the window. once she put on some platform boots and grabbed her purse, she checked herself out in the mirror to make sure her face looked fine.

she did some quick eyeliner and highlights then rushed to her window to climb down the side.

her room was locked and her brothers nor parents would probably suspect a thing.

once she reached her motorcycle, she quickly put on her dark red—almost black—helmet and started the vehicle.

she could care less if her parents noticed anyways.

whatever she did, she wasn't good enough for them.

so why not live life to the fullest till it all comes crumbling down after her?


"tequila!" el cheered drunkenly before dancing to the music.

the house was filled with people, she honestly had no idea where she was right now.

she only knew she was somewhere in new york drunk out of her mind.

"hey," someone's arm wrapped around her body.

she didn't bother to turn, "not interested, bud," though she was drunk, she still knew how to reject.

she felt a hand trail down the side of her body and she tried to move but she was surrounded by drunk people.

"asshole, she said not interested." someone said and removed the hand, "fuck off or i'll throw you out."

now, el turned. her vision was slightly blurred but she could still shape out this handsome mans face. her grin widened and her arms opened, "hello!"

"you're drunk," he simply stated.

"am not!" she laughed, "what's your name?"

"you're el, right?" he questioned, dodging her question.

she hummed then nodded, "yep! yours?"

"mike," he said, "you should go home. aint safe around here,"

"nothing about frat parties are," she said then tilted her head bag to chug her drink down, "bye now!" she went straight back to dancing.

"do you need a ride?" he questioned her but she simply shook her head, "nope, see you!"

'god, she is so drunk,' mike thought to himself but el gasped.

"i'm not!" she denied but he raised his eyebrows in response.

he did not say that out loud to her.

"i don't like you," she walked away from him then to the kitchen to grab another drink.

'a bluff' he thought to himself, wondering if she would walk back but she didn't.

she was not seen again for the whole night.


"where the fuck is she," ezra stormed into eli's room, "you're her so called wombmate, tell me where she is."

"she didn't tell me shit," eli snapped and pointed at emilio, "you're her favourite. she must have told you,"

"she didn't!" he bit, "i swear to god if something happened to her—"

elijah cut him off, holding up a hand and motioned to his phone, "i just found her."

"where!?" emerson hopped over eli's bed and to grab the phone.

nicholas: attachment 1 photo

nicholas: this ur sis passed out on my sofa or someone w the same face?

a picture of el asleep on a couch with a blanket over her.

"who the fuck is that!" ezra exclaimed but emerson shushed him, "don't alert mom and dad, it's going to get el into trouble."

"let's just go grab el from whoever the fuck this nicholas is,"

"it's my college friend, i guess they hosted a party at their house," elijah muttered and grabbed his keys, "i'll go get her, just in case mom and dad needs one of us. cover for me, yeah?"

they nod, "yeah."

it didn't take long for elijah to arrive at the house, it was practically empty now. once he passed the front gate, he quickly knocked on their door for him to enter.

"bro, i don't know if she's passed out or asleep, man." nicholas said as he opened the door.

elijah nodded, "thank you," he tried to walk past him but nicholas stopped him.

"shoes off please. we just cleaned the floors."

"you literally had a fucking party,"

"that we cleaned up from. place it by the shoe rack." nicholas smiled before moving for him to enter.

"hey man, we would've put her up in the guest room but we didn't wanna like.. touch her," sam came downstairs and elijah walked over to the couch where el was at.

"thanks guys," he stroke his sisters face in attempt to wake her up but she only stirred a bit before moving to the side.

"alright, little rose," he set his arms under her body then carried her bridal style, "let's go home now."

she sunk down into his grasp and murmured, "i don't wanna go home."

"we have to," he walked out the door without another glance at his friends since his main focus was now on his sister.

she shook her head lightly. "mama and papa.."

"don't worry about them. i won't let them hurt you," he simply assured before setting her into his car, "you will be alright, el. i promise."

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