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"that's my girl," emerson grinned and walked in, "i hated that fucking nurse for you but i couldn't do shit about it," he walked to the bed where everyone else gathered.

"you made her resign." elijah smirked and rubbed el's cheeks, "so proud of you!"

"thank you," she smiled as she laid her head down on mike's shoulder who laid besides her on his phone.

eli continued his angry frown from the side of the bed considering how mike took his spot even when el told him he could still lay on the other side.

but he just huffed and said he didn't like to share.

"have you seen this?" mike showed her something on his phone and she went to look.

she let out a giggle at the video of cows sitting on their asses, "i saw that before. it's so cute, not going to lie,"

"kinda looks like you, dove," he teased as her eyes widened and she sat up, "you ass!" she shoved him and he let out a snicker.

"no," she corrected herself, "you fat ass cow."

"fat ass cow." eli repeated with her and el nodded in satisfaction just as the door opened.

"who's there?" el asked emerson since everyone was hovering around the bed and blocking her view.

"what do you want?" ezra ignored her question and asked which made el roll her eyes.

she heard the door shut and so she used her hands to make elliot and elijah move aside.

once they did and she saw who came into her room, her lips curved up into a smile.

she shuffled off mike to the edge of the bed then opened her arms, "hop!"

he was so happy to hear such nickname come from her mouth and he quickly went to hug her.

"bitch, who the fuck is this?" emilio asked by el ignored him and set her chin on hopper's shoulder.

"hi kiddo," he grinned as she pulled her head back to face him.

"what are you doing here?" she asked him as he roughly pulled out a chair and sat down.

"overheard some of my colleagues say they were coming to talk to you. i assumed you didn't want to talk to them and once i heard you were awake, i wanted to come see you too," he smiled then showed her a plastic bag, "i got m&ms's."

she grinned and went to fish out something she wanted from the bag then went to ask him, "are you going to ask me questions then?"

"there's really not much to ask. there were cameras by the highway." he said, "i see you don't need an oxygen tube anymore. your chart said you did."

"i pulled it out."

"of course you did," he smiled.

she placed an m&m in her mouth the hummed, "these are my brothers, by the way. eli, ezra, emilio, elliot, elijah and emerson. this is my cupcake mike," she pointed to mike.

mike turned and gave her a glare, "and you're my dove then."

"gladly, cupcake," she teased whilst she blinked at him then turned back to hopper.

"thank you for visiting," she said with a small smile, "i appreciate it."

he grinned, "you're welcome," he then looked at the door, "well, i have to go. i'll come back to visit when i can,"

she nodded, "alright," she gave him a small smile before she sneaked a hand into his bag.

"hey, hey, these are for next time." he stood up and pulled back as she gasped.

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