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"since i'm sad, should i dress up and make myself hot or be comfy so i can sleep in class?" el asked mike as she jumped on his body in the morning to catch him by surprise.

"do what you want." he grumbled tiredly, "if you want to be more hot then dress up," he told her with a little yawn as she got off of his body on the bed.

"i do," she stood, "first we need to deal with this crazy hair." she sat down on his desk as he grinned and sat by his headboard.

"i could definitely get used to this,"

"used to what?" she asked, gathering the upper half of her hair and making sure there weren't any bumps.

"watching you get ready in the mornings." he smiled and she smiled back at him through her mirror that she set up.

"help pick out an outfit for me. i think i can trust you enough, right?" she put half of her hair into a ponytail and turned back to smile.

"hm, definitely," he nodded and stood up to her clothes as she started to do her makeup quickly.

"ooh! these are stretchy!" he gasped and picked up her leather pants which made her giggle.

"wear these with.. it's kinda cold so this and this blazer jacket thing?" he threw the clothes on the bed and she nodded, "looks perfect, cupcake."

after she did her eye liner and mascara, she stood up and went over to hug him. "can you check my bandage?"

he nodded and looked down, "is my hair in it or something?" she asked and he only shook his head, "it's fine."

she turned, giving him a kiss on the cheek then smiled, "okay, thank you," she moved away from him and began to change, "don't tell me you're going to walk besides me in a ugly hoodie."

"i will change!" he exclaimed and pulled out a black sweatshirt and a pair of cargo pants.

she changed into the super cropped turtle neck she had that only stopped below her boobs by a bit and if she raised her hands, it'll move up.

which she hated so she just needed to be careful. there was also a small cut out on the top of her chest which is a reason why mike picked out the outfit but he knew it was cold so he picked out a jacket for her.

after she changed into her clothes, she put on the long black blazer and put on some heeled boots as well because if she was going to sit at school for a full day, she was going to look nice doing it.

"i'll go help karen with breakfast," she kissed his cheek and grabbed her bag once she was changed then exited his room.

after all, she was the guest.

as she reached the kitchen, she dropped her bag down onto a stool then went over to help set out the plates. "morning karen,"

"morning, dear," she smiled back, "are you feeling better?" she asked when el set up the cutlery.

"i am, thank you," el smiled sweetly as karen placed the food on the plates for el to bring it to the dining table.

"what's taking mike so long?" karen exhaled and brought over a large glass of orange juice and some glasses.

el leaned over to whisper teasingly, "he needs more time to make sure he looks good."

karen chuckled, "even you were quicker and all he had to do was change," they sat down on their seats as el laughed.

"i am just that naturally beautiful with my very natural lashes and eyeliner." she nodded teasingly which earned a laugh from karen.

"thank you for allowing me stay the night," el's voice softened as she stabbed the eggs with her fork.

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